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To think that shops are gonna be absolute carnage tomorrow.

259 replies

Meimeimei · 30/10/2020 23:17

I've posted this for traffic.

I have bad anxiety with crowds and queues but I need to go into town tomorrow to pick up a few things from click and collect.

Obviously, news of maybe a national lockdown being announced on Monday.

Will people be flocking to the shops.

YABU - yes I'm going to do Christmas shopping tomorrow.
YANBU - No I'm not going to

OP posts:

Am I being unreasonable?

1612 votes. Final results.

You are being unreasonable
You are NOT being unreasonable
LucillevsLowkee · 31/10/2020 09:35


Having just read the news headlines this morning, I can’t believe the first thing that pops into people’s minds is “I must dash out and do some Christmas shopping”. I mean really in the scheme of things, Christmas presents are so completely and utterly unimportant. I am just staggered!

you haven't got kids have you?

It's hardly WW3, we all have food and shelter, of course trying to give a Christmas to their children is people's priority. Holidays cancelled - lockdown or no lockdown, bookings for Christmas are bleak, pantos and grottos already cancelled. What kind of scrooge would resent parents who at least try to get a few presents under the tree.

Plus it helps retailers.
EmeraldShamrock · 31/10/2020 09:40

Seems to prove we are a nation obsessed with shopping. We don't even know yet what the rules for Christmas are going to be
I know shops won't open here at all November there will be carnage in December.
Admittedly I am obsessed with shopping since March spending money i can't afford to waste I should save it is keeping me sane for the moment making lists and spending knowing I'll regret it next year. Grin

3WildOnes · 31/10/2020 09:41

I adore Christmas but this wouldn’t even cross my mind. I’ll buy all of my presents online.

Taytocrisps · 31/10/2020 09:42

The shops were very busy in Ireland in the days leading up to lockdown. Not the grocery shops though. More shops like Penneys (Primark) that don't have an online shop. And the toy shops like Smyths. You can order online from Smyths but not everyone has a debit/credit card and ordering online often incurs a delivery charge. So people on tight budgets were probably trying to avoid that.

Faithtrusts · 31/10/2020 09:50

We went the Cheshire oaks yesterday and there were queues for near every shop and places to eat. Strange as we went about a month back and it was easy shopping.

My mum works in a shop that sells, gift boxes, toys, clothes etc and said it's been really busy with people buying what looks more like gifts Xmas shopping

MummBraTheEverLeaking · 31/10/2020 09:51

DD presents are bought already, everyone else can be got for online as we do a lot of secret santa with Amazon wishlists (so people get what they would like and you don't have to waste money on tat).

The only shopping we're doing this weekend is at Hobbycraft just in case this goes on for a while, and if nursery shuts we've got some things to do and make. I did the same just before lockdown for Easter stuff.

Masquecharade · 31/10/2020 09:51

I voted YANBU because I’m not going shopping personally but it will be carnage I think OP, this is Mumsnet, where chickens feed the 5,000 and everyone is prepared for Christmas 2025 and nuclear warfare with a bunker they crocheted from a pattern their Granny had.

Order online and hope someone here shares a link to their company that does a “stocking stuffer/compiler/maker” online at different budgets too if such a thing exists!

speakout · 31/10/2020 09:53

I usually do most of my christmas shopping online anyway, so no carnage for me.

IceCreamAndCandyfloss · 31/10/2020 09:57

We always do 99% online anyway. I may purchase the odd item from a shop if I spot something or pick up treats if there anyway.

There’s not a chance I would be going shopping this weekend but suspect they will be over run and feel for the staff.

JinglingHellsBells · 31/10/2020 09:58

It's not going to make the slightest difference to me.

My DCs are adults, they get vouchers or money or something bought online.

Other gifts I have bought already (online.)

I have only been 'out' shopping for anything other than food, once, since end of march. Everything I need I can buy online and collect from Waitrose or have it delivered.

Heyahun · 31/10/2020 09:59

Probably - but I just go to food shops late - like half hour before close and it’s always quiet - even in height of lockdown

Also there’s the internet for online shopping so I don’t get the panic tbh

Redwinestillfine · 31/10/2020 10:07

I haven't gone into town for Christmas shopping for about 10 years....Online is so much easier. It won't be an issue op, and the country is in various stages of lockdown anyway, and the media has been talking about a national lockdown for a few weeks so it's hardly a surprise. I am sure people won't be panic buying like last time.

VampireVicki · 31/10/2020 10:08

Like you OP I also have anxiety around crowds and so I very rarely visit the busy shopping centres and certainly not from Nov onwards.

I have done about 80% of my Christmas shopping already, all online. Just waiting for my DNs lists as they are younger, and as PP have already pointed out, I need to leave it until nearer the time as they will change their minds!!

My siblings know that whatever their DC want from me will have to be something I can order online though. Just deciding whether to have it delivered straight to them for them to wrap and tag as I am not sure I will be able to travel to them over Christmas Sad

Hiddennameforever · 31/10/2020 10:18

I got 3 items to pick up in Next and H&M as click and collect.
I have to go on Monday, today will be crazy. Do you think Monday will be still open?

SonjaMorgan · 31/10/2020 10:18

I hate shopping so will be home but I think the OP has a point. It has been very mild weather but I think we are expecting colder days soon. Cozy jumpers, hats, gloves etc I think will be on the list. Fingers crossed the supermarkets remain calm and well stocked as I am dreading the next few months of grocery shopping.

Weallfloatdownhere · 31/10/2020 10:35

Shops very quiet this morning near me. No carnage here (SW London) 🤷🏻‍♀️

CoronaIsWatching · 31/10/2020 10:52

People queuing round the block to get into Morrisons this morning. You'd think they were closing the supermarkets down and nailing people inside their homes the way people are carrying on. Utterly pathetic.

userxx · 31/10/2020 10:57

@CoronaIsWatching Same as last time then, unbelievable. You've put me off going to the supermarket today, I'm ordering Indian for dinner 👍

Sweettruelies · 31/10/2020 10:59

Just hope all these people saying shop online are not all just defaulting to Amazon. They are killing the high street and pay no tax in this country. Try and support independent traders online, not line Jeff bezos pockets - he’s rich enough!!!!

ancientgran · 31/10/2020 11:00

Gave my sons the wrapped Christmas presents for them, partners and GC (6 GC) this week. I stressed enough about getting them Easter Eggs so didn't want a panic about Christmas. Sons thought I was mad but they live 200 miles away and who knows when we will see them next.

Aesopfable · 31/10/2020 11:06

I think if a lockdown is announced what would be carnage is the effect on the retail sector in what is normally the busiest time of year. The high streets are going to be half boarded up by January with all the shops that will go bust.

FredaFrogspawn · 31/10/2020 11:08


I agree with you totally, Thewiseone.
I'm completely burnt out by working in retail, most of us got very little or no time off (and by that i mean lockdown...nor were we furloughed)
and I"m not doing Christmas at all this year. Also it's hardly a break when have to work it.
Just Not Bothering.
Call me killjoy but try doing 12 hours a day boiling in a mask ,added to that my store has now put the heating on.
I 'm not doing Christmas and can't see any family anyway. My parents won't let me into the house due to the germs they think I get in my job.

I hope you have a chance for a really good rest and so sorry you have to be separated from your family. We would have ground to a dreadful halt without the work you do and the risks you have to take - people should be more grateful.

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VampireVicki · 31/10/2020 11:08


Just hope all these people saying shop online are not all just defaulting to Amazon. They are killing the high street and pay no tax in this country. Try and support independent traders online, not line Jeff bezos pockets - he’s rich enough!!!!

I agree. I just had a delivery of a present from a small business I bought from via Etsy. I had a lovely message from the seller to say I was her first ever customer, and it made me so happy to think I had supported someone brave enough to start up a new business at this time.
throwaway100000 · 31/10/2020 11:09

I thought you were going to mention Halloween - not Christmas present panic buying!

If there is another national lockdown, why the rush for Christmas presents, of all things? It is still currently October, not sure if you’re aware? Also Online retailers still exist? There’s no guarantee we’re going into lockdown, nor that we’ll be locked down until 2021?

At least those panic buying food etc had an iota of justification behind it!

RichardMarxisinnocent · 31/10/2020 11:11


People queuing round the block to get into Morrisons this morning. You'd think they were closing the supermarkets down and nailing people inside their homes the way people are carrying on. Utterly pathetic.

Oh ffs, what is the matter with people? I need to do my usual weekly shop today, I don't want to have to wait for ages in the wind and rain, only to find people have panic bought the things I need. My local supermarket is busy ish on Saturdays but I haven't seen a queue outside it in a long time.
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