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To think my husbands disgusting!

81 replies

JustCuriousToday · 20/01/2021 23:37

Hi all,

This is kinda light hearted but also really annoying and gross, but tonight's really annoyed me as it's the third time now and I want to say usually farts and bodily fluids don't bother me BUT :- I am heavily pregnant, 38 weeks and 5 days and my husband has come into the bathroom to pass me my pjs off of the radiator as it's freezing tonight (which was very nice of him) but when he was in the bathroom he's farted and left shutting the door which has caused me to be sick absolutely everywhere, he thinks this is funny but jokes on him because he has to clean it as I can't bend down but it's annoying because this is the third time he's done it now, the first was a few weeks ago when I was in the bath he came in to ask me something, farted and left closing the door luckily I wasn't as big then so could get out the bath quickly and be sick in the toilet, same with the second time it always seems to be when I'm in the bath so I asked him if he comes into the bathroom while I'm there not to fart, I don't feel like he really needs to do it there and then, he can wait until he's outside of the bathroom and I think what annoys me more is he thinks it's funny! Am I being unreasonable to ask that until the baby is born (literally next week) to try and not fart in enclosed spaces or should I LTB? I am half joking but it's horrible to be heavily pregnant and then to be made sick unnecessarily, I know I'm being unreasonable as it's just a natural bodily function but I just wanted somewhere to vent and it's not really something you want to share with real life friends Blush ugh does anyone else have a disgusting husband or is it just me? Grin (he's lovely about everything else and has been a big help in the pregnancy, he just can't hold his farts in apparently!)

OP posts:
SchrodingersImmigrant · 21/01/2021 10:44

Farts are often absolutely hillarious.
But you need to tell him to change his diet

Absinth13 · 21/01/2021 10:49

It's ok you can get him back during labour, I vomited all over my husband (and unfortunately in the birthing pool) Grin

SittinOnTheDockOfTheBay · 21/01/2021 11:01


Give him prebiotic tablets to fix the stench

Thank you mumsnet. Probiotics and charcoal bum pads are now in my Amazon basket.
Pineapples3 · 21/01/2021 11:04


Sinful8 · 21/01/2021 11:07

Turn the fan on?

Sparrowfeeder · 21/01/2021 11:09

If he really cannot stop farting (poor love) then he needs to clean up his diet so his farts smell better! I am sure he won’t mind if you put him on an alcohol-free, dairy-free, meat-free, fish-free, gluten-free and sugar free diet, op? Maybe just fresh fruit and raw veg? Wink

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