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What to say to lying dog walker?

367 replies

oobeedoiwannabelikeyou · 07/02/2018 19:02

Sent home sick from work yesterday, still off sick today. DH messaged walker at 9am to say dog was fine (she had been ill last week)
Dog walker messaged back saying Perfect I'll be to take her out.
Comes to 12pm no walker, DH messaged again to say where are you?
She messaged back saying she'd been and gone from 8:45-9:45 and would be back at 2pm.
DH said that's not true and that I was at home.
Walker messaged back assuring him she'd been.
DH said he would be coming home to walk her as I was too sick to and not to bother coming back in the afternoon.
She maintains she had walked her.
Anyway the trust is gone, Therefor she is going. How do I word this?
I know she's lied and doesn't obviously give a shit but I would like to hold my head up high walking past her knowing I was right and handled it correctly without flying off the handle.
Please wise women if mumsnet help me with wording a message.

OP posts:
loobylou10 · 07/02/2018 19:53

Cheeky mare! Just wonder how often she does that - you won’t have caught her on the first occasion. I’d sack and spread the word!!

Ruffian · 07/02/2018 19:54

I've wondered about this sort of thing wrt dog Walkers - the system seems wide open to abuse and now there is so much competition it must mean they will be tempted to cut corners in order to maintain the revenue.

WizardOfToss · 07/02/2018 19:55

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

FelicityMorange · 07/02/2018 19:55

Has she definitely not got your family mixed up with another? I'd check that possibility out before you jump to conclusions.

oobeedoiwannabelikeyou · 07/02/2018 19:56

She used to put photos up on her fb page regularly but hasn't for a while.
She walks my girl with 2 male dogs completely different names on a Wednesday morning.
There's no way she could've got DH confused as it was fb message so his name and the fact he's told her about the results of her Urine samples at the vets in the first message too.
On the message at 12 he said are you going for dogs name?
She has quite an unusual name.

OP posts:
MyKingdomForBrie · 07/02/2018 20:00

Your poor dog Sad sounds like she’s been skipping the walk and just popping over later to feed.

Myddognearlyatethedeliveryman · 07/02/2018 20:01

Do you know the other dogs owners? I would be telling them-she is a thief!!

Tapandgo · 07/02/2018 20:06

Mea Culpa.
Always spell check before sending (repeat)

FloatyFlo · 07/02/2018 20:07

Even if she thought she was replying to another family, the fact is she still didn't actually turn up. As OP said dog was next to her all day. OP - wonder if she walks in puts food in bowl so they are dirty but doesn't actually walk them?

Choccogoingcuckoo · 07/02/2018 20:08

Let her come for next walks, demand your key back and tell her that her dog walking services are no longer required as you don't trust your dogs needs are being met.

What a nightmare for your poor dog, makes you wonder if she's done it before.

Like pp my dog walker sends pics of walks and posts them on facebook so I know she has been out.

GabsAlot · 07/02/2018 20:09

i agree with mydog

tell everyone on fb what shes up to thats fraud

honeyroar · 07/02/2018 20:09

Your poor dog, that's awful behaviour from someone you trusted. Tell as many dog owners as you can (she will delete your Facebook posts as soon as she can).

LadyOfTheCanyon · 07/02/2018 20:10

Happened to my sister, she was paying for a few times a week long run out ( excitable terrier with limitless stamina) and got wind that the walker was basically taking them to the end of the road and letting them off the lead for ten minutes while she sat in her car looking at her phone Angry

lljkk · 07/02/2018 20:17

If you live in a small town it's not worth the aggro to get super pissy with her. You'll still see her around so keep it civil.

When I fucked up at work I got a straight "I'm very disappointed in you." This from someone who is well known for tirading & rude language. So I know he was truly furious but had decided not to waste his energy on me.

Confused2018 · 07/02/2018 20:18

I am a dog walker myself and this has really saddened me.

Please don’t tar us all with the same brush, I promise not all of us are like this! I honestly can’t imagine just not turning up to one of my ‘charges’, poor thing.

Was the arrangement that she walks in the morning and then comes back to feed in the afternoon then? Are you sure she hasn’t just been doing one visit per day in the afternoon to walk and then feed after the walk? Mind you, if that is the case then she should’ve just been honest at the start.

Thequeenisdeadboys · 07/02/2018 20:20

Taking the piss massively. Just say you obviously know she didn't come around as you were in with the dog the whole time and because of this she will no longer be required. I wouldn't be putting it all over facebook or anything though. Just move on and put it down to a bad experience. You could put an honest review on website though. Hope you find yourself a decent dog walker.

lilabet2 · 07/02/2018 20:22

That's awful!

Your dogs could have got up to something (e.g. eaten something sharp or toxic) or got ill on the days when the dog-walker didn't look in on them, it's just good that they're ok.

I bet she has done this more than once! Even if it looks as though the walker has been feeding the dogs on other days then that doesn't mean she has taken one of your two dogs for a walk.

I would let anyone else who uses her dog walking services know about this. With regard to texting/emailing her I would say 'Today I was off work and on the sofa with the dog beside me all day from 8am. You told DH that you had been in and taken doglette/name here out for a walk when this is not the case. We do not wish to book any further dog walking sessions'.

Thequeenisdeadboys · 07/02/2018 20:23

honeyroar can you delete someone elses FB posts? I didn't think you could.

lilabet2 · 07/02/2018 20:30

Oh also is there any way that the reason your dog was unwell was related to her lack of care?

oobeedoiwannabelikeyou · 07/02/2018 20:31


I have a few friends who are walkers and are brilliant, unfortunately though they don't cover my area.
The arrangement was for her to walk my girl in the morning and let boy out and after walk feed them.
Then come back around 2pm and let them out to the toilet.
I've known this woman for 4 years since my girl was a pup and I met her at a specific breed walk.

OP posts:
BewareOfDragons · 07/02/2018 20:33

Very poor.

Please do leave a review on her FB page explaining why you have terminated her services.

Unbelievable to lie so brazenly about it, too! Since the pics have stopped on her FB page, though, it does make you wonder if there are issues with her walking services, as in not happening regularly.

oobeedoiwannabelikeyou · 07/02/2018 20:34


No it was a reaction to her medication she was on for allergies, the vet was worried it was more sinister.
The walker actually called hubby at work to tell him she wasn't herself last week and went In twice more to check on her, that's why everything is so bizarre.

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honeyroar · 07/02/2018 20:35

I think you can delete people's posts on your page. (Pretty sure I've done it!)

BoomBoomsCousin · 07/02/2018 20:40

Some form of review that other customers might read would be a huge Service to the other dogs she’s currently contracted to walk. At least owners would have a bit of a heads up and could check she was actually looking after their dogs as intended. With lying as bold as that it seems unlikely this will be the only time and customer she’ll have done this to.

lljkk · 07/02/2018 20:45

Bad idea to turn this into a slanging revenge match, imho. You'll both be tarnished for it.

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