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WIBU to post on village FB asking people to STFU one Sunday a month

106 replies

Wwwolves · 28/06/2020 19:45

Flame me if you will.

I'm currently working FT from home, often into the early hours.

DH is NHS and works days then nights in a rotating schedule.

WIBU to ask on village FB for my road to please keep their kids in until 11am one effing Sunday a month? Maybe the first Sunday a month?

I'd love one actual lie in a month. I know DH working nights can't expect the world to be silent all day when he's on nights, but good lord I'd love one single lie in a month without the sound of trampolines/footballs bashing/toddlers shrieking at 7am.

I know kids need to play outside but really, 7am on a weekend????

OP posts:
1Morewineplease · 29/06/2020 00:06

Are you one of those people who believes that an NHS badge should entitle you something that others don’t have?
If you think that your road is too noisy then move.

Casschops · 29/06/2020 00:12

You are funny OP

LizzyAnna99 · 29/06/2020 00:53

I tried to get my street to stop that stupid clap for carers shit on a Thursday because I started work at 10pm and I was sick of being woken up at 8pm with an almighty racket

kazzer2867 · 29/06/2020 01:01

Hilarious. I'm still awake and needed a laugh. Thanks for that OP. Come back and let us all know how it went. 😂😂

TimeWastingButFun · 29/06/2020 01:12

Try it, good luck... Hmm

thaegumathteth · 29/06/2020 01:27

7am is too early but 11am is too late. When you have toddlers 11am is basically about 4pm in normal time. Plus just now it's not like they can really go many other places. Get some ear plugs or headphones and chill out.

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