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Is my friend being rude here?

69 replies

tillytallys · 01/08/2020 17:00

Yesterday I had the day to myself(well with my daughter ) and had zero plans.
My friend text early morning and asked if I wanted to meet up in town,have a look around the shops and grab lunch (with our kids )
I jumped at the chance and told her to text me when she was in town.
I waited
And waited and anyway she didn't text.
I text her 5 mins ago saying "hope your ok,was a little worried when you didn't text back yesterday"
Her reply
"Oh sorry totally forgot to text you back yesterday,I went to the beach instead"
Do you think that's rude ?
I would have met her at the beach instead if she preferred..but to simply just not even bother letting me know she had changed her mind.
I waited 3 hours for a text then gave up and we just went out ourselves.

OP posts:
Taikoo · 01/08/2020 17:44

Hugely rude.
I would rethink this 'friendship'.

Elieza · 01/08/2020 17:45

Why did you not have firm plans to meet at x shopping centre at x time or whatever? I would have done that “see you around markies about 11am text me when you get there” or somesuch.

Could she have misunderstood you were going there to meet her. Rather than you were going there anyway and if we bump into each other fine but if not fair enough no biggee.

I can’t believe anyone would deliberately leave their pal in town waiting hours and go to the beach knowing that they were looking for them. It has to be a misunderstanding surely?

If not I don’t think I’d bother with her again as she clearly doesn’t like you very much.

FizzyGreenWater · 01/08/2020 17:48

Yep, incredibly rude.

Whoopsmahoot · 01/08/2020 17:49

She’s not a friend if she thinks so little of you

Mary46 · 01/08/2020 17:55

I think texts can be vague but yes bad form and rude. Hate time wasters.

vanillandhoney · 01/08/2020 17:59


My cynical brain says that she wanted you either in town, or sat at home waiting to go into town, so that she could go to the beach safe in the knowledge that she wouldn't run into you there ....

Christ, talk about paranoid!
ButtonMoonLoon · 01/08/2020 18:02

I’d feel so awful and embarrassed if I behaved if she had done, I’d be falling over myself with apologies - she doesn’t seem to ‘get’ that she let you down at all.

ddl1 · 01/08/2020 18:04

Yes, quite rude!

thepeopleversuswork · 01/08/2020 18:09

Yes its incredibly rude and thoughtless. I'd drop her like a hot brick honestly. Who needs that?

biscuiteer · 01/08/2020 18:09

She says she forgot. I would leave it at that. It's really not worth thinking over -especially to the point of maybe she was trying to avoid you.

Put away your conspiracy theories people, someone forgot about some casual plans to catch up in town and the other person didn't call or text them to see if it was still on.

RandyLionandDirtyDog · 01/08/2020 18:11

She forgot. Yes it’s a bit rubbish but I think you share some of the blame because in your shoes, I’d have texted around 12pm asking where were we meeting for lunch?

If I hadn’t heard back within 20 mins, I’d assume something came up and make other arrangements.

It’s a bit daft to sit and stew and wait until later the next day to ask where she’d got to.

Do you generally sit around waiting for other people to organise nice stuff for you or do you do your fair share of suggesting activities and making arrangements? I want you to seriously think about this but I don’t expect you to answer on the thread.

If you’re one of those friends that rarely takes the initiative, (and I know a couple), I might be inclined to forget to get back to you sometimes too!

Fearicecream · 01/08/2020 18:12

And what was the bitches reply?

Pamalarrrr · 01/08/2020 18:14

You waited 3 hours????

vixxo · 01/08/2020 18:15

Well has she got problems with her memory? She literally made plans with you today! No, she didn't forget, she was just being a dick.

BertiesLanding · 01/08/2020 18:17

"Friends" don't do that. Not anyone I would want as a friend anyway.

Bananabread8 · 01/08/2020 18:19

Your friend was totally out of order. Sounds like she had a better offer... how could she have forgotten even the next day. I would tell her that it’s really inconsiderate and to change the plan from town to the beach how lovely of her.

Foodiefoodieyemek · 01/08/2020 18:19

She's rude. İf she had said this a couple of weeks ago i would have forgotten as well. But the same day is just not caring

Candyfloss99 · 01/08/2020 18:20

She's your ex friend. Unbelievably rude.

Spied · 01/08/2020 18:23

I've a 'friend' who does this.In my friends case I know what she's like and that she says such things with no intention of following it through.
Bit of a power trip although I choose not to play the game and she hates when I say " Oh, I forgot" if she brings it up.
Wants me to be sitting waiting around for her.

LaraLondon1 · 01/08/2020 18:27

Maybe a case of crossed wires , could she have been checking if you were going to be in town anyway perhaps .. and if so she knew she could catch up if she went to town .
I think I would have also t/ c her tho rather than wait and wait .
My experience is that it doesn’t work well to challenge friends who have acted out of line so I don’t think I would ask her what the heck she was doing.

PoodleMoth · 01/08/2020 18:40

Extremely rude!

WeEE · 01/08/2020 18:43

@tillytallys Did she respond to your follow up message?

Not nice of her at all.
What a d*ck.


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RonnieBob · 01/08/2020 18:44

Massively rude. Huge.

Nannewnannew · 01/08/2020 18:48


She says she forgot. I would leave it at that. It's really not worth thinking over -especially to the point of maybe she was trying to avoid you.

Put away your conspiracy theories people, someone forgot about some casual plans to catch up in town and the other person didn't call or text them to see if it was still on.

I don’t agree that it was a casual plan, maybe you would be happy to hang around but I certainly wouldn’t.
tillytallys I agree with the majority of posters in that it was incredibly rude of her to treat you like that. I have had a ‘friend’ who has done similar things and I no longer have contact with her. Your time is just as important as hers so don’t waste it on her.
fluffygreenmonsterhoody · 01/08/2020 18:51

Exceptionally rude.

And you need to value yourself and your time more. Don’t wait three hours for someone to tell you what to do. Chase it up half an hour later and if no reply then do your own thing.

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