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To ask the best way you lost weight?

108 replies

Jumbo2000 · 03/04/2019 11:10

I’m having a toss up between going back to counting calories (I know this works even though it’s slow and very tedious) or going low carb.
I’ve never done low carb. It seems very restrictive.

My midsection is my problem area, I seem to store an awful lot of weight there and I know this can cause health problems.

Help a dumpy sister out here...

OP posts:
Bobbycat121 · 03/04/2019 11:36

Thanks. I do have alot of weight to lose but I feel so much better already. got another 2 and a half to go (so 5 in total) but ive found it relatively easy, I use MFP and it says I can have 1350 calories a day. I dont exercise but I try to walk more.

PhillipeFellope · 03/04/2019 11:37

Making better food choices. Lean protein, fruit and veg. Doing cardio regularly (4 days out of 7). No refined sugar, junky, comfort food. Drinking lots of water.

MashedSpud · 03/04/2019 11:39

Calorie counting, reducing carbs and exercise.

NoWayNoHow · 03/04/2019 12:02

5:2 is the only thing that has worked for me - I'm 1st 11lbs down in the last year and it's stayed off which I'm pleased about.

I tend to get obsessive about food if I'm having to constantly monitor what I eat, so having something that I only have to think about twice a week is really helpful. Having said that, I'm mindful on non-fast week days about not overindulging, but I let weekends be weekends .

Mamabear12 · 03/04/2019 12:11

Not over eating and normal exercise. No snacking. Eat dinner at 5pm and don’t eat again until the morning.

CakeUpWall · 03/04/2019 12:15

Reducing carbs and increasing activity.

A year ago I set myself the goal of losing 6st in 1 year. I did it in 10 months, and it wasn't really that hard; I'm wishing I'd done it years ago now.

Good luck!

purplelass · 03/04/2019 12:22

WW has been a revelation for me weight loss wise but the thing that has really reduced my waist measurement is exercise.

My sister and I are both on WW - she's lost 1 1/2 stone and I've lost 1 stone and we're now very nearly the same weight, but I can comfortably fit into smaller size clothes than her.

I do zumba and parkrun once a week (different days!) and any other runs I manage to fit in during the week which has definitely helped whittle my waist!

Helpmepleaseeeeeee · 03/04/2019 12:22

I would vote low carbs and increased activity too - especially something involving weights even if you went to a body pump class or something if you haven't done weights before!
I am not brilliant at NO carb as i find it too restrictive but low carb i.e no rice, pasta, potatoes etc works really well for me.

CallipygianFancier · 03/04/2019 12:32

Lower carb and higher protein is very effective for me.

But you have to keep an eye on your calories too, it is perfectly possible to still eat too much of the right things.

And exercise helps with what sort of weight loss you get, it's just the fat you want to lose. I like resistance training myself.

Also, don't fixate on just weight. If you get slimmer, clothes are looser, and you feel better, but the scale hasn't moved much? Then ignore the scale for a bit.

Doghorsechicken · 03/04/2019 12:44

I’m following with interest, I’ve gained 1.5st since having DS 10 months ago and I find it so hard to diet! The longest diet I attempted only lasted 3 weeks! That was using MFP and worked well but it’s hard when your friends are always wanting to go out for meals.

roundturnandtwohalfhitches · 03/04/2019 12:51

I'm 50. I've been thin, been fat, been thin on repeat all my life. Not helped by genes and PCOS. I've tried everything.
Starving yourself or LCD's will make you thin quick- but it will go back on and some as soon as you start to eat anything again.

WW and SW and things like that will also work but eventually unless you are absolutely rigorous it will also creep back on. I've seen people get great results with it but I'm not regimented enough plus with PCOS their portions were too big.

Exercise will work a wee bit but unless you count calories you'll not lose much.

Boringly the best thing I've found and which has worked for me for the last 4 years is eating less, fewer carbs- but still eating some carbs and exercise every day for a reasonable length of time. Avoid too much sugar as much as humanly possible (hard for me).
Regular exercise is essential to keeping it off and keeping your metabolism going- I swim for an hour 6 days a week. Could be walking or running, or whatever is easy and fits in with your life..
I've binned the scales as well because it's soul destroying and sets you back if you've had a bad week.

Good luck.

It needs to be sustainable and it needs to be easy. So some mad healthy eating thing doesn't work well for me. So if I've eaten a whole load of shite in the morning- I just have a wee bit of cereal for tea.

troubleswillbeoutofsight · 03/04/2019 12:57

Calorie counting

WhoKnewBeefStew · 03/04/2019 13:00

Calories counting... to lose weight it’s a simple concept, less in, more out. Boring and time consuming but it works

Handofglory · 03/04/2019 13:07

Calorie counting with plenty of protein to fill you up.
Exercise but only eating back half the calories you burn on top of daily allowance-e.g 5 mile run = approx 500cals but I allow myself a 250 cal ‘treat’. I eat this at the end of the day to avoid temptation to eat more if I eat it at lunchtime

Handofglory · 03/04/2019 13:10

I’ve had success with low carb but for me it’s unsustainable as I just love chips and cake so much-With calorie counting I can have these occasionally but with low carb it buggers the whole thing up and sets me on a downward spiral

MyFamilyAndOtherAnimals1 · 03/04/2019 13:11

10k steps a day, and 10 fruits and veg a day.

It's not easy, but I found the daily goals worked for me!

SurgeHopper · 03/04/2019 13:13

Lower carb /clean eating

Eggs for breakfast. Apple and cheese for snack. Chicken casserole and baked sweet potato for lunch. Massive bowl lentil and veg soup for dinner, with a bit of chhese/sliced ham if I'm still hungry.

Easy peasy.

SurgeHopper · 03/04/2019 13:15

But doesn’t low carb and low sugar go hand in hand?


Yes. Carbs ARE sugar.

Haworthia · 03/04/2019 13:18

Low carb, definitely. It’s restrictive in the sense there are lots of things you can’t eat, but also less restricting than calorie counting because you eat plenty of fatty, satiating foods and therefore don’t feel hungry or like you’re denying yourself.

Once I lost weight I’ve managed to maintain by eating lowER carb. Still allowed some cake or McDonalds once a week, but avoid starchy carbs/sugar on a day to day basis.

DreamInDreamer · 03/04/2019 13:19

Moderate carbs within 1200 calories. Lots of protein and raspberries!!!
Definitely use MyFitnessPal and a set of digital scales

MorrisZapp · 03/04/2019 13:22


thundercats192 · 03/04/2019 13:24

Breastfeeding. I'm the thinnest I've ever been. I also walk a lot.


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Weaverspin · 03/04/2019 13:29

What works for me when clothes get tight:

No snacking - eat protein-rich reduced-carb breakfast, lunch, dinner (insert preferred meal names here!) and absolutely nothing outside those times. Snacking is my downfall.

Nothing sugary - no biscuits, cake, puddings, sweets, fruit juice. No white carbs (wholemeal rice, pasta, bread only). Just don't have them in the house. Cravings soon wear off. Small square of dark chocolate as a treat.

No alcohol.

And keep an eye on the calorie count with MFP. Amazing how things add up that you may not even remember eating!

Good luck!

Amongstthewildthings · 03/04/2019 13:42

The quickest way - GRIEF.
But longterm lifestyle change is key.

  • Do weight-baring exercise
  • Walk at least 30 mins a day
  • Eat wholesome, natural food
  • Keep treats as treats, not a daily or even weekly indulgence
  • Find a way to cope with stress like meditation, journaling etc rather than food
  • Find a way to celebrate i.e. writing a letter to someone you're proud of rather than treating with food
Bobbycat121 · 03/04/2019 14:11

BF made me bigger because im always hungry now! I got bigger than when i was
pregnant Confused

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