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To ask the best way you lost weight?

108 replies

Jumbo2000 · 03/04/2019 11:10

I’m having a toss up between going back to counting calories (I know this works even though it’s slow and very tedious) or going low carb.
I’ve never done low carb. It seems very restrictive.

My midsection is my problem area, I seem to store an awful lot of weight there and I know this can cause health problems.

Help a dumpy sister out here...

OP posts:
QuizzlyBear · 03/04/2019 14:15

Hypnotherapy for me! Every other diet was just treating the symptom, not the cause...

I lost about 5 stone without effort and kept it off - 7 years and counting.

Eliza9919 · 03/04/2019 14:15

low carb combined with alternate day fasting (500cals) combined with a limit of 1200cals on non fast days combined with and eating window of 12-8 really worked for me. I can't be arsed with that again though atm so am doing exante.

TheTitOfTheIceberg · 03/04/2019 14:28

Neither really. I suppose I went lower carb but not low carb, if that makes sense. What worked for me was just making healthier choices - eating more fruit and veg, cutting out snacks and puddings, cutting down on bread (so having a salad or soup for lunch rather than a sandwich), cutting right down on alcohol, and doing a little more exercise. It never really felt like a chore or restrictive so I've been able to stick to it. I lost two stone / dropped at least one dress size (sometimes two depending on the shop / the fit) and have kept it off for over three years.

feelingverylazytoday · 03/04/2019 14:31

Just by eating less food and exercising a lot.
I've lost 5 stone now and will probably aim for another one. Like you, I carry most of my excess round my middle and that is the last place I lose it from, so I want to lose another 1-2 inches from my waist to reduce diabetes risk.
I just eat normal food (no meat) in smaller portions, keep things like crisps as a treat mainly at the weekend, focus on eating 5 a day, still eat bread and pasta. It has took me over 2 years to get this far, but that's fine because I 've increased my fitness and I'm reasonably happy with my body

Jumbo2000 · 03/04/2019 16:13

Thanks for all your great advice and well done to you all for losing the excess lbs!

I think I’m going to hop back in to the MFP wagon for now. I know it works, I just have to stick at it!
I’ve been indulging in far too many daily ‘treats’ recently, I’m going to try and make that a weekly thing instead of being a glutton (common sense really!)

OP posts:
smallereveryday · 03/04/2019 16:21

In 8 yrs I tried
NHS monitored calorie counting.
Success with all of them but never sustained it for longer than 8 months. Lost better 5-42lbs at a time. Finally had NHS gastric sleeve in December and have lost 61 lbs and never hungry.
No more diabetes or hbp. So grateful to be off the diet merry go round.
BMI under 35 it's cc diet and stay away from sugar.
BMI over 35 go see your GP.

PrincessConsuelaBananahamm0ck · 03/04/2019 16:26

I've been doing the Fast 800 diet for 3 weeks and 1 day and I've lost 12lb. Mixture of fasting, low carb and calorie counting for between 2 and 12 weeks, then move on to 5:2 after that. It's tough to begin with, but I'm loving the recipes and loving seeing significant weight loss on the scales every few days. I really think I might do it this time and finally be a slim person.

Indie139 · 03/04/2019 21:38

Wanted to lose 2 stone. Month 1 i went gym x3 times a week and cut down on junk, also cut down on portion sizes. Lost 1 stone in that month. Next few months did the same thing but no gym. Lost another stone. This was about 4 years ago and have maintained same weight since

Jumbo2000 · 03/04/2019 22:16

You know, I’ve been thinking about it a lot today... I don’t think there’s ever been a point in my life where I’ve truly nourished my body.

It’s always been one extreme to another, I either binge on stuff I know isn’t good for me.. or I massively restrict calories or start cutting out food groups... I can’t remember the last time I thought “I’ve had a really good balanced diet today with no junk”.
That makes me feel quite sad. No wonder my skin and hair is a mess and I look 9 months pregnant 🙄

OP posts:
gotmychocolateimgood · 03/04/2019 22:19

Only two things have worked for me:

  1. Going teetotal
  2. Getting a serious illness

I can't recommend either. But I'm thin.
MaggieAndHopey · 03/04/2019 22:20

Portion control and no (really, no) snacking.

Islands81 · 03/04/2019 22:26

Blood sugar diet. I have lost a stone since January and that’s with a fair bit of cheating - a cider or 2 most days, the odd chocolate bar and pasta/potatoes sometimes. I’d say I’ve followed it probably 80% of the time. I didn’t have much weight to lose. It’s been easy and I’ve not felt hungry at all. It’s low carb but you can have certain fruits - berries, apples, pears and grapes.

Islands81 · 03/04/2019 22:27

Oh and I also try to go at least 12 hours where I don’t eat per day. So if I have my dinner at 8pm I won’t eat again until at least 8am. I’ve found not eating late at night makes a huge difference.

GrumpyInsomniac · 03/04/2019 22:30

I'm a recent convert to Team RH, who take a very no-nonsense approach to weight loss: it's about creating a caloric deficit and basically relearning how to feed yourself right. The amount of calories you can have feels far too high, but by hitting the macros targets they've given me, drinking plenty of water and trying to make sure I hit my steps target it is finally starting to come off. There's a very active and supportive FB community around it and some people with fab results that really help you focus on being able to achieve your goals.

It's a bit sweary - rather like here - but it really works. Definitely worth a look. As they say, none of what they're teaching is rocket science, and nobody is going to have a dramatic instant weight loss because that's not how you get it off and keep it off. But if you stick to the plan you will lose fat, and there is generally a coach around to answer questions if you get stuck.

cricketmum84 · 03/04/2019 22:36

I'm following ww. Lost 3 stone 3 since Xmas but I do have a lot to lose.

TheNewSchmoo · 03/04/2019 22:45

5:2 for me. I'm only ever on a diet for one day at a time and I can manage that. Granted I spend most of the 2 days thinking "tomorrow I am going to eat Alllll the crap" but when it comes to it, you actually don't. I Just go to bed early, so get two early nights a week too.

Gone from a size 16 to 11(on a good day)

Elledouble · 03/04/2019 22:46

Calorie counting. I’ve lost 5 stone since August. I can still it basically everything I ate before, just less. And I’ve started making healthier choices based on what will fill me up most for the calorie value (a LOT of spinach, soup and fruit!). I still have days where I’m less than proud of my choices, but the general trajectory is downwards so I can make my peace with that.

Xenadog · 03/04/2019 22:53

Another one here who is doing the Fast 800. It’s worth reading about even if you don’t follow the plan as the science behind it is very interesting.

Alternatively, follow RebelFit on FB who is very anti dieting and has a really different approach to weight loss and being healthy.

EustaciaPieface · 03/04/2019 23:22

@Indie139 that’s awesome! What were you doing at the gym if you don’t mind me asking?

TheDarkPassenger · 03/04/2019 23:31

I’m trying to sort my diet out too. I emotionally eat but recently was really ill and dropped to 7 stone. Then I began emotionally eating after I got my appetite back and seem to find comfort in food now, it’s all very odd.

I started MFP yesterday and stuck to 1200 calories so I know I can do it but it’s bloody hard when curling up with a bag of popcorn often made me relaxed enough to eat :( I’ve ebjoyed reading the success stories on here so Thankyou. Motivate!

TheDarkPassenger · 03/04/2019 23:31

Sleep* not eat lmao

Thequaffle · 03/04/2019 23:36

Joe wicks 90 day SSS plan. It specifically takes off belly fat.


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Namechangingfiend · 04/04/2019 01:26

Low carb, 81.5 lbs in 9 months

Namechangingfiend · 04/04/2019 01:28

Exante total solution is the name of the product plan I do

SpannerD · 04/04/2019 01:31

Low carb, like the pp said the beauty of it for me is that after the initial period of intense cravings, they disappear and it becomes easy to follow.

The bad bit? Good luck finding low carb food options that wont trigger carb cravings when out and about/at weddings etc!

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