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Would you report this staff member

100 replies

Notanotherteenmovie1 · 21/01/2021 15:06

I have posted about her previously. We are on a school rota basis, she commented on how she 'now had some company' when a fellow colleague came into the room and complained about me (I think) outside the door.

I was due to work with her today and I walked in to be asked to work with another group. She was left on her own so I think she requested that I don't work with her today.
This suited me fine as I worked a lot better with the new group and in a more positive and balanced atmosphere.

However today I have overheard her slagging me off on 3 occasions which is absolutely ridiculous and pathetic.

Each time it has been in the canteen and she has done it when I have also been in there. I heard her talk about me to a staff member and the teacher (who I had thought was friendly ) laughed and said 'yeah I had her with my class too'.

On another occasion I heard her complaining "she just comes in and does xyz"

It's made me so angry. She can think whatever she likes about me but hasn't once attempted to speak to me if she has an issue. At least do it in a professional way .

Slagging me off to colleagues when I'm in the vicinity is disgusting.
I have requested that I don't work with her again for the half term and they have granted that.

I'm not sure whether to report her, I'm leaving soon and have zero interest in trying to form any sort of bond, I just think she's a nasty piece of work and that's who she is. I've ignored her all day , should I continue to do that or report it ?

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

224 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
Notanotherteenmovie1 · 21/01/2021 22:26

I've replied reasonably to posters who have posted reasonably. I have said several times she's entitled to be unhappy. If she had come to speak to me in a calm professional manner and said could you help more with X student etc. I would have said yes of course and done so.

It's nothing to do with my performance, the issue is her behaviour ! I have had some weaknesses that's why I'm leaving and having a new start elsewhere.

I don't see the point of referring to the fact that i also posted about two friends on another thread ? Or demanding again and again that I answer a question?

Then these evident trolls who say I should be 'banned from teaching and having kids ' are just worrying really.

OP posts:
Cherrysoup · 21/01/2021 22:26

Please report so she knows you’re aware and that hopefully she doesn’t do it again. Make it a formal complaint, she sounds horrible.

Why are there 2 of you with 7 kids? I supervised keyworker kids today all day on Teams, I was bored, they were finding it very difficult to focus for so long, I felt really sorry for them.

Notanotherteenmovie1 · 21/01/2021 22:31

Yeah I do recognise that she thought I wasn't being firm enough. Some posters seem to think she was justified, but I'm sure they wouldn't be happy if someone did it to them.
I agree that 7 kids and 2 of us is silly. It is boring, these ones too are high ability and don't really need our help, it's just telling them to stay on task.

OP posts:
Pinkfreesias · 21/01/2021 22:33

I would report it, either right away or in your exit interview. This kind of behaviour is workplace bullying and it is despicable. She might be doing it to someone else, too, or she might start on your replacement.

isitsafetocomeoutyet · 21/01/2021 22:35


I've replied reasonably to posters who have posted reasonably. I have said several times she's entitled to be unhappy. If she had come to speak to me in a calm professional manner and said could you help more with X student etc. I would have said yes of course and done so.

It's nothing to do with my performance, the issue is her behaviour ! I have had some weaknesses that's why I'm leaving and having a new start elsewhere.

I don't see the point of referring to the fact that i also posted about two friends on another thread ? Or demanding again and again that I answer a question?

Then these evident trolls who say I should be 'banned from teaching and having kids ' are just worrying really.

You've been asked a number of times why don't you speak to her if you have a problem. Which is what you're upset with her about. Isn't it hypocritical to be doing the same thing?

It probably has a lot to do with your performance! It suggests there's more going on here. If people have tried to talk to you about an issue with your teaching and you react the way you have on here I'm not surprised things have escalated.

Your other posts are relevant to me as they suggest a bigger picture. You have multiple threads about relationships where everyone else is the bad guy and you post on here for affirmation.

You routinely ignore any form of criticism or worse get defensive and aggressive.

I'm asking you relevant questions as they are important to assess how best to help you.

Because people don't agree with you doesn't make them trolls. Teaching is a mentally tough job. I wouldn't want my children in a setting where their teacher was unable to cope.
AccidentallyOnPurpose · 21/01/2021 22:40


The colleague has never approached me once. She's never properly spoken to me before. I accept criticism, not being told I have issues though.

So she has never ever asked you to do something differently, or told you "actually we do it this way or I prefer this" or "please everyone be quiet (while you're talking)" or anything like that? No criticism , or feedback or comment ever?
Notanotherteenmovie1 · 21/01/2021 22:42

Ok you've really misunderstood. I've not made posts where everyone is the bad guy at all. I've admitted my faults and I have posted about a small number of people in my life who I feel have acted unreasonably. Doesn't mean that this is everybody in my life, the vast majority of people are great.
This is a forum where people do post about problems, nobody really starts threads to say good things.
I've said countless times on here that I can recognise if I was at fault. The issue is how she dealt with it.
Telling someone to not have kids isn't not agreeing, it's just rude.
Thanks for your reply, but i shan't be posting anymore, I've received enough replies.

OP posts:
Notanotherteenmovie1 · 21/01/2021 22:43

No, it's as if I am not in the room. She spoke to me once to tell me she was going next door but doesn't acknowledge me otherwise.
But fortunately she's just one person of many.

OP posts:
isitsafetocomeoutyet · 21/01/2021 22:44

@AccidentallyOnPurpose she's on a support plan so something must have been mentioned. She won't answer any questions about that though! I've already tried to find out if that was limited to just this woman (and now the man) or a wider issue.

I think this thread says it all really.

PaigeMatthews · 21/01/2021 22:48

I am more laid back than she is and i guess that annoys her

You've repeatedly said this. But also that when the teacher left, you lost control. This is the problem. When one member of staff ignores enforcing rules, it makes it harder for everyone else.

Viviennemary · 21/01/2021 22:49

If you're leaving soon ignore her. They sound a nasty lot.

spaceghetto · 21/01/2021 22:49

I had a similar experience. I was sharing a class with a head of year, we had a really difficult class for behaviour. I said to her I was struggling did she have any advice, she said I was doing a brilliant job and i'm a strong teacher. Then I heard her slagging me off in the staffroom. It made me so sad but then upon reflection, it made me feel so angry that rather than help me, she gave a two-faced response! I didn't report her though.

PurpleWh1teGreen · 21/01/2021 23:01


I've been there a year and a bit. Her behaviour isn't kind or acceptable at all, I do have a supervisor, I want her spoken to or issued with a verbal warning.

Can I pick up the bit about what you say you want ?

I’m afraid it doesn’t work like that. You report. The relevant senior member/s of staff investigate then if appropriate, there might be a sanction.

Imagine how pissed off you’d be if student A told you to tell another student B off, even if student B deserves a bollocking, it’s nothing to do with student A.
Phoenix76 · 21/01/2021 23:07

Regardless of what’s going on in this thread, what worries me is bullying is an abhorrent behaviour and has led to far too many deaths. School is a place of learning and if bullying is happening amongst teaching staff then what hope do we have for the future of the next generation?

As a parent, I spend a heck of a lot of time coaching my children that bullying is never acceptable (not to be confused with being a push over), I want to believe this is being upheld in schools. As adults we should have learned by now that effective communication is the way forward and as a society we all have a responsibility to turn things around. I know this is a bit irrelevant in relation to what the op has posted but seeing some of the responses from others involved in teaching it really is concerning for all of us.

Notanotherteenmovie1 · 21/01/2021 23:16

That wasn't with the woman, it was with the guy. I enforced the rules hence asking for on call and issuing a c3.

OP posts:
Notanotherteenmovie1 · 21/01/2021 23:18

I'm perfectly aware of how it works, I'm saying what I would like, it doesn't mean that's what will happen.

OP posts:
PurpleWh1teGreen · 21/01/2021 23:19

Is it bullying though?

If a colleague has been making comments behind the OPs back, then yes it could be bullying, but OP didn’t hear, so we don’t know that that is the case.

OTOH we know that OP has struggled with discipline and has a support plan.

Notanotherteenmovie1 · 21/01/2021 23:20

Despite some questionable posts insinuating that I've made it all up, I did hear a few times. I didn't hear every word but enough to know and judge by tone of voice and body language that I was being discussed negatively.

OP posts:
isitsafetocomeoutyet · 21/01/2021 23:25


Despite some questionable posts insinuating that I've made it all up, I did hear a few times. I didn't hear every word but enough to know and judge by tone of voice and body language that I was being discussed negatively.

Where has anyone insinuated you made it up?!

People have quoted you saying you don't know what she said.
wetasstenalady · 21/01/2021 23:32

@isitsafetocomeoutyet are you one of the teachers concerned? If not you demonstrate the same bullying attitude! Stop being so aggressive to OP

isitsafetocomeoutyet · 21/01/2021 23:37

[quote wetasstenalady]@isitsafetocomeoutyet are you one of the teachers concerned? If not you demonstrate the same bullying attitude! Stop being so aggressive to OP [/quote]
I'm not thankfully.

I'm trying to help the op. But she won't answer questions and has been aggressive to posters questioning her.

It's sad really.

DragonDoor · 21/01/2021 23:37

Very unprofessional behaviour on your colleagues behalf. Bring it up with your line manager.


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Nittersing · 22/01/2021 00:17

Just to clarify- You were working with another T.A. supervising 7 children. The other T.A. was called away and the children's behaviour escalated where you needed to follow the behaviour management policy and you called for support in the classroom. The school responded to this by sending back the other T.A. ? The children then calmed down and resumed work. The other T.A. then updated Admin telling them the students were now back on task.
Have I understood the situation?

Separate to that, there was a previous incident with a teacher (or another T.A.?) Where you were assigned to work with her for the day and over the course of the day she made it clear that she felt you were not strict enough with keeping the students quiet and on task. She then has subsequently chosen to work alone ( did she say anything in your presence about how/why?)
and they have then allocated you several other positions around the school with other Teachers and T.A.s

A week afterwards you have overheard the Teacher that you were originally allocated to work with speaking negatively about you to colleagues in the canteen area. ( Did this happen once or more?)

You also told your line manager that you did not wish to work with that teacher again but did not explain why.

People should definitely not be discussing your performance negatively with colleagues in your presence or in public areas.

There is definitely something that has upset some of your colleagues for this to occur and it may be unjustified bullying due to personality conflicts or it may be frustration from being allocated an assistant who is having difficulties with behaviour management. No matter the root of the issue they should not be discussing you in the lunch room.

Please do speak to your boss. Please also ask for some role clarification. You seem to be moved around the school quite a bit which will only exacerbate any behaviour management issues as you will not be able to from relationships with the students that you are supporting.

saltinesandcoffeecups · 22/01/2021 01:27

Honestly... I can’t really follow all of the ins and outs of all of this, but what I have picked up on is that you’ve been at this school for a short time and have had multiple problems with colleagues and have been placed on an informal improvement plan?

In any work place this is going to throw up red flags pointed at you.

If I have that right, regardless of anything else and other teachers or staff your best bet is to keep your head down and find another job. For some reason (not going to comment on fault or blame, it’s irrelevant for my advice) you are not a good fit for this particular job.

Focus on getting a new job, not retribution.

At the same time take a good hard look at yourself to see if you’ve caused any of these problems. Because if you did contribute, the problems will just follow you.

cabingirl · 22/01/2021 17:39

I was finding it a bit odd that neither of you had any small talk at the beginning of the class - or at any point during it. Especially in this cover role where you are working with different people each time.

You mention she didn't talk to you but did you talk to her? Introduce yourself? Mention the weather? Ask how she wanted to split the workload? Ask for advice on anything? Offer to help with something? Ask what she was doing for lunch? Mention that you saw a great TV programme last night? Ask her any questions about herself to show that you are interested in her as a person and colleague?

And if you tried chatting with her, including asking direct questions and she completely blanks you and refuses to talk then surely you'd then ask her what was wrong? And then if getting nowhere there check with other colleagues - you know, the "is it just me she's like this with conversation?" Which it sounds like she might have been having about you in the canteen.

I do feel for you - it's horrible when there's a conflict at work, but you don't seem to have made any attempt at 'soft diplomacy', or even just basic manners. Even if she isn't reciprocal at first.

People are mentioning your other threads because it gives the impression that you may be missing some social cues, or overreacting to others. This is a good time to work out if that's the case before you start a new job somewhere else.

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