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First two episodes of Game of Thrones- I have problems (contains spoilers obviously)

85 replies

tootyfruitee · 05/06/2018 20:18

Have only watched two episodes but it seems so fucked up.

So the blonde beautiful girl who gets married off to the big oaf guy and his army..she basically gets raped by him but then she asks a girl, who became a prostitute slave at the age 9, how to seduce him? And then she goes back to the oaf and they have some intense sex that I presume is meant to be sexy, even though it's basically rape.


Also that dwarf guy is meant to be some kind of ledge despite the fact he shags loads of prostitutes.

AIBU to think this is fucking weird??

Unfortunately however I am finding it very gripping still Blush

OP posts:
SweetSummerchild · 05/06/2018 20:39

Actually, ‘Myrish swamp’ is nearly as unsexy as ‘fat pink mast’.

KittyVonCatsington · 05/06/2018 20:41

Just shows how good the writing is that characters at the beginning who do unspeakable things eventually become characters that you warm to and root for.

It’s one crazy fucked up ride, OP!!

tootyfruitee · 05/06/2018 20:41

I can't believe you haven't commented on the twin incest in the first episode

Yeah that was weird but it wasn't presented to me as ok, if you know what I mean, unlike the blonde girl having sexy intense sex with her rapist.

OP posts:
QueenOfThorns · 05/06/2018 20:43

I still don’t get all the love for emo Jon Snow - he’s a shortarse. Still, that just leaves Tormund Giantsbane for me Grin

Pebblespony · 05/06/2018 20:43

I think I must be the only person in the world who doesn't like GOT. Struggled through a series and a half and gave up. The theme song is great though.

MustBeDueSomeBetterFeet · 05/06/2018 20:44

Just started rewatching today!

I guess I rationalised Dany's seduction of Drogo as (and it's a recurring theme in this and history I guess) a woman trying to take control of a situation where she was out of control, trying to make the best of a bad situation, and gain an advantage (which she ultimately does; by winning him over, she wins over his people, etc etc etc!!!).

MrStarkIDontFeelSoGood · 05/06/2018 20:44

He's her husband.

They only made marital rape illegal in THIS country about 20 years ago, never mind fictional medieval realms

SweetSummerchild · 05/06/2018 20:45

@QueenOfThorns - did you used to have a username related to her headgear? I remember the Tormund-love from last year.

tootyfruitee · 05/06/2018 20:46

I'm gonna have to hide my own thread if I keep reading spoilers Shock

OP posts:
ScipioAfricanus · 05/06/2018 20:47

Sweetsummerchild love your username! I want to use that phrase about ten times every working day (teacher).

FadedRed · 05/06/2018 20:48

Series one is definitely character building, Op. ( see what I did there?)
There will be some excellent feminist stuff in the future, as in women taking control of their own destinies.

OlennasWimple · 05/06/2018 20:48

Ah yes, lots of happy hookers in GoT...

Drogo is a "noble savage" type chap. Dany and Drogo's love story is one of my favourites in the story actually...

OlennasWimple · 05/06/2018 20:50

@QueenOfThorns - did you used to have a username related to her headgear? I remember the Tormund-love from last year

Um, I think that was me.... I do love a burly man who has been kissed by fire.... Blush

Lilacwine1 · 05/06/2018 20:50

Stick with it OP. I got a bit flummoxed when I started watching it, made worse by the fact that some of the actors look so alike. I must admit I adore the actor who plays Tyrion, I have had some really dirty dreams about him.Smile

MrsHathaway · 05/06/2018 20:52

GRRM was born in 1948 in NJ, US which clarified marital rape as a crime in 1981 (a decade before the UK). He had been married and divorced before that clarification.

Merryoldgoat · 05/06/2018 20:52

Robb Stark has my heart.

Keep going OP.

It took me a while to get to grips with who’s who which was helped by watching with the family trees of the Seven Kingdoms.

SweetSummerchild · 05/06/2018 20:52

ScipioAfricanus yes, I found myself using that phrase a lot as a teacher. Luckily, I taught secondary so a lot of them knew what it meant. I also found myself using ‘that’s the crow calling the raven black’.

MrsHathaway · 05/06/2018 20:53

Nnnnngff. Drogo. Yum.

Have you seen the recent photos of Jason Momoa and Emilia Clarke? I luffs them and ship them IRL.

SweetSummerchild · 05/06/2018 20:55

It’s only going to be another page before the Rory McCann and Iain Glenn lust starts.

It’s like a Harry Potter thread - it can’t get more than two pages before Jason Isaacs is mentioned....

ScipioAfricanus · 05/06/2018 20:58

Excellent, Sweet! I had Stannis Baratheon King of Grammar on my bulletin board.

M0reGinPlease · 05/06/2018 20:58

I was just quite shocked that she went from crying while being raped by the oaf to seducing him after having an erotic sex lesson with someone who was sold to be a child prostitute but seems to have become some kind of sexpert rather than scarred in any way.

By the end of season seven you'll look back at this and think 'meh'.

TheDairyQueen · 05/06/2018 21:04

I think you're at risk of over-thinking a show that's not particularly analytical or anodyne in its outlook.

Enjoy the bums, willies, fannies, tits, dwarfs, giants, blue/brown/green-eyed loons, homicide, regicide, suicide, bum-sex-at-Center-Parc's fest for what it is - I think it's a pretty good analogy for MN!


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Mummyoflittledragon · 05/06/2018 21:12

Yup definitely need to suspend feminist principles as said upthread. But do not despair, some of the females are very powerful.

QueenOfThorns · 05/06/2018 21:15

@OlennasWimple OK, I’ll share, but only because it’s you Grin

brieislife · 05/06/2018 21:18

You can have Jon Snow (& Tormund) as long as I get Daario Naharis (2nd one) & Jaqen H’ghar...

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