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Is my friend being rude here?

69 replies

tillytallys · 01/08/2020 17:00

Yesterday I had the day to myself(well with my daughter ) and had zero plans.
My friend text early morning and asked if I wanted to meet up in town,have a look around the shops and grab lunch (with our kids )
I jumped at the chance and told her to text me when she was in town.
I waited
And waited and anyway she didn't text.
I text her 5 mins ago saying "hope your ok,was a little worried when you didn't text back yesterday"
Her reply
"Oh sorry totally forgot to text you back yesterday,I went to the beach instead"
Do you think that's rude ?
I would have met her at the beach instead if she preferred..but to simply just not even bother letting me know she had changed her mind.
I waited 3 hours for a text then gave up and we just went out ourselves.

OP posts:
EineReiseDurchDieZeit · 01/08/2020 18:51

Hugely rude and obviously one of those people who arranges their social life in such a way in that they have a backup all fixed in case the better outing with the first choice friend they REALLY want to see doesn't pan out.

Remember it for the future.

Motoko · 01/08/2020 18:59

Bollocks did she forget!

She's not much of a friend OP, but why didn't you contact her when you didn't hear from her?

Fatarseflanagan09 · 01/08/2020 19:08

I would be hurt, especially if my children were looking forward to it and even if you don't usually initiate outings as another poster suggested it's still hurtful and rude, it seems that your friendship is dispensible and if something better comes up you're pushed to one side and forgotten as though your feelings don't count, I would take this up with her and tell her that in future have the common decency to let you know and as for forgetting to text you that's rubbish, she's an inconsiderate bitch and a crap friend.

Beautiful3 · 01/08/2020 19:09

Yes its rude. Next time dont reply.

Sabine123 · 01/08/2020 19:12

Very rude ! Lesson learnt - wait for no-one !! I used to do things like this - I am a people pleaser. A nice quality but you do get forgotten or trod on.

Louise91417 · 01/08/2020 19:14

Why did you wait 3 hoursConfused i would have text after half an hour max asking her what she was playing at...

Anotherlovelybitofsquirrel · 01/08/2020 19:16

YANBU. She'd be an ex friend.

KatieGilbert · 01/08/2020 19:16

Yep, very rude

Iverunoutofnames · 01/08/2020 19:17

I had a friend who would text, I’ll get back to you in 5 minutes to arrange meet up time. Wouldn’t hear a thing from her again. I would see on Facebook she’d gone somewhere else and she would message 10 hours later - Oh changed my mind.
They don’t think your time is valuable I think

sonjadog · 01/08/2020 19:25

Yes, it was rude, but I wouldn't write off a friendship is this was a one off. In future, don't wait for three hours for anyone. Send a message when you don't hear back and ask, and if you don't hear anything, then proceed with your own plans.

84claire84 · 01/08/2020 19:26

She's a twat

RosaBaby2 · 01/08/2020 19:27

Incredibly rude. So so rude.

AZillion · 01/08/2020 19:30

Change her name in your contacts to Shit Friend

^ I just laughed at that. Maybe wrong, but it made me, well, laugh.

No specific advice OP. Just demote her in a similar way re. your priorities.

BrutusMcDogface · 01/08/2020 19:30

Yes, very very rude. Eggysmom- is this what you really think? It’s extremely paranoid.

I agree with a pp that she just got a better offer. I’m sorry, op. I think you should play it cool with her and spend time with people who are actually your friends. 💐

phoenixrosehere · 01/08/2020 19:33

Both of you were unreasonable.

You could have contacted her asking an exact time and meeting place instead of waiting three hours to call. She should have said she changed her plans.

Rule of thumb imo is if there is no date, no exact time, nor a meeting place, nothing is planned. After dealing with people wanting to wait until the last minute to give me an actual time after having given a date and a meeting place over a week or more in advance and me asking about the time for days on end, I’ve become quite strict about such things. Funny enough, this only happens with my husband’s friends. I don’t have any friends that aren’t specific on plans unless we’re just hanging at their home.

Mummyshark2018 · 01/08/2020 19:52

Yes very rude! Why did you wait til all most 5pm though? I would've text before lunch to secure plans. I absolutely hate waiting around though.

S111n20 · 01/08/2020 19:57

Yes !!!! Absolutely yes !!! Wow that’s very rude x

Mary46 · 01/08/2020 21:24

Very rude but I have been stung few times. I suit around my kids now. Op thats rude of her

KorkMum · 01/08/2020 22:32

So so rude! Shit friend or what. Don't say yes next time.

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