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AIBU to think maybe I have some sort of disorder?

78 replies

anyideasonthis · 18/06/2018 22:22

I have recently come to realise how hard I find it to complete actions or take action on ideas and would love to know if this rings any bells with any of you. For background, I am late thirties, married with children, and have run my own business for years. So I am generally competent, busy etc.

Here's my problem: a while ago I spent quite a while researching something to purchase. Not an easy decision, pricing and quality varies wildly etc. I found the best company, pleased with my decision, a page of notes to show for my research..... and yet a month later I still have not purchased said item. No reason other than requiring a bit of time to sort it out. I do this sort of thing a lot - I seem to excel at the research stage but never seem to actually finish the job I start.

Similarly, for my business there is a job I need to do, which although new and challenging, I have done enough training in my free time to know full well what needs doing, and frankly am fairly confident I'll do it well. I have been meaning to do this thing for a couple of years now!! And it's an important thing of direct benefit to the business. So why the hell can't I just DO it??!!

Or, for example, I really need to get into doing regular excercise. I am generally pretty fit & active.... but we all know I need the regular cardio etc. So I tell myself I just need to find ONE thing I like and just do it 3 times a week, no biggie. And I know I would genuinely enjoy doing it - I can think of a few sports I'd like to do. So why the ... hell can't I just do it? I find out about classes and times at different venues near me, make a note, think about it, plan on it...... and then never go. My phone and computer are full of tabs open of things I mean to do, buy, see, read..... I wish I could just either do it or delete it.

I remember at uni feeling so excited about all the new clubs and sports I could join, and wanting to try all sorts and yet, you guessed it, I did the sum total of bugger all. Maybe the odd class here and there but never stuck to anything.

I'm starting to feel like maybe there is some sort of therapy that could help me. I feel slightly embarrassed about starting this pity party.... but I think I need help. Anyone else out there had any experience with this?

OP posts:
Namechangedforthispost18 · 21/06/2018 16:39

I'm currently being seen by a psychologist and she thinks I may have high functioning Autism.

seafret · 21/06/2018 23:39

I agree GallicosCats. Expectations are high/ weird these days.

I think in ye oldy days, people had more of a lcoal community and extened family and simpler lives, and also had more quiet time, and craft hobbies tended to be related to mending or making things that were needed not just for fun, and partly because of a lack of electric light but also TV, gadgets and stuff.

I think we are expect (and are expected) to do more because it is theoretically possible. Its like the paperwork we need to fill in and keep track of now that people in previous years never had (and coudln't have done due to most peole being illiterate)more choices that we need - like brodband that we need to analyse and choose - and we tend to have little family around us these days. Less people to do more complicated life work, even for everyday people.

We try to keep a simple life but somehow it still gets complicated.

anyideasonthis · 22/06/2018 19:58

Wow, yes, so true about social ideals nowadays, yet often coupled with lack of support network. I have a lovely family who are certainly supportive but day to day i have no practical support whatsoever, apart from DH. Both sides of our family live abroad, and are not hugely hands on anyway! I hadn't even considered this could be part of the problem but actually I can see now that it contributes.

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