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To ask for your worst dinner party experiences?

261 replies

Smileandtheworldsmileswithyou · 08/12/2020 02:59

I know there have been threads on this before, I just absolutely love them for some reason. These and the CF ones are the best! I'll start with mine. I had recently moved with my husband to a new country and my new boss invited me and a few other people from work to his house for dinner. When we arrived he was completely pissed, literally stumbling around drunk. He spent ages showing us a lizard on the wall which we all politely commented on, and waited and waited for the food...He then dropped a box of brownies all over the floor that another guest had brought as a gift and laughed about it for ages. Finally we were asked to sit down for dinner, but he said he couldn't carve the chicken so asked me to do it for him. He then came into the tiny kitchen to watch me try and carve it up and told me how I shouldn't worry, he would make sure I passed my probation at the end of the year. He then persuaded my husband to go in and finish off the job with the chicken before asking him if I was happy at work and if I liked him. We finally got to the table and he starts drinking my wine which I just ignore. He then tells everyone that he has made the bread rolls himself, even though I saw them in a packet in the kitchen. He told us a big elaborate tale about where he found the seeds for them. Dessert was finally served at around 1am, by which time everyone was desperate to get the hell out of there. He said we should take it in turns to host, funnily enough no one ever did take him up on that!

OP posts:
fairycakes1234 · 23/06/2021 15:59

ive a story i always laugh at. Years ago when i was 19 i went out with my new boyfriend for dinner. I ordered prawns, I thought they would be the baby prawns, but they showed up to my horror with tails, eyes, the usual things prawns have, there was 5 of them, I asked my boyfriend how do you eat them, he hadnt a clue, he was worse than me, instead of asking the waiter, i waited till he was gone, and put all the prawns in my handbag in a napkin, when waiter came back and im sure looking in amazement at my empty plate, I just told him they were delicious and thank you very much.......i often wonder what the waiter thought :)

SamusIsAGirl · 25/06/2021 07:51

A strange and rambling one. Was at University in gaming society which often had some locals hang out with us since there weren't that many gaming groups around.
There was this strange older woman who was part of that group but wasn't a student but didn't play games though. She just hung around fag in hand, wanting to be the centre of attention from us younger folk and would often give us ornamental promises such as lifts to places (that never happened). She was also a bit stalkery but surprisingly other people didn't see it.

She dated one of my friends but swiftly moved onto someone else complete with gross public displays of affection (face-eating) and ignoring people's boundaries.

My friend was distraught but still enmeshed and she suggested and dinner party (?) to discuss this out. So I and my SO reluctantly went with her friend to her parent's house where she lived at the appointed date and find a dark, empty house.

That's right no dinner, no-one at all. Next time they saw her she denied all knowledge of the thing she was discussing the previous week, yet was surprised when I kept avoiding her. Still, when she was trying to schmoose with me all I had to do was ask about the dinner party and she would shut up and leave.

Shade17 · 25/06/2021 08:25

Unfortunately, yes. The internal temp needs to reach a certain level before its safe to eat - as I discovered after making myself quite ill envy (not envy)

Rubbish. It’s perfectly safe to eat raw.

GETTINGLIKEMYMOTHER · 25/06/2021 08:52

@ohforarainyday and @AnUnoriginalUsername, in this house a roast is almost always an evening meal, at 7 ish. We don’t even have Christmas dinner until around 5.
Even when I was a child and we invariably had a Sunday roast, it would be at around 6 - too much of the day taken up otherwise.

Exhausted4ever · 25/06/2021 14:54

Well I've been out for lunch today, for a hot meal at 12.00 in a restaurant that does not serve cold food. Just putting that out there.

OliviaWainright · 25/06/2021 15:13

I grew up very working class in a small working class town.

When I first moved to London, a new friend invited me round for supper. I had a full meal before going, because I thought supper would be a few snacks and a drink late at night. I'd always had a digestive and glass of milk for my supper!

CampingFabulous · 25/06/2021 15:30

Did you ever have a toasted tea cake @OliviaWainright ?

We got them if there were visitors 😉

OliviaWainright · 25/06/2021 15:50

LOL @campingfabulous Toasted tea cakes were a treat at Grannies!

inappropriateraspberry · 25/06/2021 16:10

You've made me think about toasted tea cakes at Wimpy on a day out shopping with my mum! Showing my age I think 😬

Horehound · 25/06/2021 16:22

Did you manage to eat the second dinner @OliviaWainright?

RainbowSunset · 25/06/2021 16:39


Unfortunately, yes. The internal temp needs to reach a certain level before its safe to eat - as I discovered after making myself quite ill envy (not envy)

Rubbish. It’s perfectly safe to eat raw.

Not 100% though, surely.

I did something wrong anyway, because I made myself and DH sick from a poorly cooked steak. May have been that I didn't sear all sides, may have been that I somehow cross contaminated the cooked meat, etc.

Comparing meals in the 2 day period before we got sick, steak was the only thing common to both of us that the rest of the family did not have.

I used to take a very relaxed attitude to cooking steak but I'm more careful now.
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