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WIBU to post on village FB asking people to STFU one Sunday a month

106 replies

Wwwolves · 28/06/2020 19:45

Flame me if you will.

I'm currently working FT from home, often into the early hours.

DH is NHS and works days then nights in a rotating schedule.

WIBU to ask on village FB for my road to please keep their kids in until 11am one effing Sunday a month? Maybe the first Sunday a month?

I'd love one actual lie in a month. I know DH working nights can't expect the world to be silent all day when he's on nights, but good lord I'd love one single lie in a month without the sound of trampolines/footballs bashing/toddlers shrieking at 7am.

I know kids need to play outside but really, 7am on a weekend????

OP posts:
Tootletum · 28/06/2020 20:53

7 am is indeed too early, but 11 is almost halfway through the day.

DisobedientHamster · 28/06/2020 20:54

Oh, here come the sanctimonious larks! There's nothing at all wrong with working till the early hours if that is what suits your body clock or with sleeping then till 11am. Nothing at all. Imagine if no one could or wanted to work till early hours, society wouldn't function.

But you can't ask people to route their schedules around your desire to lie in.

Earplugs and white noise and windows closed.

JellyfishandShells · 28/06/2020 20:57

11am ? That’s most of the morning you are expecting everyone to tiptoe around. Earplugs.

amusedtodeath1 · 28/06/2020 21:07

OP if you post that on FB, I can pretty much guarantee the noise will get worse. People really resent being told what they can and cannot do in their own homes/gardens and some will make theír point heard, iyswim.

I do think 7am is a bit early but if your kids been up since 4 am (early dawn's) then 7am will seem perfectly reasonable.

Ear plugs are your only solution.

Sandii · 28/06/2020 21:07

Yes it’s a good idea - if you want to be known as a misery and talked about in the village for the next 10 years ! 🤔

Beautiful3 · 28/06/2020 21:08

Totally unreasonable request! Buy and wear ear plugs. My husband works shifts too. You cannot expect your whole street to stay in, and be quiet until 11am on a sunday!!!

Mintjulia · 28/06/2020 21:13

11am ! Yabu. I wake up at 6am which is pretty much the time my son’s feet hit the carpet. We don’t go outside until 9am but why should we waste our weekend creeping around on tiptoe because there’s some grumpy old woman next door.

“Children should be seen but not heard” went out in the 1950s.

trappedbytheangel · 28/06/2020 21:13

I'm sorry, you are being ridiculous.

ohthegoats · 28/06/2020 21:18

We do an hour on hour off with our noisy neighbours. I stuck a note through their door saying that everyone else wanted to report them to the council, so to avoid that can we please try to keep the noise to hourly shouting and swearing. I didn't write exactly that, obv.

But, next day after a load of screaming obscenities at each other in the swimming pool, they started saying SHHHHH after an hour or so really sarcastically. And then totally shut up.

After an hour or so I shouted into the air 'thanks folks'.

Nothing for a little while, then they did another bit of yelling and playing and splashing. Then Ssshhhh.

I've never met them, I can't even see them, but it's the mum shouting things like 'cunting bastards' and stuff, so I didn't fancy a stand off with her on the doorstep. Hence the note.

Anyway, it's worked. For now. They used to scream and shout for literally 4 or 5 hours.

No harm in asking!!

Choufleur · 28/06/2020 21:18

You sound like people on my local fb page who moan about the church bells

Pigeonfaces · 28/06/2020 21:21

If you’re working to the early hours through choice (either because you’re a shift worker or you just like doing your job at unusual hours) then that’s your prerogative, but you can’t expect children to be kept inside to suit you.

If your working hours are not through choice, but because of pressure / excessive workload, you need to raise this with your employer as a well bring issue. Again, you can’t expect children to be kept indoors because of employment issues you’re encountering.

You’re obviously upset which is leading you to be unreasonable. Stress and tiredness are killers, and the way to deal with this is to address the root of the problem- your working hours. Not to pick fights with your neighbours! Children playing outside is a good thing: don’t undermine it.

BluebellForest836 · 28/06/2020 21:23

You can do it but you would just look like the village twat 😂

BluebellForest836 · 28/06/2020 21:24

@Choufleur - we have people moan about every single thing on our village page and the beggars constantly asking for stuff

Standrewsschool · 28/06/2020 21:35

You can ask, but I don’t think it will very popular.

You can’t expect kids to stay indoors until 11am. Maybe have words with the 7am-ers and ask them to be more considerate (ie. 9am) but ask in person, not on a Facebook page. Explain your reasons.

Laaalaaaa · 28/06/2020 21:37

Write to your MP, request they try and get a bill passed through Parliament. How dare you be woken before 11am. FFS.

Terralee · 28/06/2020 21:38

Get noise cancelling headphones.

Personally I'd like to ask my cat to stop waking me up by digging her claws into me at 7am!!!! but she doesn't speak English.

Mascotte · 28/06/2020 21:39

YANBU. Kids playing at 7am is ridiculous.

However, lockdown has taught me that most people are selfish and entitled fuckwits so they probably won't listen.

But good luck, I'm with you on this.

CountreeGurl · 28/06/2020 21:41

I can strongly recommend a white noise machine, best £30 you'll ever spend!

Mascotte · 28/06/2020 21:41

I was going to ask if everyone here could cut their grass at the same time instead of the relay system currently in play which assures the sound of motors throughout the day and evening

ClockyClock · 28/06/2020 21:42

Op I'm with you totally. I think it's reasonable and rational. BUT just asking will make people bloody minded enough to deliberately go against it. Look at the twats flocking to beaches and having parties, it's absolutely indicative of the selfish attitude people have these days whilst also clapping every Thursday at eight.
Depending on how well you know your neighbours I would go down the emotional heartstrings route. Tell then how exhausted you are, all you need is peace and quiet one time etc etc. Load it on heavily but without asking outright.

SuckingDieselFella · 28/06/2020 21:48

Why don't you play Cradle of Filth when you finish work at 1am?

That would get a village convo going about noise at unsociable hours.

Keepgoing88 · 28/06/2020 21:50

One thing I feel that so many people have is that they expect others to change. The only thing you can change is your response or your actions. Ita sad but sometimes it's all you have. I used to live in some noisy shared housing in London. I could t ask my noisy neighbours to change their noisy ways so I changed mine. I wear ear plugs... massive industrial's shit but I get more sleep!


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spongedog · 28/06/2020 21:51

Having had near neighbours start major building works this week, not scheduled to complete until early autumn - no notice apart from a chatty text on the local Whats App group, I feel your pain. I am working from home and the comings and goings have been crazy this week. So I have politely asked for details of the hours the builders will work, groaned that I am working from home, and offered some help that was requested. Nothing more can be done but it is still disruptive.

istheresomethingishouldknow · 28/06/2020 21:57

It's not reasonable or rational. Hmm

Residential neighborhoods full of family homes have children, pets and people with varying schedules and lives.

Close your windows. Get a fan. White noise machine. Earplugs. Black out blinds. But, no, don't post anything like you've suggested because it won't end well.

Mascotte · 28/06/2020 21:58

But surely if you live in such a residential area you should be considerate to your neighbours?

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