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To ask if he is single!

253 replies

inmyshoos · 07/01/2018 22:22

To ask for flirting advice!!! I have a crush on a delivery man who comes around every now and again. He is very flirty but it might just be his way. Quite cheeky chappy type. How can I ask if he is single without it being really awkward and embarrassing? I've been married for the past 15 years so I'm a bit rusty with this kind of stuff!
Am a bit worried he is just a cheeky flirty type and I embarrass him and myself! Blush

OP posts:
mirandasings · 08/01/2018 10:24

Because it’s weird and creepy. If someone fb stalked me to ask me out I’d be put off. If he wanted you to have his Facebook he’d give it too you.

I am excited for you, but I don’t personally think that’s a good route to go.

I think you just have to be brave. The chocolate idea is a good one.

BulletFox · 08/01/2018 10:25

Oh, balls.

You need another delivery, then!

inmyshoos · 08/01/2018 10:35

How would anyone know if you've had a sneaky peek at their fb?? He doesn't seem the fb type if I'm honest.

OP posts:
Luckingfovely · 08/01/2018 10:45

I have no idea re the advice on FB. If you have a public profile - it's public property. It's not underhand. Go for it!

sunshine99789 · 08/01/2018 12:26

I have read through all the comments and totally invested in this! Good luck OP!

P.S can you get an earlier delivery?

Rebeccaslicker · 08/01/2018 12:28

Honestly - just say, "if you're single, it would be great if you fancied a drink sometime."

Hard to do, sure. Not creepy, not sinister, not desperate - as I'm sure you are none of those things, you don't want to give the wrong impression that you are :)

MiddleClassProblem · 08/01/2018 12:46

Maybe people think the fb thing is too much as you don’t know if he’s available yet/interested?

Either way looking at fb before a date is a pretty standard practice. You don’t add, just nose at what you can see in case the have a partner or Britain First posts etc...

PugonToast · 08/01/2018 13:36

Vegetable box i think

Tink2007 · 08/01/2018 13:41

You could always start with “Ooh it’s not fair you know my name but I don’t know yours...”

Cantaffordanythingdecent · 08/01/2018 13:48

I've always been one for telling men I like them.

Most have said yes, a fair few have said they'll go for a drink 'as they like the fact I asked" and obviously I've had the full out no's well!

I'd just ask. Grin

DarthNigel · 08/01/2018 14:09

Bend and snap Grin
I actually like the idea about asking him to open a jar or something-good way to start a conversation.
I'm over invested in this already Smile

DarthNigel · 08/01/2018 14:10

I'd definitely Facebook stalk him!!!

frasier · 08/01/2018 14:49

What's wrong with looking on FaceBook or wherever? That's what it's there for if the account is public. That's why people put their stuff up, so people can read about them.

esk1mo · 08/01/2018 14:55

i agree with “do you flirt with all your customers like this? Wink” then depending on his answer yes/no/im not flirting you could say we should swap numbers

or “its a shame i only get deliveries every month/6 months, i enjoy our little flirt” and then he might get the hint??

C4rollinandventing · 08/01/2018 16:30

Is he the organic veg box delivery man?

HildaZelda · 08/01/2018 17:22

Whatever you do, DON'T ask the lady in the depot. That's a bit too weird!

inmyshoos · 08/01/2018 17:26

Pahahahaha nope c4 he's not but that did make me laugh dirty mind

Couldn't get through to depot today either was constantly busy or answer machine. His services are clearly in demand Grin

OP posts:
Whiterabbitears · 08/01/2018 17:28

I'm loving the bend and snap Grin

I am delusionallyimagining myself doing the bend and snap at work whilst all of my male colleagues are overcome by desire! In reality I would definitely put my back out Grin

inmyshoos · 08/01/2018 17:32

Im definitely not doing the bend and snap Grin I am seriously bad at flirting. When he made the joke about the invoice being his number I tried to do a sexy giggle and wink and the reality looked like a Miranda Hart sketch....cringe...

OP posts:
MockneyReject · 08/01/2018 17:46

If he knows your name, and is interested in you, then he's probably checking your FB already.

So, manufacture a conversation with friend, or find a meme, about delivery drivers. Maybe tell your friend you have a hot one. Or discuss women asking men out, or something.

inmyshoos · 08/01/2018 17:53

I really doubt he is on fb. He just doesn't seem the type.

OP posts:
Chrys2017 · 08/01/2018 17:56

Just ask him. If he's attached he will tell you with no hard feelings, and you will probably make his day knowing that he's still got "it".


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Chrys2017 · 08/01/2018 17:57

"Do you fancy going for a coffee sometime?" There. It will take about three seconds.

littletinyme1 · 08/01/2018 18:03

Exciting! Does he flirt with your friend? Compare notes- could she be there next time he delivers? Ask for her view of the interaction between the two of you. FWIW, back in the day i was asked ' i don't suppose there's any chance you don't have a boyfriend is there?' Easy to ask and easy to get back from if he says he married with 7 kids! Good luck

Castledown · 08/01/2018 18:04

Is he the Wiltshire farm foods man?

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