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Is it weird to wash your hair every day?

126 replies

Birdtablegreen · 23/08/2019 06:54

I know it’s meant to be better to wash your hair infrequently - but is it that unusual to wash it every day? I have washed my hair every day for about the last 20 years but am planning to try and cut down.

But I just don’t feel like I’ve washed properly if I leave my hair! I hate feeling it unwashed around my face (even if tied up)

If you do wash yours once a week etc, HOW do you manage to go to work without greasy hair? Does it just stop being greasy? Douse it in dry shampoo? Seriously looking for tips here!

Or AIBU to think I should just keep washing it every morning?

OP posts:
bluetongue · 23/08/2019 09:54

Same as Starlings with looking younger than my age due to oilier skin. Had a colleague say she was shocked I’m in my 40’s today and she was sure I was 30 something Grin

BabloHoney · 23/08/2019 09:55

I’ve washed mine daily since I was in my late teens. It looks greasy and dull if I don’t. I’ve gone through periods of washing it less often but hate how it looks and feels. Some days I only use a very mild shampoo and no conditioner.
I’m envious of people who have lovely and not greasy hair after days of not washing it!!

Chouetted · 23/08/2019 10:11

@bluetongue Now that's something I never thought of!

I'm in my 30s and on my scruffier days still get mistaken for an older teenager (not a boast, it's actually super awkward). Didn't occur to me it could be the oiliness of my skin.

BlueJava · 23/08/2019 10:15

Washed my hair every day for the last 30 years. I use a light shampoo and condition it frequently- won't change now.

Remoteisland · 23/08/2019 10:18

I’m sure it’s all to do with the thickness of hair and I’ve had loads of conversations with friends over the years about this. Friends with fine hair wash every day or else it looks really greasy the next day. I have thick hair which doesn’t look greasy plus I have really dry skin. So I wash it every 3 days or so. It actually looks better on day 2 or day 3. Any longer than that and my skin condition kicks in and my scalp starts to get gross so I definitely can’t leave it longer. So I think it just depends on hoar/skin/oil of the individual. No one answer for everyone, I reckon!

Shoxfordian · 23/08/2019 10:18

I wash my hair everyday unless I'm sick or something. It doesn't look awful if I don't but it feels greasy and I just don't like how it looks.

PajamasnoDramas · 23/08/2019 10:28

In my twenties I was a daily washer until my hairdresser told me off - that’s why my hair was becoming greasy he said. I then went to every other day which was a struggle at first but then it soon sorted itself out.

For the last ten or so years I’ve been washing my hair twice weekly with no difference at all. Most of this year I’ve washed once weekly with a bit of dry shampoo in between and it’s been mostly fine. As it’s mid-length I can tie it back for work as it can start appearing slightly unruly by day 5, or alternatively get the straighteners out to tame it.

For reference I’m mid 40s with dyed thick, slightly wavy hair and oily skin.

cookiechomper · 23/08/2019 10:42

I wash mine very day. I have quite thin hair that gets greasy quickly and makes me feel dirty if I don't. I've tried not washing it for a few days but it looks like I've poured a chip pan on it after the second day. I don't believe that it is bad for you either. My hair is always in a good condition when washed.

ThatUserNamesTakenTryAnother · 23/08/2019 10:45

Hello, I'm the same as you and just trying every other day at present, it wasn't nice at first but really is getting better and more comfortable, not sure I'll leave it longer than that but I'd try this at first

Thissideof40 · 25/08/2019 14:45

I wash my hair every day without fail, even if I’m not going anywhere. I did think about cutting down and managed a day without washing. I felt like a tramp and thought no, I’m going back to washing every day. My hair is quite fine so everyone else can see the grease too.

HouseworkAvoider10 · 25/08/2019 15:14

I have the greasiest hair on the planet.
I have to wash it every morning.
only shampoo and warm water will sort it, nothing else works.

one of my friends was urging me to stop washing it every day and that this will make it less greasy.
that's what she does.
sometimes her hair looks really greasy and it often has track marks from her scalp downward where she combed it.

Aragog · 25/08/2019 15:19

I've always washed and conditioned my hair daily. In hot weather sometimes twice. My hair is just fine and I have no issues with it by doing so.

Most people I know, when this has been talked about, wash their hair daily as part of their normal morning shower. Only ones I know who don't tend to have thicker curly hair where they have more issues if they wash it every day.

RocketRacoonsFurryBalls · 25/08/2019 15:24

Wash it as often as you want.

I wash mine about once a week, due to having very little energy. I have to force myself.

It gets greasy and smelly after 2 days. I feel disgusting.

My hair is very fine, lots of it, and sheds a lot.

Greeborising · 25/08/2019 15:33

To anyone who claims that after a while your hair stops getting greasy and ‘cleans itself ‘
Following a bad accident I was unable to wash my hair for several months (not even with help, lying on a bed with head over the edge etc)
It was horrific!
It looked appalling
Was itchy
And the smell! 😳
I wash my hair everyday
Even if I don’t style it, I like it clean!

Izzabellasasperella · 25/08/2019 15:34

I wash my hair every other day. Like many others it's quite fine and gets greasy quickly. I tie it up when not washed and use a bit of dry shampoo. I also do a fringe wash sometimes too😊

TimeIhadaNameChange · 25/08/2019 15:37

I generally wash mine every day, definitely if I'm going out.If I'm not seeing anyone on a Saturday I'll not wash it then, but then it feels horrid come Sunday morning, and if I am going out then (which is what normally happens) I really have to wash it before I go. It's not that I think it looks too dreadful, it's the feel of it I can't stand. That said, I remember once not being able to wash it one morning due to running late and come half 4 a friend looked at me and said 'You're right, your hair really DOES get greasy, doesn't it?'

NChangingAgain · 25/08/2019 15:39

Probably every 4-5 days for me, doesn't get greasy but just starts to get frizzy after a while. Thick curly hair.

Friends with thinner hair have said that the more they wash, the more their head overcompensates by producing oil.

Also it seems people with straight/flat hair fiddle with it more (curlies can go fuzzy with too much fiddling) and this definitely makes a diffence dirt/grease- wise, of course.

cacklingmags · 25/08/2019 15:48

I wash mine everyday - It looks like utter shit otherwise.

SweetPetrichor · 25/08/2019 15:59

I wash mine every day...but then it is only a few mm long! Basically, I wash my scalp every day and what little hair I have gets washed along with it. I just use face scrub or body wash though cause it seems like a waste using shampoo with nigh on no hair.

Jupiters · 25/08/2019 17:44

About every 5 days for me. That's when he starts feeling greasy.
I have the thickest hair... If I washed it everyday is never get anything else done! Drying and straightening it takes several hours.

AryaStarkWolf · 25/08/2019 17:46

I wash mine every day, my hairdresser said or isn't actually bad to do that. I have never had any issues anyway

U2HasTheEdge · 25/08/2019 17:56

I couldn't wash my hair every day. Even with an undercut I have very thick hair. I don't have hair I can just leave to dry, it needs blow drying properly and straightening . The undercut has cut down the time it takes to style it though, and I highly recommend it to anyone with super thick hair. You can only notice it if my hair is piled on top of my head.

I wash my hair maybe twice a week. I can easily go once a week but I worry about smells. I don't get greasy hair very often and since being on (and finishing) roaccutane I produce even less grease. My hair looks its best on the 2nd or 3rd day of washing it.

I don't think it is weird to wash it every day though.


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CookPassBabtridge · 25/08/2019 17:59

I wash mine everyday, it's not very thick so gets greasy quick.. in winter I can go a few days. I love that clean feeling too!

CookPassBabtridge · 25/08/2019 18:01

Forgot to add, it takes 2 mins to wash and just leave to dry and it's done so no bother to wash everyday.

maddiemookins16mum · 25/08/2019 18:11

I can’t stand not having freshly washed hair on a work day but will often skip a Saturday/Sunday.

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