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A&E? Help! (This is truly disgusting)

329 replies

BastardMozzies · 22/04/2019 03:25

I came back from somewhere tropical just over a week ago.
Had some mosquito bites that got infected and turned into cellulitis. That’s clearing up with antibiotics.

But now I can see what’s in there and I have actual maggot things.

Fucking help me!

It’s 3am. It is excruciatingly painful and I can feel them move.

I had much Prosecco yesterday as did H. I could wake DD up or could waiti til morning. But i am freaking out badly.

OP posts:
DaffoDeffo · 22/04/2019 08:10

I hope for her sake she's completely slaughtered now and has passed out

AnyFucker · 22/04/2019 08:12

Holy fuck

Auntpetunia2015 · 22/04/2019 08:12

Having worked in A&E I can guarantee you will have been the most interesting thing they had seen all bank holiday weekend. I can imagine everyone having to pop in to check you were ok. And some f2 being absolutely chuffed to get a go on his/her own without a consultant present to take all the glory!

You have been v brave I hope all the wounds clear up nicely now.

KitNCaboodle · 22/04/2019 08:12

Am I the only one a bit deflated there’s not a video?
OP I bet you made A&E’s night. You’ve made my morning! Thanks for sharing and hope your hangover isn’t too bad.

Fluffycloudland77 · 22/04/2019 08:13

You’ve made some drs night there.

eurochick · 22/04/2019 08:13

Bloody hell. I'm suddenly grateful to live somewhere that's chilly for most of the year!

MrsMozartMkII · 22/04/2019 08:14

Bloody hell lass!

Hope you feel better very soon.

CandleWithHair · 22/04/2019 08:16

This is simultaneously the best and worst thing I’ve ever read on here. All the Flowers and Gin for you @BastardMozzies, you’re an absolute ledge for sharing this horror story with us. I sincerely hope you are feeling better soon, and that you’ve got a suitable wall display planned for Itchy, Scratchy, Lumpy and Minger

Look forward to hearing how the A&E trip went down when you’re feeling up to it!

hairypaws · 22/04/2019 08:16

I've seen them being removed from dogs on YouTube, it's quite something.

2015newstart · 22/04/2019 08:16

Wow! Thanks for the pictures OP, that was really decent of you in the circs - hope you feel better soon and have a v quiet Monday!

diddl · 22/04/2019 08:17

Good lord-I'd rather give birth again!

Chartreuser · 22/04/2019 08:17

What I am truly sympathetic to you, I would also like to thank you for this add have shown them to DD which means she cannot moan about her midge bites for the next few hours at least

billybagpuss · 22/04/2019 08:18

Omg I’m going there in August and now having a bit of a wobble 😳

PeoniesandPretties · 22/04/2019 08:19

I've seen this before... On a man's bald head!!! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

BuckingFrolics · 22/04/2019 08:22

Ain't nature glorious?! Thanks for sharing!!

You might be left with scars like teenyweeny volcanos, where they were.

Janus · 22/04/2019 08:25

Holy cow! You are one brave lady, I’d have woken the whole house up with my screams once I’d realised what was in there!!! Legend!!

AllStar14 · 22/04/2019 08:27

AHHHHHHH why did I read this whilst eating my breakfast?!

Fuck. I would have fainted I think.

AnxiousMcAnxiousFace · 22/04/2019 08:28

Devon. What you need is Devon.

AnxiousMcAnxiousFace · 22/04/2019 08:28

Or Cornwall.

Lovemusic33 · 22/04/2019 08:28

Thank you for sharing the photos OP, you have possibly made my day (although if they were inside me I might not have found it as entertaining). Well don’t for being brave, I think I would be scrubbing my skin with bleach for the next month 😁

jaseyraex · 22/04/2019 08:32

Good god OP, I take my hat off to you! I think I'd have had a massive heart attack at the discovery or maggots! Hope you're well on the mend now.

frumpety · 22/04/2019 08:33

Hope A&E gave you a bravery badge OP, its the least they could do to repay you for the excitement Wink

Hope your wounds heal quickly now they are critter free Flowers


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DelilahTheSlagFromTheBible · 22/04/2019 08:33

Frigging hell. I've been up since stupid o'clock feeling very sorry for myself with a painful neck and shoulder. I'm now counting my blessings. God love you OP.

WarmestRegards · 22/04/2019 08:35

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Skyejuly · 22/04/2019 08:37

I'm in east England but I feel like I need to go and get my clothes off line and iron them

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