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To think these messages from my friend is bonkers?

122 replies

runrunforyourfreedom · 10/06/2021 22:01

My friend will send me pictures every couple of days, like a picture of her face captioned 'tell me how good I look' or a body picture captioned, 'what's that runrun, I'm looking rather skinny?' Or a selfie saying, 'isn't my skin positively glowing'. It actually is making me laugh writing that down, I'm not even kidding 😂

This is very odd right? What do I respond to these? So far I ignore.

OP posts:
Gullible2021 · 11/06/2021 18:13

ughhhh My niece who is close in age to me does this but without the humour. So she will
whatsapp me 15 selfies (all posed subtly differently but same hair/makeup etc) either with NO comment, or with a "I think I look like

iklboo · 11/06/2021 17:58

Or this

To think these messages from my friend is bonkers?
3WildOnes · 11/06/2021 16:26

Oh I think I might be alone in actually finding this quite nice and refreshing! I’m so bored of women complaining about their hair/body/teeth and me having to be polite and say ‘no you have lovely hair!’.

Katkinsgreyy · 11/06/2021 16:15

It is odd!
Imagine how many photos she has of herself saved in her phone gallery 😬😂

notanothertakeaway · 11/06/2021 15:14

"I wonder if you're hoping to sell products to me. If so, I'll just let you know now that I wouldn't be interested"

brokendownagain · 11/06/2021 14:37

Is it a direct message just to you? And you've never replied but she keeps doing it? Not like, a broadcast to multiple people or...? I'd say that's strange. I thought at first maybe she was trying to be more body positive after some issues or something and she was a good friend and you actually affirmed her or something but no, new friend. Totally odd!

mindutopia · 11/06/2021 14:04

MLM is definitely the first thing that comes to mind. She's going to start pushing aloe vera or vitamins or something on you soon.

TheCanyon · 11/06/2021 14:03

I'm having the shittest day ever and this has fair cheered me up Grin quite fancy doing this to my pal now but think she'll just tell me I'm a twat.

whyareallthegoodnamestakenx · 11/06/2021 13:55

She's testing if your her kind of weird.

Chloemol · 11/06/2021 13:53

Just respond please don’t send me these

scoobydoo1971 · 11/06/2021 13:52

Take a photo of your bottom, and send reply with picture attached...suggesting person is talking from this...

LittleBlackCat22 · 11/06/2021 13:20

My friends do this but we are all very close. And they are horrible photos like taping our faces into gross poses with a “why am I so beautiful?” caption. But weird if she’s a new friend!

iklboo · 11/06/2021 13:16

Send her a picture of your arse & tell her to kiss it.

Whyhello · 11/06/2021 13:15

A girl in school used to do this with her friends. She knew she was pretty and she knew most of the boys wanted to go out with her but she’d sit there whinging to her friends about how ugly she was so they’d all go ‘don’t be silly, you’re so pretty!’. I just used to roll my eyes, I couldn’t believe how pathetic they all were and that was as a 14/15 year old!

Your friend is clearly insecure and needs your approval.

Bluesheep8 · 11/06/2021 13:09

Runrun is ops username. She still sounds a text though


TableFlowerss · 11/06/2021 13:05


Defo the runrun up to an MLM pitch. So if you briefly say yeah, you do look glowy... it'll be well runrun if you want this for you, try this tea/juice/faabulous serum.....

😂😂 so true
TableFlowerss · 11/06/2021 12:57


Maybe it's the beginning of a MLM scam?? A new script to test the waters?


I bet it’s a water tester alright. Waiting for you to say, ‘yeah you look great’

The next message would be…

‘Well you could to, you should definitely try……’

Bluesheep8 · 11/06/2021 12:46

What the fuck does runrun mean? She sounds a twat to be honest.

Runrun is ops username. She still sounds a text though

StillCoughingandLaughing · 11/06/2021 12:43

In all seriousness, it’s worrying how sucked in and obsessive people get.

AllTheUsernamesAreAlreadyTaken · 11/06/2021 12:24

We didn’t fall out, but in a way they did kill her. She wasn’t the same person. Every single aspect of her life and personality was changed to be in line with the brand.
It was terrifying and depressing to watch unequal measure.
There was no big fall out. We went for dinner and she started the conversation with “I know you hate MLM stuff but juice plus is different”
I said “I’m more than happy for you to tell me about it but please don’t try to turn me from your friend into your customer”

Rarely heard from her again.

StillCoughingandLaughing · 11/06/2021 12:02


I lost a very dear friend to Juice Plus.

I’m assuming you mean you fell out, rather than Juice Plus actually killing her? How much weight does it make you lose?!
StillCoughingandLaughing · 11/06/2021 12:00

Tell her she looks like a sack of old shit and shouldn’t leave the house without a mumu.


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Whythesadface · 11/06/2021 10:57

Next photo just tell her this.
Hey girlfriend, umh have you got my number mixed up with your dermatologist?
As your photos seems a bit weird.

Arbadacarba · 11/06/2021 07:09

Or a selfie saying, 'isn't my skin positively glowing'.

'Actually, I think you look a bit tired and washed out. Is everything all right?"

Pregnantpeppa · 11/06/2021 07:07

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