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To think my husbands disgusting!

81 replies

JustCuriousToday · 20/01/2021 23:37

Hi all,

This is kinda light hearted but also really annoying and gross, but tonight's really annoyed me as it's the third time now and I want to say usually farts and bodily fluids don't bother me BUT :- I am heavily pregnant, 38 weeks and 5 days and my husband has come into the bathroom to pass me my pjs off of the radiator as it's freezing tonight (which was very nice of him) but when he was in the bathroom he's farted and left shutting the door which has caused me to be sick absolutely everywhere, he thinks this is funny but jokes on him because he has to clean it as I can't bend down but it's annoying because this is the third time he's done it now, the first was a few weeks ago when I was in the bath he came in to ask me something, farted and left closing the door luckily I wasn't as big then so could get out the bath quickly and be sick in the toilet, same with the second time it always seems to be when I'm in the bath so I asked him if he comes into the bathroom while I'm there not to fart, I don't feel like he really needs to do it there and then, he can wait until he's outside of the bathroom and I think what annoys me more is he thinks it's funny! Am I being unreasonable to ask that until the baby is born (literally next week) to try and not fart in enclosed spaces or should I LTB? I am half joking but it's horrible to be heavily pregnant and then to be made sick unnecessarily, I know I'm being unreasonable as it's just a natural bodily function but I just wanted somewhere to vent and it's not really something you want to share with real life friends Blush ugh does anyone else have a disgusting husband or is it just me? Grin (he's lovely about everything else and has been a big help in the pregnancy, he just can't hold his farts in apparently!)

OP posts:
Mylittlesandwich · 21/01/2021 00:16

My DH is a farter. In normal circumstances he is a functioning adult but farts are apparently still funny. He would not however do it in front of me if it made me physically sick. Pregnant or not. Have you spoken to him about it and told him that it makes you sick? If you have he's even more of an arse and if you haven't you should right now while he cleans the bathroom.

CityCommuter · 21/01/2021 00:18

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

JustCuriousToday · 21/01/2021 00:26

[quote Seychelles98]@JustCuriousToday is your husband overweight and does he eat a lot of fast food? Or maybe he's possibly got an allergy if his farts are so bad they make you vomit? Just asking because why else would he be such an excessive farter and foul smelling?[/quote]
After he finished cleaning, I told him he needs to
stop doing it in the bathroom while I'm in the bath because it's enclosed and obviously affects me more so than the living room and bedroom etc - and he said it wasn't his fault he had a bad belly and I said of course it's not but he can hold it for literally five seconds whilst he closes the door and walks downstairs and he apologised, he's honestly not abusive in the slightest, he's just an idiot sometimes, he's been a life saver during my pregnancy I had HG and he's cleaned up every sick (when it wasn't his fault) cooked every meal and made sure the house was clean, took me places when I was too sick to drive myself and looked after me, he's just short sighted about this and I don't know why but he promises not to do it again, and apparently forgot it made me sick last time (tbf last time it was more gagging and a bit of sick but this time it was fully blown which I think what upset me but he wasn't to know)

He is over weight not by much though and they aren't always deadly but I don't know if I'm more sensitive because I'm pregnant

OP posts:
OhNoIHaveToExercise · 21/01/2021 00:26


Is your FH (Farty Husband) able to hold in his rancid farts at work or at the local shop for example? If the answer is Yes then why can’t he control himself at home with you when it makes you projectile vomit?

Good luck with your baby BTW. As penance make sure FH deals with all of the shitty nappies. 💩 💩

noirchatsdeux · 21/01/2021 00:36

Well I'm not British, so I don't find farting funny in the slightest, and I think people who deliberately do it in front of others highly disgusting.

I'd never have a relationship let alone a child with someone like this. I'd make sure this is an only child.

Changemaname1 · 21/01/2021 00:42

🤮 tank. Am sure people will be along to tell me I can’t ever have been comfortable in a relationship or am shallow or something but the whole deliberately farting and thinking it’s funny in a relationship nahhhh . I know sometimes it happens but the ops scenario is rank n would put me off them .

Changemaname1 · 21/01/2021 00:43

Rank not tank . 🙄

SeaToSki · 21/01/2021 00:43

If he is a bit thoughtless rather than mean, you need to make such an impression on him that he never forgets again. I would suggest you tell him he is going to have to have a colonic irrigation and then a fecal microbiata transplant to solve the problem of his gut health and therefore stop his farts smelling so bad. Hopefully that will put the fear of god into him and he will clench his cheeks hard whenever he is in the room. What is going to happen if he farts next to you while you are feeding the baby?

Redruby2020 · 21/01/2021 00:45

I think going by your update you are doing what many of us have done about DP's past and present, making excuses. You have said he finds it funny, that is disgusting and childish I'm sorry!

PeggyHill · 21/01/2021 00:46

I think if it's actually making you vomit then it is mean and he should stop doing it.

BeyondFrustrated · 21/01/2021 00:47

He could strike a match or spray something surely.

He needs charcoal pads for his arse. Buy some ASAP.

Therealjudgejudy · 21/01/2021 00:49

Your husband sounds disgusting and very immature. I dont find this funny at all

SittinOnTheDockOfTheBay · 21/01/2021 00:49

My DP thinks farting is funny. He farted in bed last week and it was so rank I was sick. It was because he farted and then wafted the stench over to me with the duvet. I told him that if his rotting vowels make me sick again, I will be sick on his head.

I've never met anyone who farts as much as him. He's always really proud of himself if he farts in the night and it's loud enough to wake him up. I wear ear plugs.

Changemaname1 · 21/01/2021 00:51

Lord if I ever get to the stage in a relationship someone is farting and wafting it at me . ... 🤮

Funny isn’t it the things people do that they would never do while trying to impress you during the dating phase . Eughh

grapewine · 21/01/2021 00:54

He's always really proud of himself if he farts in the night and it's loud enough to wake him up. I wear ear plugs.

That's... I hope he has many, many attractive qualities? I can't imagine having to wear earplugs for this reason!

LegArmpits · 21/01/2021 00:56

Is this real?
It's a fart.

JustCuriousToday · 21/01/2021 00:56


My DP thinks farting is funny. He farted in bed last week and it was so rank I was sick. It was because he farted and then wafted the stench over to me with the duvet. I told him that if his rotting vowels make me sick again, I will be sick on his head.

I've never met anyone who farts as much as him. He's always really proud of himself if he farts in the night and it's loud enough to wake him up. I wear ear plugs.

My DH doesn't do this thank god, I don't understand why some men think it's so funny, I don't mind partners farting in front of people but I don't find them funny.

I also threatened DH that next time I'm gonna be sick on him, it's just gross.

Ear plugs?? Oh no GrinGrinGrin
OP posts:
TheOneLeggedJockey · 21/01/2021 00:57

Jesus Christ.

Every day MN always bring new depths that some men can plummet to.

This can’t be for real. Confused

FuckYou2021 · 21/01/2021 01:00

My husband can be a bit gassy a lot of the time (it's his diet, he eats junk for lunch at work everyday) I don't mind him farting around me but the odd time it really stinks he has the sense to leave the room and do it. The dog on the other hand....

He also doesn't do it as he's walking past me or anyone for that matter, and the one time in 20 years he did he apologised, he wasn't well and he coughed as I was sitting down and farted at my face height, he couldn't apologise enough and went looking for air freshener.

He's made his pregnant partner physically vomit and instead of apologise because it's an accident he's laughing at you? Bad belly or not, there's no excuse for that.

SittinOnTheDockOfTheBay · 21/01/2021 01:00

That's... I hope he has many, many attractive qualities? I can't imagine having to wear earplugs for this reason!

He also snores and talks to himself when he's asleep. Ear plugs are the only answer 😃. I wonder if I can get nose plugs too.

The noisy old thing is fast asleep next to me now. Tossing and turning too. We have a super king size bed because of this. I'm thinking of separate duvets too, so he can keep his bum stench to himself.

FuckYou2021 · 21/01/2021 01:02

I'd also say lock the bathroom door when you're in there from now on, and if has a genuine upset tummy and can't control it he'd be on the sofa so he doesn't make me puke again farting in the night.

SittinOnTheDockOfTheBay · 21/01/2021 01:03

What are these charcoal pads for arses? Are they real? I'm going to google and buy him some.


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FuckYou2021 · 21/01/2021 01:03


That's... I hope he has many, many attractive qualities? I can't imagine having to wear earplugs for this reason!

He also snores and talks to himself when he's asleep. Ear plugs are the only answer 😃. I wonder if I can get nose plugs too.

The noisy old thing is fast asleep next to me now. Tossing and turning too. We have a super king size bed because of this. I'm thinking of separate duvets too, so he can keep his bum stench to himself.

I'd want separate rooms :)
Whitecup4 · 21/01/2021 01:03

Haha! It’s mean but his cleaning up sick soooo.

I discovered the other day (as he told me, we have locks on the bathroom door) that he can’t go a wee without farting at home, never at work. I think that’s strange, like a habit, I wonder if walking in the bathroom with you there or not it’s habit to fart??

SkiingIsHeaven · 21/01/2021 01:07

Make sure you shit on him a bit when you give birth.

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