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To ask if he is single!

253 replies

inmyshoos · 07/01/2018 22:22

To ask for flirting advice!!! I have a crush on a delivery man who comes around every now and again. He is very flirty but it might just be his way. Quite cheeky chappy type. How can I ask if he is single without it being really awkward and embarrassing? I've been married for the past 15 years so I'm a bit rusty with this kind of stuff!
Am a bit worried he is just a cheeky flirty type and I embarrass him and myself! Blush

OP posts:
MiddleClassProblem · 07/01/2018 23:09

Grin but try not to head butt him

MiddleClassProblem · 07/01/2018 23:10

Ok I think of this was a regular thing then that’s different to twice in two months. I mean are the 2 instances literally all the contact you’ve had?

ClandestineAdulation · 07/01/2018 23:12

No better way to explain the bend and snap than a WikiHow article Grin It’s great what you can find on the internet!

I say go for it.

inmyshoos · 07/01/2018 23:15

middleclass i have only seen him a few times and each time he has been full of the chat. Also repeating things we have joked about previously, so he clearly remembers put chat (I know I'm probably reading way too much into this right?!)
Like I joked I was the posh side of the village as I have a house name rather than number and then 2 months later he mentioned that again 'Oh I thought you said you were posh?'....

OP posts:
TeaAndToast85 · 07/01/2018 23:21

Could you have an emergency (something is broken, can't get the lid off of this jar) to make him feel manly? Then start a convo. OR you could enlist another confident colleague to ask him outright Grin

SaucyJack · 07/01/2018 23:26

A great philosopher once spoke "Do you like me, sex wise? Or are you just flirting with me in that slightly crude way that middle-age divorcees do?"

Say that. If he gives you a Lion bar in return you know you're on to a winner.

inmyshoos · 07/01/2018 23:26

teaandtoast no colleagues around, it's at home he delivers to me. So only catch him if I'm at home which is why I only see him every now and then!

I have thought about things I could ask him to do Grin Opening a jar wasn't one of them I have to admit Wink
If I said What he delivers it would be too risky outing myself but so many jokes to be had!!

OP posts:
MiddleClassProblem · 07/01/2018 23:31

Which either means it’s like a porno or it’s pizza or nespresso? Or milk! Is he the milkman?

TeaAndToast85 · 07/01/2018 23:35

Hahahaha! You could ask what he is doing at the weekend, he might say he is going to the pub, you could say is that with your girlfriend? I reckon you've got to be a bit brazen, because you only see him now and again.

Ps. In my head he looks exactly like the delivery man in legally blonde

TeaAndToast85 · 07/01/2018 23:36

@MiddleClassProblem Oooo a sexy milkman!

inmyshoos · 07/01/2018 23:37

Middleclass very close with milkman Grin
So i have a friend in the village who also uses the same company. She knows I like him and she has a lovely manner. Would it be a bad idea for her to ask him if he is single because he has an admirer? Or she could ask the lady in the depot when she rings? Or am I best doing this on my own? My friend does fancy herself as a bit of a matchmaker Smile

OP posts:
inmyshoos · 07/01/2018 23:39

Ha ha teaandtoast just googled the legally blond delivery driver. My driver is hotter Wink

OP posts:
TeaAndToast85 · 07/01/2018 23:40

Deffo get the friend involved. Secret admirer thing a good idea

MiddleClassProblem · 07/01/2018 23:40

A yoghurt man? Confused

Don’t ask the lady in the depot! I’m really not sure about the friend either but she could just say something like “you and your wife have any nice plans at the weekend?” Or somtetjng better worded for you. That doesn’t have to be hitting on someone, it can be just someone’s assumption.

TeaAndToast85 · 07/01/2018 23:41

And let us know what happens Grin

MiddleClassProblem · 07/01/2018 23:41

Wait! MilkTRAY man!

frasier · 07/01/2018 23:42

Yep, ask the friend to do it. Sorted.

Report back. Grin

TeaAndToast85 · 07/01/2018 23:42

Actually yeah, what @MiddleClassProblem said. You could totally just be being friendly, and then if there's no wife you can ramp up the flirting a bit

lollipop7 · 07/01/2018 23:44

@SaucyJack Grin
He might know a cracking owl sanctuary or a spice museum

CantRememberHoliday · 07/01/2018 23:47

Good luck,OP

frasier · 07/01/2018 23:49

Imagines inmyshoos surrounded by yoghurt and ordering more trying to get the hot delivery guy...

Laine21 · 07/01/2018 23:54

there may be no wife, but there maybe a bf or a husband


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MiddleClassProblem · 07/01/2018 23:56

Which would also be answered by enquing this question, particularly via the friend in a casual small talk non flirty manner.

But he did say the phone number comment which isn’t really a go to gay line...

inmyshoos · 08/01/2018 00:02

Yoghurt??? Nope.... you need to think dirty ladies Grin
Ok so might get a delivery Thursday. I'm working until lunch time so depends when he comes. Maybe I'll leave him a note Grin
Will report back!
Because I can avoid seeing him part of me wants to just be really honest and say 'are you always this flirty? I mean if you're single you could always just leave me your number!". I've no idea if I'd be brave enough but I do sometimes think life is too short to mess about! You don't ask you don't get! And fwiw I am reasonably attractive and been on a health kick recently so looking better than I feel on the inside that's for sure!
Will report back. Wish me luck!! See if I miss him Thurs....

OP posts:
Filzma · 08/01/2018 00:04

Does this snap and bend actually work 🤔☺️

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