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WIBU to post on village FB asking people to STFU one Sunday a month

106 replies

Wwwolves · 28/06/2020 19:45

Flame me if you will.

I'm currently working FT from home, often into the early hours.

DH is NHS and works days then nights in a rotating schedule.

WIBU to ask on village FB for my road to please keep their kids in until 11am one effing Sunday a month? Maybe the first Sunday a month?

I'd love one actual lie in a month. I know DH working nights can't expect the world to be silent all day when he's on nights, but good lord I'd love one single lie in a month without the sound of trampolines/footballs bashing/toddlers shrieking at 7am.

I know kids need to play outside but really, 7am on a weekend????

OP posts:
Soubriquet · 28/06/2020 20:19

Sorry but no you can’t do this

Wear ear plugs for silence

bestbrowsintown · 28/06/2020 20:20

Of course you can't ask people to stay until almost midday just because it suits you.
7am is too early, 9am is perfectly reasonable though

SunbathingDragon · 28/06/2020 20:23

Perhaps you can get the local peacock here to be quiet in the mornings as well. A lie in until 7am sounds blissful after the last few months.

DisobedientHamster · 28/06/2020 20:24

Earplug, a fan or white noise machine, close your windows. No, you can't ask this, or even for bloody 9am because you want a lie in. Hmm

SauvignonBlanche · 28/06/2020 20:25

WIBU to ask on village FB for my road to please keep their kids in until 11am one effing Sunday a month? Maybe the first Sunday a month?

I’m sure the village would love a good laugh Grin

WorraLiberty · 28/06/2020 20:25

Yeah do that and please come back and let us know how it went.

Also I'm sure you won't forget mention your husband works for the NHS, but please type it in bold for extra effect.

Hercwasonaroll · 28/06/2020 20:25

Pre 9am noise at the weekend is anti social and we try not to make any. After 9 though I deem it acceptable. 11am is ridiculous, that's half the day gone!

CreditCrackers · 28/06/2020 20:26

Christ, don't be so ridiculous.

Buy some earplugs or close a window.

100000% this.

DisobedientHamster · 28/06/2020 20:27


Why do you have to work into the early hours? 11am lie is the sort of thing teenagers do

Some people are not larks. They can't go to bed early or their work is such they have to work into the early hours due to time differences. What's so bloody superior about early rising?
Brieminewine · 28/06/2020 20:28

So you want people to stay quietly indoors in the summer on a weekend so you can sleep til nearly noon?

Entitled much 😂

Lou898 · 28/06/2020 20:29

I think you’d be setting yourself up for a lot of not very polite replies. I think you just have to accept it’s not going to happen unfortunately. Everyone has their own agendas and those who are allowing this would probably consider their needs just as important as yours.
You need to find an alternative solution like earplugs, earlier night to give you a longer sleep, afternoon nap.

Northernsoulgirl45 · 28/06/2020 20:32

9am is the earliest I would let my kids out but 11am would be unreasonable.

anon5000 · 28/06/2020 20:33

Let us know which village FB page it is so we can watch the fall out.

Livpool · 28/06/2020 20:33

I LOVE a lie in but YABU

People can't live their lives by your rules. My DS is not allowed in the garden until after 10 any day of the week.

If I do get a lie in (very rare thanks to DS) I am usually woken up before 8 by dogs barking and people mowing their lawn. It's annoying but that's life

Ellmau · 28/06/2020 20:36

It will Not End Well.

Even people who might think you have a point will resent you bringing it up; most people will think you're BU; and even if one or two people complied (unlikely) some of them would still be noisy.

Hopeisnotastrategy · 28/06/2020 20:36


With the best will in the world,

Wise up.

Floatyboat · 28/06/2020 20:38

You sound ridiculous saying 11. Just say " every Sunday please minimise noise before 9 " and you sound reasonable. But the answer is probably earplugs.

marmitelover13 · 28/06/2020 20:38

Maybe time to plan that relocation to a quieter neighbourhood?

ColonelNobbyNobbs · 28/06/2020 20:41

Macncheeseballs I’m 40 and I woke up at 11.15 today. Didn’t get up for another hour or so.

However I wouldn’t ask my neighbours to be quiet!

Whenwillthisbeover · 28/06/2020 20:42

I don’t have little kids anymore, mine are adults so am I ok to mow my lawn at 9 on a Sunday since it’s my only day off?

I need sleep? I go to bed at nine. That way I’m good by five on a Sunday day morning. I’ve been a home worker for 15 years, you aren’t unusual.

Redcrow · 28/06/2020 20:49

Why are you working into the early hours?

Yabu. 9am is a lie in, wanting others to be quiet until 11am is ridiculous

Colouringaddict · 28/06/2020 20:49

I have a noisy fan in my room, I am used to that noise and it drowns out any noise from the street, to the point that someone hit our car in the street and I didn’t hear it


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lljkk · 28/06/2020 20:50

I doubt is the whole village. It's probably 1-2 households that live near you. Go ask them personally and offer to buy the kids a lovely cake for their patience.

Or save your money to get better (sound insulating) windows.

AdelaideK · 28/06/2020 20:51

7am is too early but 11 is too late.

PinkiOcelot · 28/06/2020 20:52

Well I don’t think you are being unreasonable. Kids out at 7.30 on a a Sunday is really inconsiderate, but some people are just downright selfish and think that everyone should think their kids are as cute as they do.
Why should the OP go to bed in bloody earplugs?!

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