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Is it weird to wash your hair every day?

126 replies

Birdtablegreen · 23/08/2019 06:54

I know it’s meant to be better to wash your hair infrequently - but is it that unusual to wash it every day? I have washed my hair every day for about the last 20 years but am planning to try and cut down.

But I just don’t feel like I’ve washed properly if I leave my hair! I hate feeling it unwashed around my face (even if tied up)

If you do wash yours once a week etc, HOW do you manage to go to work without greasy hair? Does it just stop being greasy? Douse it in dry shampoo? Seriously looking for tips here!

Or AIBU to think I should just keep washing it every morning?

OP posts:
Apolloanddaphne · 23/08/2019 07:16

I have washed my hair every day for around 40 years. My hair is in fantastic condition. I think it really depends on your hair type.

Leapyearlover · 23/08/2019 07:20

Wash mine every day too. Like others have said if your hair is fine it can look really greasy quickly. I would LOVE to only wash it once a week but it's never going to happen (have tried not to wash but it was awful).

monkeysox · 23/08/2019 07:22

I washed mine daily for years.

Alternate days now unless been to gym or done gardening etc so sweaty.

Bizarre but I use more conditioner now. It's so much better condition.

ControversialFerret · 23/08/2019 07:22

I've got fine hair but lots of it and it looks very limp and greasy if I don't wash it every day. I tried going cold turkey and not washing it - got to 4 weeks and it made no difference whatsoever.

At the moment I wash it every other day but use dry shampoo and tie it up on the non-wash days.

adaline · 23/08/2019 07:23

I wash mine everyday.

I have fine, frizzy hair and if it's not washed it looks like I've dipped my head in oil. Not all hair types are suited to non-daily washing!

I've tried leaving it in the past but it never made any difference. Like you I never feel clean if I've got dirty hair.

yy558 · 23/08/2019 07:25

Silk pillowcases help and boars hair brush seems to help pull the oils to the ends but distribute evenly

I 'wash' it every other day with shampoo but sometimes I just scrub it with plain water in the shower..I found that with fine hair I could only use conditioner occasionally.

MsFrosty · 23/08/2019 07:26

I wash mine about twice a week. It's fine and frizzy, any more and its dreadful.

OttilieKnackered · 23/08/2019 07:27

I think it’s down to hair type. Mine is quite thick, very coarse, very wavy and very dry. It looks best about 36 hours after washing it.

I do it around every four days but that’s more about environmental smells than grease etc.

Damntheman · 23/08/2019 07:28

Weird? No it's very common. Good for it? Also no. Stripping the oils (not necessarily the ones that make it greasy) leaves your hair open to damage. Not only that but it can damage your scalp as well. Ouch.

I have very fine very straight long hair and I wash it twice a week. I'd ideally like to get down to once a week! I find just soaking it with water when I'm washing the rest of me will freshen it up nicely :) you just have to train your hair out of needing the daily wash and that could take months. Keep at it! It's so worth it.

WinterRose92 · 23/08/2019 07:29

I wash my hair every 2-3 days depending on how it looks! I use dry shampoo between washes, I’ve found Batiste to be the best one for me.
I couldn’t get away with washing it once a week, it would be way too greasy and I’d feel uncomfortable.

MockingJay27 · 23/08/2019 07:29

I wash it once or twice a week. After it while it stops getting greasy between washes.

IWouldLikeToKnow · 23/08/2019 07:34

I washed my hair every second day for years. It was always greasy on the second day. It was never "trained". And I did this for a good 10 years so it's not like it didn't have time to adapt. Some people just have oily hair. I now wash it daily and will continue to do so.

DerbyRacer · 23/08/2019 07:34

I wash mine every day and doubt I will ever change that. To me, my hair doesn't smell fresh unless I have washed it.

MrsJonesAndMe · 23/08/2019 07:34

I used to wash daily, but now I do every other day. Sometimes I need a bit of dry shampoo round the ears, but mostly not.

SerenDippitty · 23/08/2019 07:36

I’ve never washed my hair more than once a week. I grew up when that was normal. It’s thick and on the dry side of normal and even after a week it doesn’t look, feel or smell dirty.

Shampoo manufacturers want to sell more shampoo so the more you wash your hair the better as far as they’re concerned.

BuggerOffAndGoodDayToYou · 23/08/2019 07:37

My hair looks wild if not blow dried every day. I have tried just wetting it but it just doesn’t style satisfactorily. If I’m not going anywhere then I’ll leave it but if I want to look even slightly presentable it has to be properly washed and dried.

Threehoursfromhome · 23/08/2019 07:39

According to my hairdresser there are 4 main ways washing can be damaging, firstly that wet hair is weaker so handling is more likely to make it break, secondly that washing dries out the scalp and so can lead to dry skin or oil over production to compensate, thirdly, if you dye it then it strips the colour faster, and fourtly that if you use heat to dry or style, that can (will) also weaken the hair and lead to breakages.

DorisDances · 23/08/2019 07:39

Yep, done hair here that looks flat and greasy if not washed daily. I am careful with what I use however.

MilkTrayLimeBarrel · 23/08/2019 07:41

I wash mine about every 4 days - the last day before a wash I tie it up (have long, thick hair). I hate washing it but like the results! Cannot bear to have the smell of smoke hanging in it so if I go anywhere smoky, I wash it immediately I get home.

Thewheelsarefallingoff · 23/08/2019 07:41

I wash mine everyday too. Don't intend to stop.

TowerRingInferno · 23/08/2019 07:41

I wash mine every day, twice if I’m going out in the evening.

Mine is wild and curly and I wake up looking like I’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards. The only way to tame if is to wash it. I can’t brush it as it just goes frizzy.

Chouetted · 23/08/2019 07:42

I very rarely wash mine properly - I rinse out dirt and sweat as needed, and give it a light shampoo maybe once a month. I brush it well, and the excess grease comes off that way.

Noone seems able to tell. If it comes up in conversation (unusual), the reaction is always sheer disbelief.

My hair has never looked or felt better. I have thick, curly hair and I spent years trying every product in the shops to find one that kept it under control, only to find the best thing was my own oils...


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ItsABubbleParty · 23/08/2019 07:50

Mines is most days unless I'm having lazy one or are ill. Think it really depends on your kind of hair. If you have fine hair prone to lankless a blow dry is usually the best option.

nononever · 23/08/2019 07:50

I wash mine every 2 to 3 days. I used to wash it everyday even when my hairdresser advised me not to. I accidentally fell into the routine of not washing it everyday when I had major surgery and even getting into a shower was a challenge and was surprised how my hair was actually okay. I don't need to use dry shampoo either. The only time it gets washed every day is when we are in holiday. My pillows are fine!

whattodowith · 23/08/2019 07:51

My DH has to wash his every day otherwise it’s a greasy smelly mess whereas I only wash mine twice a week and it rarely gets greasy. Some people need to wash more frequently than others.

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