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"Ooh, like Madeleine McCann!"

119 replies

MacVities · 11/09/2019 10:26

My name is Madeleine. Known as Maddie. I'm a lot older than Madeleine McCann. Born long before Madeleine McCann.

But for years and years, she is mentioned to me so frequently upon people finding out my name. From drunk lads in night clubs grabbing me and shouting "we found her!!" When I tell them my name (even a few sober people have done this!) people again grabbing me and looking in my eyes to see if there's that mark, then laughing as if they are so hilarious and original. It was even mentioned by my sonographer at my 20 week scan remarking "oh Madeleine. Beautiful name. Like that missing child"

I had it again this morning when viewing a nursery to see if I wanted to register my child with them. They asked for our full details and said "ooh, surname isn't McCann, is it?"

Do people seriously think this is appropriate? The first few times I was a bit Hmm but I feel like it's been a decade of countless people making these comments and jokes thinking it's ok, or even remotely funny. I got really irritated by it this morning and DH said I'm being overly sensitive. AIBU?

OP posts:
Tonnerre · 11/09/2019 11:11

I'd be tempted to go passive aggressive and say "Did you really just make a joke about a missing, possibly dead child?"

Sweetpea55 · 11/09/2019 11:16

Madelaine is a beautiful name. I wouldn't connect you with MMc. More likely one of those lovely French cakes.

benandhollyagaaain · 11/09/2019 11:19

This is disappointing. Currently 30 weeks pregnant with a little girl and we have decided on Madeleine as her name. The McCann association was the only thing that put me off as I think it's a beautiful name but the few people I have asked have said they wouldn't have thought of it :(

LikeABucket · 11/09/2019 11:20

Imagine how my brother Adolf feels.

Ravenblack · 11/09/2019 11:24


You're terrible Muriel....... Grin

Schuyler · 11/09/2019 11:24

YANBU and I agree, I wouldn’t be happy with sending my child to the nursery. Something would just make me feel uncomfortable and you don’t want that at all.

People are massive twats. Joking about a missing child is gross and unfunny.

FatherFintanFay · 11/09/2019 11:24

My first thought is the lovely little French cakes, but then I am a bit of a fatty and I am often thinking about cake. My next thought is the impossibly glamorous French mother of a schoolfriend that I used to have in the 80s, who was a Madeleine and who appeared to be a different breed entirely to the 80s Yorkshire mums we were all used to Smile. Madeleine McCann comes quite a long way down the list of associations for me, and even if it was the first thing that popped into my head, I would never be so crass as to say so. What is wrong with some people?

pikapikachu · 11/09/2019 11:28

I'm sorry that people are such dicks OP.

I have a blonde daughter who's a similar age to MM and I was stopped twice and told not to take my dd on holiday to Portugal as she'd be taken like MM. Hmm

NoTheresa · 11/09/2019 11:31

That people do that is really vile but sadly not surprising.

TimeForDinnerDinnerDinner · 11/09/2019 11:33

These people are incredibly thoughtless.
On what level is that even funny?! Or interesting?! Or clever?? Confused Confused Confused
Idiots, the lot of them Angry Angry Angry

NoTheresa · 11/09/2019 11:34

Challenge them and watch them squirm.

drowningincustard · 11/09/2019 11:35

I love your name, but couldn't use as my other half found it reminded him of the missing girl. I was massively chuffed when my friend used it for her girl and we now rarely think of the missing girl - but its the lovely little girl we know.
Plus when we travel in Europe we always buy the bags of madeleine cakes and my girls find it hilarious that they are eating 'madeleine' - plus we have to bring back a bag for her!!!

NCFORLEG · 11/09/2019 11:35

My son has the same eye condition at MM. When first discovered the health visitor said "oh I don't know anything, but that's what MM had" and send me off with my 6 week old! I know I was probably very sensitive at the time with a new baby, but it just seemed wrong for her to say.

I still people say it now, but it was that one time that really made me Angry

MouseInATelescope · 11/09/2019 11:35

If it was me it'd annoy me to the point I'd tell them I was called something completely different. But you shouldn't have to. Tell them "Oh piss off" or try and link their name to a seriel killer/rapist and see how they like it.

MouseInATelescope · 11/09/2019 11:38

Ian? Oh... like Ian Watkins and Ian Huntley?

Seriously it'd drive me mad. What utter nobs.

Member869894 · 11/09/2019 11:38

I, and I imagine many other people, I can never hear the name without thinking of her. I probably would make some comment without thinking . I can appreciate that would be annoying , though

my2bundles · 11/09/2019 11:39

I dont buy that this happens as much as you say to be honest. I know several Madelines and this just does not happen, not at least to the extent you say it does

ThomasRichard · 11/09/2019 11:45

You have my sympathy OP. I'm blonde and have the same eye defect as Madeleine McCann and have had random people grab me by my shoulders to take a closer look and ask me detailed questions about my childhood in case I'm really her. It's remarkable (and possibly quite flattering) how dubious they seem when I tell them I was at university when she went missing.

Tatogratin · 11/09/2019 11:46

How odd, I am a Madeleine too but never get this (although sounds like I'm a bit older). I do get Madeline Hmm or Mandy regularly though

sobeyondthehills · 11/09/2019 11:52

"Do you know in ten years I have never heard that"

Said in your best sarcastic manner possible. Then just stare.

My name is the same as a singer from the 80s, I use to get the most famous song sung to me.

I often said the above, sometimes followed by a slow clap

Lilyannarose · 11/09/2019 11:53

That's awful that so many people do this.
People will naturally get that fleeting thought on hearing the name, but only the highly insensitive ones will say anything.
I agree with you. It's extremely distasteful and uncalled for.
It shouldn't be that you are nervous about giving your name.
My friend has a daughter called Madeleine of a similar age, and it was awful around that time when ever she had to call her daughter's name in public. All heads spun round in an instant.

x2boys · 11/09/2019 11:54

It might make me think of Madeline McCann but I certainly wouldn't say it out loud very inappropriate .


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x2boys · 11/09/2019 11:57


mybabyisteething · 11/09/2019 11:58

I actually know someone who's name is Maddie McCann, she is at least 15 years older than what Madeline would be though.. but i imagine she gets those kinds of "jokes".

It's very disrespectful and i definitely wouldn't like hearing it. You're not being unreasonable at all!

Dissimilitude · 11/09/2019 11:58

Highly irritating but not a lot you can do. People do this sort of thing relentlessly.

I have a cousin whose name is the exact same as the now-deceased "King of Pop". He was born shortly before his namesake became extremely famous.

He's had literally 40 years of people commenting on it.

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