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A&E? Help! (This is truly disgusting)

329 replies

BastardMozzies · 22/04/2019 03:25

I came back from somewhere tropical just over a week ago.
Had some mosquito bites that got infected and turned into cellulitis. That’s clearing up with antibiotics.

But now I can see what’s in there and I have actual maggot things.

Fucking help me!

It’s 3am. It is excruciatingly painful and I can feel them move.

I had much Prosecco yesterday as did H. I could wake DD up or could waiti til morning. But i am freaking out badly.

OP posts:
BastardMozzies · 25/04/2019 20:38

I’ve not even had any bloody alcohol as been working and on-call since. So unfair.

OP posts:
Smotheroffive · 25/04/2019 20:34

They would be too big now OP for there to be more, they would have been obvious at the time, they would all have been huge.

I know it'll be hard to switch off, but you will, eventually. I hope it's soon for you

GarthFunkel · 25/04/2019 20:32

I said it before, you need a soothing dettol bath. That'll sort any lingering maggots you out. And a marmite sandwich so you taste nasty and nothing will come near you Grin

Cherrysoup · 25/04/2019 20:32

This popped up a week or so ago, no idea why, gets interesting at about 3.40. Mango worms. Don't watch if squeamish (why are you on this thread if you're squeamish, huh?!)

Timide · 25/04/2019 20:15

Smb suggested wine?! Dear OP I hope you have had your vodka by now!

BastardMozzies · 25/04/2019 20:10

I am panicking with every itch and twinge. If there are more in there I think i’ll probably die.

OP posts:
Smotheroffive · 25/04/2019 19:14

Really pleased OP. I expect some in A&E might be struggling with the trauma of it too! Quite the shocker!

Smotheroffive · 25/04/2019 19:13

For now ......

Confused. Wth is that supposed to mean?

GarthFunkel · 25/04/2019 19:09

Maggots holes appear to be healing nicely

For now......

BastardMozzies · 25/04/2019 17:42

Actual maggots Shock

I’m still traumatised.

Maggots holes appear to be healing nicely.

OP posts:
nespressowoo · 25/04/2019 14:10

Shock holy fuck! Glad you're better OP!

DizzyPhillips · 24/04/2019 20:07

Did being prosecco-drunk help with the removal process?

Smotheroffive · 24/04/2019 19:58

The maggots in that ear were clearing infection then!

BastardMozzies · 24/04/2019 07:03

Colleagues are actually fabulous and not complete bastards really.

OP posts:
Ellenborough · 24/04/2019 06:21

I saw a video on FB yesterday of a man with an earful of maggots. Not botfly or mango fly larvae but dozens of actual maggots where presumably a regular fly had laid eggs on some festering wound inside his ear.


Smotheroffive · 23/04/2019 23:15

I guess the hospital have kept the critters?

I was going to suggest you plonk them down on a colleagues desk, and see how much they laugh Grin

BagofTeeth · 23/04/2019 22:26

Flowers OP.

It's one thing with us strangers online being fascinated and most definitely in awe of you going through that but that's rather shit of your colleagues right now.

BastardMozzies · 23/04/2019 13:36

They are total bastards.

OP posts:
GlitteryPoopooplop · 23/04/2019 12:43

Op, this is so upsetting. Your colleagues are bastards.

SweetMarmalade · 23/04/2019 10:27

Shock and here’s me being so dramatic over a wasp flying into the bathroom whilst I was sitting on the loo. Picture a penguin ‘running’ towards the ocean, as I didn’t have time to pull up my pj bottoms!

Op, I salute you and hope you have no more wriggly little suckers hanging around.

Moneys2Tight2Mention · 23/04/2019 10:05

I'm itching like mad after reading this thread!

BastardMozzies · 23/04/2019 10:04

Traumatised. Queasy. Sore. Working.
My delightful colleagues think it’s hilarious. I’m not quite there yet.

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BagofTeeth · 23/04/2019 09:48

How are you feeling today OP?

AestheticPerfection · 23/04/2019 08:08

I've watched botfly larvae being removed from cats on YouTube. I'm imagining it was like this but on you. You brave person. I'd be sicking up over it.

marvellousnightforamooncup · 23/04/2019 07:59

I woul definitely take I, S, L & M to live in a little pot on my work desk forever more to wave at colleagues every time they moaned about having the sniffles.

Yeah, pour resin on them and make them into a paperweight!

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