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Overreacting at DH giving out his number to a woman

78 replies

Raven88 · 27/05/2018 15:21

I noticed DH had a text on his phone from an unknown number and I asked who it was from and he told me it was from a customer, he is taxi driver and they got chatting on a run. He didn't text her back and it was a harmless text.

I feel a little betrayed by this and I told him that it's disrespectful to be giving his number out to women that aren't friends. He promised that he was just being friendly and didn't know how to say no to giving his number out. He didn't realise that she probably thought he was interested in her. We talked it out but I feel guilty for being annoyed at this situation.

OP posts:
Happypuppy · 28/05/2018 05:44

I have a taxi driver’s number,we are both married and have also become friends on facebook. There’s really nothing to it as he is 15 or so years older than me. I just find him pleasant to chat to and if I’m wanting a taxi that is a little longer than a standard journey to town etc, I’ll text him first to see if he’s free.

Happypuppy · 28/05/2018 05:47

(I get taxis when I’m on my own generally btw, my husband has never met him but knows about my “nice taxi driver mate”)

WalkingOnAFlashlightBeam · 28/05/2018 05:57

He thinks you're a naive moron who'll swallow any old shit. He's lying about her husband being there or he'd have told you that when it first came up (as it legitimises it somewhat). Pretty lazy of him to need time to come up with a way of making it sound better and all he could come up with was adding an imaginary third person into the cab!

Do you think most husbands and wives, if they wanted to befriend their cabbie, would have the wife get his number? In front of her husband? No. Most couples wouldn't do that! Because we live in a culture where giving your number out is seen as a way of increasing intimacy with someone (in the, swap numbers cos you get on and then send an in joke way, not the work number for a taxi driver future rides way). Seems odd really that as a married man talking to a married couple he wouldn't swap numbers with the guy, doesn't it? Just the wife, in front of her husband?

Don't let your relief make you allow his lies op, you're better than that. I know you don't want it to be true but I'd bet money he's lying.

Also weirdly enough I've had loads of rides in cabs where I've got on with the driver like a house on fire, had a really good chat about all sorts. Not once have I ever exchanged numbers. decent men will sit there and talk about their wife and kids and make it clear they're a family man, and they won't jeopardise their relationship and disrespect their wives by swapping numbers with a random woman.

Ask him how many male customers he's swapped numbers with.

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