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To think that shops are gonna be absolute carnage tomorrow.

259 replies

Meimeimei · 30/10/2020 23:17

I've posted this for traffic.

I have bad anxiety with crowds and queues but I need to go into town tomorrow to pick up a few things from click and collect.

Obviously, news of maybe a national lockdown being announced on Monday.

Will people be flocking to the shops.

YABU - yes I'm going to do Christmas shopping tomorrow.
YANBU - No I'm not going to

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DappledThings · 30/10/2020 23:49

Most people aren't really thinking about Christmas shopping now are they? I'm sure shops won't be any worse tomorrow than last weekend. Which was fine.

DC both have birthdays close to Christmas and relatives will want guidance about presents x 4 for both birthdays and Christmas. I can't cope with giving that headspace till at least end of November.

lljkk · 30/10/2020 23:52

I'm definitely going tomorrow. Last chance to get a big pile of 2nd hand books to spend Lockdown#2 reading. Thanks for reminder. We've been discussing Amazon-Prime sub too.

Thewiseoneincognito · 30/10/2020 23:56

You have to really look deep inside yourself if you are fearful of not being able to buy STUFF for Christmas gifts so much so that you would be willing to shop amongst crowds and hoards of people during a global pandemic.

Truly, have a word with yourselves. Are your kids and relatives so materialistic that they would appreciate you doing something like that? What kind of example does it set that you panic bought before a lockdown for GIFTS.

Not food. GIFTS. 🤯🙄

AlwaysLatte · 30/10/2020 23:57

I've already set myself the challenge of not buying a single thing in shops - all online this year (it mostly is, anyway).

GirlCrush · 30/10/2020 23:57


You have to really look deep inside yourself if you are fearful of not being able to buy STUFF for Christmas gifts so much so that you would be willing to shop amongst crowds and hoards of people during a global pandemic.

Truly, have a word with yourselves. Are your kids and relatives so materialistic that they would appreciate you doing something like that? What kind of example does it set that you panic bought before a lockdown for GIFTS.

Not food. GIFTS. 🤯🙄

this 100%!!!

sod christmas.....
minipie · 31/10/2020 00:02

It’s not even November, there’s almost 2 months till Christmas, gifts are available online. I simply don’t understand this panic about Christmas.

Far more likely that people will be out panic buying loo roll and beans.

BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz · 31/10/2020 00:04

I just needed a quick nip into Primark. That will surely close if Lockdown happens and can't shop online. I may have to brave it 1h before close as my underwear was in need of replacing before covid.

ClaireP20 · 31/10/2020 00:05


We will be. Done most of my shopping for my children, but DP hasn't for his daughter. We will go to the shops this weekend and finish the children's gifts. Don't care about anything else so long as the children have a good Christmas.

Haven't told DP yet, he's asleep Grin. But I know he will 100% go as this is the first Christmas his daughter will wake up with him on Christmas day and he will want it to be as perfect as he can make it.

Arh you sound lovely, caring about your partner's Christmas gifts for his daughter x
Autumnblooms · 31/10/2020 00:07

Not sure how people think delivery drivers will be able to mange a entire nation shopping online for Xmas and being able to get everyone everything on time- they will have a massive back log!!

ineedaholidaynow · 31/10/2020 00:13

What happens when your children write their Christmas list and you have already done the shopping months in advance?

Jux · 31/10/2020 00:14

I've assumed that I'll do most of my Xmas shopping online. Usually I'd go into the city, but I know dh will be avoiding it like the plague (ha!) and as he's the driver I'm dependent on him going. We might go in to pick dd up from Uni, but that'll be a quick 'in and out', he won't go into the centre or where shops are if he can help it.

I've been stuck indoors since lockdown started; that's months. I have had the occasional (very occasional) jaunt down the road to the local shops and a couple of short drives to Tesco since March. I've been happy enough, but tbh, this is normal life for me anyway.

Shinyletsbebadguys · 31/10/2020 00:14


You have to really look deep inside yourself if you are fearful of not being able to buy STUFF for Christmas gifts so much so that you would be willing to shop amongst crowds and hoards of people during a global pandemic.

Truly, have a word with yourselves. Are your kids and relatives so materialistic that they would appreciate you doing something like that? What kind of example does it set that you panic bought before a lockdown for GIFTS.

Not food. GIFTS. 🤯🙄

No , No. You absolutely do not get to do that. By all means operate like that yourself but you do not get to shame for this.

My DC have been through a hell of a lot the last couple of years. They have been through their parents divorce. Covid , DS1 battling asd and diagnosis. Not to mention watching their mother learn to walk again after a stroke and all that comes with job loss this year.

I will not be shamed for wanting to get them a few gifts for November birthdays to have some semblance of normality for them. We don't buy hundreds of gifts. We actually are freaking poster children for reusing and secondhand buying.

I will be ensuring that my 4 and 7 year olds have a few gifts to open on their birthdays and I'll be damned if anyone gets to insinuate that i or anyone else in a crap situation like this are vapid or shallow.

It's a public forum and you can say as you wish , as can I. So no i will absolutely not accept your statement is ok. It is not. My DC are not remotely materialistic in your terms but they are children. Children who feel unconnected to normality. My DC would be happy with charity shop gifts and poundland decorations (which is good because that's what they are getting ). It's the enjoyment of the excitement of wrapping paper , blowing out candles , having a birthday celebration. A reminder for them that those traditions they hear about at school are still there. The world is still ticking. It's not about stuff for my DC its about the experience.

By all means look down your nose but to attempt to shame others is horrific. You are the one that needs to look deep inside yourself and find why you are so unable to see other peoples reasons and have any compassion.
StormBaby · 31/10/2020 00:16

Food shopping was already carnage this evening at 6pm.
Christmas I don’t do until December anyway

Thewiseoneincognito · 31/10/2020 00:16

@ineedaholidaynow you teach them a lesson about not getting what you want just because you write it on a piece of paper. It’s a good life lesson for kids of all ages. Sure it takes the magic away from Christmas but it’s something that will help them grow and develop in this new and changing New world we are entering.

Greentea93 · 31/10/2020 00:18

@Shinyletsbebadguys 100% agree

safariboot · 31/10/2020 00:19

I was deterred from shopping by crowds last weekend. But then again, that's only because there were crowds of others there.

Anyway I'm skint this month.

Thewiseoneincognito · 31/10/2020 00:21

@Shinyletsbebadguys get a grip. You shame yourself by actually admitting to such irresponsible behaviour. I’m not the only one here who thinks that either.

Do it online and be a good example to your DC who as you claim don’t expect much yet you are willingly looking to panic buy them STUFF. 😆🤭

saraclara · 31/10/2020 00:23


You have to really look deep inside yourself if you are fearful of not being able to buy STUFF for Christmas gifts so much so that you would be willing to shop amongst crowds and hoards of people during a global pandemic.

Truly, have a word with yourselves. Are your kids and relatives so materialistic that they would appreciate you doing something like that? What kind of example does it set that you panic bought before a lockdown for GIFTS.

Not food. GIFTS. 🤯🙄

It's not about materialism. If you're not bothered about Christmas, then fine. But we're a family that loves it. We love our time together, putting thought into presents and being together to open and share's an expression of love for us, and something we look forward to hugely,

It's been a shit year. For all we know, one of us might get the bug, or have to isolate and miss that family time altogether. But we're going to do our damndest to make it happen, for our own mental health and for something to be as close to normal as it can be.

I really don't get why the anti-Christmas/gift giving posters have to be so snide about those of us who appreciate that special time together.
alltoomuchrightnow · 31/10/2020 00:26

I work in a superstore that is considered non essential shopping.
For weeks there's been mounting tension as people panic buy... inc punch ups in the car park, to the extent where it's been considered life threatening. Ambulances called etc.. This has been numerous occasions. People fight over car parking spaces.
Personally I'm sick to the back teeth of it. Also the abuse us staff get.
I'd welcome a lockdown just to get a break from it all

Whatafustercluck · 31/10/2020 00:26

If you want to go out and buy Christmas presents, go ahead. But for the love of all that's holy, just leave the toilet roll alone!

MercyBooth · 31/10/2020 00:26

Wont be doing any. Not until i know how long this lockdown is for. Im not spending on a Christmas that might not happen.

alltoomuchrightnow · 31/10/2020 00:29

I agree with you totally, Thewiseone.
I'm completely burnt out by working in retail, most of us got very little or no time off (and by that i mean lockdown...nor were we furloughed)
and I"m not doing Christmas at all this year. Also it's hardly a break when have to work it.
Just Not Bothering.
Call me killjoy but try doing 12 hours a day boiling in a mask ,added to that my store has now put the heating on.
I 'm not doing Christmas and can't see any family anyway. My parents won't let me into the house due to the germs they think I get in my job.


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Thewiseoneincognito · 31/10/2020 00:31

@saraclara it’s not a snide comment at all. You think I’m a Scrooge? I love Christmas, but I’m also aware that things will be different this year. Anyone cramming into the stores this weekend, harassing retail staff or simply scaring them by contributing to such crowded situations really does need to have a long think about their motivations. I suppose it’s a sign of the times how selfish and self absorbed we’ve become as a society.

movingonup20 · 31/10/2020 00:37

Supermarket was quiet this evening so guessing less panic this time

GirlCrush · 31/10/2020 00:45

Anyone in retail.... you are doing a fantastic job!! The abuse is on a different level and it’s constant..... I’m a retail manager and manage a young team. They have been hit hard. A couple were due to head off this September to shiny new careers. All post phoned. On top of that and their parents redundancies they have to deal with customers constantly grumbling

So and has no mask on
One way system is confusing
Queue is too long
They won’t take cash
There’s no stock
Where are all the staff ( isolating, we are humans)
Why only 3 tills open ( to give space between cashiers)

And on it goes to the point they scream ‘YOU MISSED A BIT’ at the poor door Marshall cleaning trolleys!!!

Had enough too.... some of the U.K. public is vile

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