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To ask the best way you lost weight?

108 replies

Jumbo2000 · 03/04/2019 11:10

I’m having a toss up between going back to counting calories (I know this works even though it’s slow and very tedious) or going low carb.
I’ve never done low carb. It seems very restrictive.

My midsection is my problem area, I seem to store an awful lot of weight there and I know this can cause health problems.

Help a dumpy sister out here...

OP posts:
Nathansmommy1 · 04/04/2019 15:16

Slimming world is definitely the way for me, I lost 3 stone in 4 months with it. Think it's because you can still eat so much, you can still eat meat and potatoes, rice and pasta so I'm not starving after it. And dont have to cut anything out completely, just keep a measure on the amount of treats you have in a day so as not to go overboard.

Upanddownandroundagain · 04/04/2019 15:20

I’m doing slimming world. I’m not massive but I wanted to eat a bit better and lose a bit of weight. A stone in two months, people lose tons. You just have to commit to the meetings - even after the weight has gone, to keep it off.

NerrSnerr · 04/04/2019 15:24

Counting calories works for me and exercise. I know you can't lose weight with exercise without the corresponding diet, but it definitely changes my shape quicker.

EleanorOalike · 04/04/2019 15:28

TeamRH Fitness and a Personal Trainer.

I developed an under active Thyroid due to eating about 800 calories a day on WW “points” and gained weight on SW.

Now I count Macros and am much much more physically active and eat food that is nutrient dense and designed to protect my health for decades to come.

marraccay · 04/04/2019 15:40


It will get you into the best condition in your life. and you have no choice but to lose weight. Helps if you are reasonably fit and active to start but if not do beginners courses.

Ok it will take you like 6 days to recover from the first session but stick with it. Totally worth it. You will eat more and healthier (although you can pretty much eat what you want) but still lose tons of weight and tone up in places you never knew existed. And you definitely will cut down on drinking. Intense exercise and alcohol don't go, so before after sessions you won't even want to touch it.

Before I get shouted down just to let you know I started when I was 52. Now regularly do night nissions.

For what it's worth....

Siameasy · 04/04/2019 15:50

Low carb for me. It’s not perfect but I’m another apple shaped belly fat-prone person (😭)who likes to binge eat so I instinctively feel it’s the best fit for me.

Sometimes low carb gets mislabelled as zero carb and people imagine steak for breakfast and mountains of whipped cream 🤢but that’s not how everyone does it. I think it got a bad name from Atkins’ original Induction. My favourite meal is a sausage casserole. I use a low carb sausage or chorizo and serve it with veg, not rice/potatoes.

SauvingnonBlanketyBlanc · 04/04/2019 16:28

I lost 18 stone when I left exH Wink

feelingverylazytoday · 05/04/2019 14:34

I lost 18 stone when I left exH
That's not really losing weight tho...

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