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DP, his mother, and money

143 replies

Janesandian · 30/11/2020 23:52

I have posted about DP and his family, especially his mother before under another name. I have to be careful as she may be on here, no idea! The general consensus was that DP belonged on the Stately Homes thread. When he read the thread he kept saying “omg mum does this” “this is what she says” and was quite sad but felt validated. He still seems to be vying for her attention though. I think she fits the NPD description well.

Anyway, the problem. DP has two siblings (the golden child, older), Amy, and (the baby, younger) Connor. Amy got married in 2017 and his mum gave them £10k towards it. She says it’s £6k but the maths is easy. All along she said how she would give us the same.
We then got engaged, she reiterated about giving us the money. Once when DP was alone with her she went on about how my parents should give us money as they are lying about their wealth (I grew up in poverty but they refuse to believe this - my parents are disabled, she has commented that they fake it).

As the wedding was a way away we didn’t really ask for the money and DP felt very awkward. Time and time again she’d bring it up. We now need it. DP has asked for it numerous times.

It also turns out that Connor, who is no where near getting engaged, got given his wedding money lump sum without asking. They said he shouldn’t be penalised if he doesn’t want to get married. He’s been with a girl 6 years but they don’t approve of her because of her job (classical music related - she is very intelligent but the industry isn’t high paying) and because she’s “fat”. (They have literally said this)

They just don’t seem to be giving the money. I wouldn’t normally care as it’s their money. But they have really made it a thing that they will give it but we’ve mentioned it a few times outright and she’s said to me “let us know when you want the money” so I said “can we have it now please? The deposits are all due” and she never sent it. DP just got a text saying they get paid on X date so can have it then, she said the same thing last month. His parents are wealthy and they just spent £20k on plastic surgery - again, their money, their choice, but they aren’t hard up.

Is this when DP needs to call it a day? We are hosting them for Xmas and I’m dreading the sarcasm and arguments as his mum says something provocative (last time I saw her she turned to me out the blue and said “your friends baby is so ugly isn’t he”). She comments on our finances all the time (“can you afford that”).

Both his siblings are higher earners, we are probably least well off although still doing okay.


OP posts:
CuriousaboutSamphire · 01/12/2020 08:48

Yes, your DP needs to believe this is how it is and that he is the black sheep/whipping boy for his parents.

Be brave. Scale back your wedding. Cancel Christmas. Maybe don't invite them to either.... and then continue not inviting them.

Stop all your little moments of appeasement too! Little gifts and cards when you see something just means she is always in your head. Take back that space, immediately!

Ignore the posters who have obviously never met such poisonous people. They are far more lucky than they can ever know. And I wouldn't wish such an ill on them!

But I can wish that you learn from my hard mistakes, and of the many other posters here. Cutting them off is NEVER as bad as you imagine. You just stop... and the immediate sense of lightness is quite amazing. The guilt still niggles, but you have that at the moment anyway and, over time, it can fade, of you want it to, work at it as needed.

Best of luck choosing where and when to draw your line in the sand!

CuriousaboutSamphire · 01/12/2020 08:50

They can afford to pay for it themselves but are practically begging for the cash from the PILs? Sounds like they're just as bad. Yes! One child is asking to be treated the same as his siblings....terrible thing to do to parents!

You REALLY don't understand the power play here. Can I suggest that you reconsider the situation and be very, very grateful that you don't have parents who treat you like this?

SallySaidHi · 01/12/2020 08:52

You send her cards and buy little things for her? Stop trying so hard, she doesn't deserve it and obviously doesn't respect you for it. Have some self respect and pay for your own wedding rather than beg someone who's obviously enjoying the power. I promise you will feel so much happier if you pay for yourselves and take back control. She'll probably start throwing money at you when you say you don't want it.

Brefugee · 01/12/2020 08:53

You need to stop getting her things etc, let your DP decide when and how much contact to have with them.

I saw from your update you don't need their money. Good. Don't mention it again, and if MIL brings it up say "well you were obviously never going to stump up the cash we don't need it." and never bring it up again, if she does, just keep saying the same thing.

With Christmas, just tell them you can't host them. Do it immediately so they have time to make alternative arrangements. No excuses, no explanations just that you can't. (in your shoes, if pushed, I'd say "we can't afford it now we have paid all the wedding deposits" but you don't seem to have the strength to do that at the moment)

You don't need her kind of negativity in your life.

Autumnblooms · 01/12/2020 08:57

Whilst COVID is here and weddings are cheap I’d take it if I was you, you already know the money isn’t coming don’t you.

Janesandian · 01/12/2020 08:58

Sorry - I should say DP liked me doing those things because he thought we “looked good” in her books - so he was a good son. His Mum HATES Amy’s husband and doesn’t think Connor’s partner is good enough, so I’m sure there’s something wrong with me. She has said some comments in the past.

I will show DP this thread as it’ll help. You people are lovely and so helpful. Does anyone have any advice for him in this situation going forward?

OP posts:
diddl · 01/12/2020 08:59

Your partner should cut her off because she's nasty.

It can't be "about the principle" with these people because they have none.

Janesandian · 01/12/2020 09:01

@OoohTheStatsDontLie not this situ. One about his mum’s behaviour and comments a little while ago - that’s when we learned what the stately homes thread was and everyone said she was a narcissist.

Can you link the thread please?

OP posts:
oakleaffy · 01/12/2020 09:06

Ironically, the cheapest weddings can result in the most enduring marriages..It seems utter insanity to spaff thousands of pounds of someone else's money {Whom you don't even like} on a single day.

Pay for it yourselves, scaling back if necessary.

Don't have two people you dislike to Christmas Dinner.

DIL~MIL is a relationship traditionally fraught, as it is about two females 'fighting' over one man, and the man often gets stuck between the two parties.

Not an enviable position to be in.

Gregariousfox · 01/12/2020 09:06

They can afford to pay for it themselves but are practically begging for the cash from the PILs? Sounds like they're just as bad

The parents offered the money, that they'd also given to the siblings. They're now effectively breaking their commitment by not giving the money. They're obviously manipulative because if they had changed their minds or their circumstances had changed they would just explain that to OP and her DH and they could then change their plans. That's what a normal adult would do. Not play stupid games.

The OP has got sucked into the game. What most people on this thread who understand the dynamic are saying is that you have to get out of the game. What you don't understand is that the DH has been trained to play this game of trying to win his parents' approval and affection (in this instance represented by money but in real terms = love) since childhood. It's not easy to realise what's been going on if you've grown up with it. You tend to just keep trying harder.

Happyheartlovelife · 01/12/2020 09:08

I would scale back the wedding. That money is like blood money. Oh. It’s awful

My and my DH had about 10 guests. We wanted a very small wedding and it was perfect!

justilou1 · 01/12/2020 09:09

Stop playing the game. She’s buying their attention because they don’t play.

SallySaidHi · 01/12/2020 09:10

I should say DP liked me doing those things because he thought we “looked good” in her books - so he was a good son. Well that makes no sense. Why isn't HE sending cards and gifts if HE wants to look like a good son, or is it just the usual case of 'wife work'? Does DP buy your parents little gifts?

Tomorrowistomorrow · 01/12/2020 09:11


Sorry - I should say DP liked me doing those things because he thought we “looked good” in her books - so he was a good son. His Mum HATES Amy’s husband and doesn’t think Connor’s partner is good enough, so I’m sure there’s something wrong with me. She has said some comments in the past.

I will show DP this thread as it’ll help. You people are lovely and so helpful. Does anyone have any advice for him in this situation going forward?

Advice to DP.

Protect her your DP -show a united front at ALL times.

For example she says "Shall we plan a trip away the 4 of us -that would be nice?" meaning his parents and the two of you he says "I'll talk to x".

Nothing else. Not a "that would be nice" or "yes" or anything -I'll talk about it.

He sends his mother gifts at christmas or birthday from you both -if he wants to -but nothing more from you. Nothing expected. You do not buy gifts for her or for the father -don't do it.
FionaMacCool · 01/12/2020 09:12


A gift should be given not begged for, each child has been given its own drama, the secret of saying it’s less, the grand gesture gift “even though you do not need it” and now your turn with the make them beg for it. She played a game with all her DCs and unlucky yours is the cruelest as you took her for her word when she offered. Each time she enables the gift to be about her, she probably knew the oldest would never ask so had to give in a grand gesture.

^^ This is the wisest message on this thread.

OP, you're being played by someone who's sense of love and security comes through power, power over her own children, so is deeply insecure.
You're playing the game by expecting the £££ to appear, by remembering birthdays, sending gifts etc.

You have a choice....keep chasing PIL's "love" (money) , OR, accept them for what they are.
Stop putting yourself out for someone who doesnt reciprocate.
Dont expect any money from them, any that is bestowed will be tainted.

Plan your wedding without any input.
There will undoubtedly be drama if when you/your DP start to withdraw.
Expect news of a serious diagnosis, or an ill sibling.

Dont get sucked back in. Keep them at arms length.
It will be extremely difficult for your DP. He will have to let go of an imaginary relationship with his mother, and accept her for what she really is.
Pechanga · 01/12/2020 09:14

I would not be mentioning money to them again and certainly not asking for it - on principle!

It's a strange way of them trying to control, remove that control from them. Small wedding, quite Christmas and low contact moving forward.

Meraas · 01/12/2020 09:21

I do feel like a mug because the signs are there but I still send her texts, cards, little gifts when I see something she likes.

I would stop all this. Also, corona times is a great excuse for a cheap wedding. Me and DH regret being swept up in the wedding craze and spending far too much money on a wedding (25k) that could have gone on a bigger house.

kungfupannda · 01/12/2020 09:28

If it's about the principle, then you've already lost that battle. If they intended to be fair to all children, they would have handed it over as a gift without having to be chased and reminded. Even if you do manage to drag the money out of them, it won't magically mean your partner is elevated to the same status as his siblings. It's more likely to create further misery and bitterness, as they constantly refer to it, reminding you what a fight you had to get it in the first place.

Tell them you don't need it, and move on with your lives with no lingering obligation. That way, if he decides to reduce/cut contact, he won't feel guilt over accepting their money and then cutting them off.

Nanny0gg · 01/12/2020 09:29


Sorry - I should say DP liked me doing those things because he thought we “looked good” in her books - so he was a good son. His Mum HATES Amy’s husband and doesn’t think Connor’s partner is good enough, so I’m sure there’s something wrong with me. She has said some comments in the past.

I will show DP this thread as it’ll help. You people are lovely and so helpful. Does anyone have any advice for him in this situation going forward?

Yes. Counselling

Low contact followed by no contact.
Alexandernevermind · 01/12/2020 09:29

I'm going to add to the chorus of step away. She isn't giving you money, she is buying control over you.
She is disrespectful to your family and by the sounds of it everyone around her.
Your DP will struggle at first because he has been conditioned to accept her behaviour, but now with open eyes and your support he will take back control - as he needs to certainly before babies start to come along.

Nanny0gg · 01/12/2020 09:30

And if you think she's bad now, I hate to imagine what she'll be like as a grandparent

MerryGrinchmas1 · 01/12/2020 09:31

I think I would probably tell them that you are unable to host them this Christmas. If you do have the money, it will probably come with strings attached and you will never hear the end of it.


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CorianderQueen · 01/12/2020 09:37


So you are a money grabber and sound very nasty with it.

No, she's been promised something and is getting in difficulty with vendors because the promised hasn't fulfilled their end.
Ellie56 · 01/12/2020 09:43

Stop asking about the money. Stop buying her little gifts. Arrange a quiet wedding and pay for it yourself. (Even better do as PP said and get married without telling them.) Cancel Christmas with them. (You have been told to self isolate. They can go to Golden Child for Christmas.)

Step away, go NC and your lives will be a whole lot better without this toxic woman in it.

Mrgrinch · 01/12/2020 09:44

No, she's been promised something and is getting in difficulty with vendors because the promised hasn't fulfilled their end.

Then they shouldn't have spend money they didn't have yet. She's already said they can afford to pay their own vendors.

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