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Would a little common decency have hurt?

549 replies

Weezapleeza · 22/02/2021 17:10

My nephew lost control of his R/C car and it went into the road. A few seconds later a woman in a Discovery ran right over it but apparently without batting an eyelid. She didn't slow down or stop either before or after. It was like she'd just flattened it in passing. Then the acknowledgement came. A couple of minutes later she pulled up outside the drive, wound down her window, and asked him the most incredible question. "Did you enjoy that?" She was furious, and rude, and he was in tears. That seemed to give her an answer but all she did then was drive off again. No apology, nothing. AIBU to expect better?

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Tsubasa1 · 22/02/2021 17:24

yabu it could have unfortunately caused an accident.

JamesMiddletonsMarshmallows · 22/02/2021 17:24

@Weezapleeza but WHY would she have seen the car? That's like expecting someone to see a mouse running out. Did you expect her to swerve and cause an accident. You owed her an apology.

PurplePansy05 · 22/02/2021 17:24

YABU. It should not have ended up on the road in the first place. She didn't need to say what she did, but she was probably a bit shocked, I think I would be too if something was randomly on the road and I hit it. What was she supposed to do, swerve to avoid it? Are you serious? Sorry, but your nephew needs to be taught how to use his toy first before being allowed to play near a road.

GrumpyHoonMain · 22/02/2021 17:24

The highway code says to run over any small objects and even animals to prevent swerving & causing an accident. She was probably terrified and furious when she approached you and you should have apologised for not supervising nephew better.

nimbuscloud · 22/02/2021 17:24

How old is he?

nimbuscloud · 22/02/2021 17:25

Maybe she thought he did it on purpose?

JackieWeaverIsTheAuthority · 22/02/2021 17:25

If I was the driver I’d have felt awful and probably gone and bought him a new car.

JamesMiddletonsMarshmallows · 22/02/2021 17:25


Maybe she thought he did it on purpose?

I think this and I think this is why she made the comment (probably a bit shaken too)
Andylion · 22/02/2021 17:25

Her "Did you e only that" comment suggests she thought he did it on purpose.

I suspect she was shaken. How old is he?

VettiyaIruken · 22/02/2021 17:26

Sorry he was upset. Maybe she thought he'd done it deliberately and that's why she was cross. Because she knew that it could have been dangerous.

CandyLeBonBon · 22/02/2021 17:26


If I was the driver I’d have felt awful and probably gone and bought him a new car.

What??? Why????
Pukkatea · 22/02/2021 17:26

I agree from her comment it sounds like she thought he did it on purpose.

Andylion · 22/02/2021 17:27

Typos. "Did you enjoy that"?

LilMidge01 · 22/02/2021 17:28

Yes she shouldn't have been rude about it, but other than that she did nothing wrong. As for the being rude, I would always like to give the benefit of the doubt- she might be a right dickhead, or she might have already been having an awful day and have been very anxious and this was the icing on the cake and she just flipped and reacted quickly.

I would just calmly explain to your nephew that these things happen, he didnt mean to it, should be more careful next time and sometimes people's reactions aren't because of him. Maybe use this as a teaching opportunity on considering other's emotions and that they aren't always rational and not to take it to heart.

FuckyouCovid21 · 22/02/2021 17:28

She was rude yes but R/C cars do not belong on/near roads

nothingcanhurtmewithmyeyesshut · 22/02/2021 17:28

I'm not surprised she was angry. If something runs out in front of you, your instinct is to swerve. He nearly caused an accident. Why the hell is a young child playing by the road? Who was supposed to be looking after him?

AlexaShutUp · 22/02/2021 17:28

Of course, she was unnecessarily aggressive and rude, but to be fair she may have been quite shaken up.

Why was he playing with the R/C car so near to a public road?

1940s · 22/02/2021 17:29

I wouldn't have tried to avoid running it over. My children are in my car and that's my priority. I'd never emergency stop or swerve for a toy car. I'd be annoyed that you allowed it to happen.
I wouldn't even stop to apologise!

TartanPyjamas · 22/02/2021 17:30

Yes I also agree that the question sounds as thought she thought he'd done it on purpose. I imagine she thought no-one would sensibly allow a child to play with a radio control car a few seconds from a road...

ReggieCat · 22/02/2021 17:30

Perhaps she thought he did it on purpose

NewScone · 22/02/2021 17:31

She was probably in shock. Cut her some slack.

Weezapleeza · 22/02/2021 17:31

I know I should have been looking out for him, and I know there is no way his car should been allowed to go into the road. I would have apologised to her about that if I'd been given half the chance even though I was pretty upset. But it was stationery for a good few seconds before she completely squashed it so it all looked a bit casual.

The thing is that she seemed to think he'd deliberately wanted to see her go over it, like other posters have suggested. Who would do that?

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PurplePansy05 · 22/02/2021 17:31

Interesting you think "common decency" applies to the driver. Did you apologise to her for your failure of supervision? That would be common decency on your part.

IReallyNeedMoreGin · 22/02/2021 17:31

I wouldn't swerve to avoid a toy in the road. No way. The person at fault here was the one allowing the child to play with it so close to a road. She probably had a shock....don't blame her for being angry.

JackieWeaverIsTheAuthority · 22/02/2021 17:31

What??? Why????

To replace the one I’d run over?

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