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To think these messages from my friend is bonkers?

122 replies

runrunforyourfreedom · 10/06/2021 22:01

My friend will send me pictures every couple of days, like a picture of her face captioned 'tell me how good I look' or a body picture captioned, 'what's that runrun, I'm looking rather skinny?' Or a selfie saying, 'isn't my skin positively glowing'. It actually is making me laugh writing that down, I'm not even kidding 😂

This is very odd right? What do I respond to these? So far I ignore.

OP posts:
redheadonascooter · 10/06/2021 22:19

She is definitely going to try to sell you shite. I'm going with Juice Plus or that wanky coffee.

Also, send the cat Grin

Wearywithteens · 10/06/2021 22:19

This reply has been withdrawn

This has been withdrawn at the poster's request.

omgthepain · 10/06/2021 22:19

She sounds bonkers
Block and avoid and run for the hills!

ChatterMonkey · 10/06/2021 22:20

@userxx its in reference to the OP's username 😂 im guessing shes substituted it here so as not to disclose her real name which im assuming was used in the original text 😂

TwoBlondes · 10/06/2021 22:20

It sounds like she's channelling Amanda from Friends!

underneaththeash · 10/06/2021 22:20

That's bloody odd.....same sort of thing happened to me just before we left DD's first school a few years ago.
I had no idea what to say, so said nothing and she stopped texting me!

JayAlfredPrufrock · 10/06/2021 22:20


Runrun is the op.

CarnationCat · 10/06/2021 22:20

Sounds like she had confidence issues. It is strange and you're not here to validate her.

I would reply ad hoc. Some emojis every few texts. 'Aren't I looking good?' 😄🥰

runrunforyourfreedom · 10/06/2021 22:21

@Wearywithteens this woman is exactly the same, really intelligent, successful, professional woman. I'm really quite confused, selling shit could be an explanation but it would surprise me.

OP posts:
Ogwen · 10/06/2021 22:21


What the fuck does runrun mean? She sounds a twat to be honest.

runrun is the OP
JayAlfredPrufrock · 10/06/2021 22:21

Oops wrong person

TacoSunday · 10/06/2021 22:21


What the fuck does runrun mean? She sounds a twat to be honest.

The OP swapped out her real name for her MN username Grin
purpleben · 10/06/2021 22:21


If it was a friend of mine I would have to assume she was joking and reply with a 😂

This is what I would do
AllTheUsernamesAreAlreadyTaken · 10/06/2021 22:21

I lost a very dear friend to Juice Plus.

Janaih · 10/06/2021 22:21

Maybe try the mumsnet shiz of talking about biscuits. Or just send her pics of biscuits. Suggest custard creams to start.

Stormwhale · 10/06/2021 22:21

Runrun is referring to the op.

If she hadn't named you op I would have said the best response would be, "not sure this was meant for me?". I think just ignore and hope she gets the hint. Totally weird.

BumCat · 10/06/2021 22:22

This is 100% MLM. Skinny tea or juice plus. Some shit like that.

Allmyarseandpeggymartin · 10/06/2021 22:23

New school friend - check
Look at how I’m glowing - check
Not in touch with reality - it’s a MLM hun!!!!

runrunforyourfreedom · 10/06/2021 22:23

@BumCat I wish she'd get to the bloody selling then 😂 no mention of it when I see her on school run

OP posts:
ChatterMonkey · 10/06/2021 22:24

My guess is a MLM, possibly the same one an aquaintance is posting about on facebook a lot atm... Something to do with collagen? Think the brand is Modere or something like that, its not very obvious.

Ogwen · 10/06/2021 22:24

Ugh, crosspost- sorry.

OP, I think I’d have to keep ignoring to see how long she’d keep it up, then eventually text her about something completely different with no reference to her other messages. Eventually she’ll either get bored and stop, or she’ll ask you directly why you haven’t responded and you can tell her the truth. Because it’s weird.

gingerandproud4always · 10/06/2021 22:25

Are they filters and she's making a joke about the difference?


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MRex · 10/06/2021 22:25

Could be selling aloe products? I have a vague acquaintance who sent odd photos and messages who was selling that. I'd like to have sent her the cat thing. I just blocked her instead.

bigbluecup · 10/06/2021 22:26


It sounds like she's channelling Amanda from Friends!

They are quotes from Amanda 😂 that was my first thought

If she tells you she’s never had any formal dance training, she’s a friends fan
KavvLar · 10/06/2021 22:26

@TwoBlondes yes! "Feel my ABS!! I don't even work out!!!"

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