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To ask how much you tip your hairdresser for Christmas?

44 replies

ohbigdaddio · 05/12/2017 23:14

This is a tricky one and wondered what others do. I sporadically tip my hairdresser throughout the year as it's flipping expensive as it is and I work freelance so often don't have much money to spare. Last Christmas I gave her £20 as a Christmas tip and she didn't thank me! (it was in a card which she opened after I'd left.)

Did I not tip her enough and how much should I tip when I get my hair done tomorrow? I don't want to be insulting but I'm not particularly flush at the moment.

OP posts:
RiseToday · 06/12/2017 10:42

Also mine charge about £80 for a colour and wash so they're on a much highly hourly rate than I am!

RiseToday · 06/12/2017 10:39

Nothing! It's expensive enough as it is.

user1488397844 · 06/12/2017 10:36

I try to give everyone a little festive tip (If I can afford it) we usually leave chocs/beer out for the binmen, same with the postman/window cleaner. My DD is only 3 and it's nice for her to see we should appreciate people who do a good job for us! Although I work in a children's hospital & we are always given far more than anyone could expect at Xmas, each and every card and gift is so appreciated. It's just a nice gesture & probably makes someone's day!

taratill · 06/12/2017 10:26

Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't tip. I had a cut and colour yesterday and felt slightly awkward not tipping when I said have a nice Christmas but I never have tipped and don't really get it to be honest. Hair cuts cost enough as it is. I also work providing a service and am never ever tipped and I don't really see the difference. I have once received flowers which was nice.

Seniorcitizen1 · 06/12/2017 10:20

same amount every time I visit - nowt

dantdmistedious · 06/12/2017 09:09


Rebeccatheold · 06/12/2017 09:09

Another one for not tipping. They charge me £40-50 quid each time for a wash cut and blow dry that takes 20 mins. I can’t afford more!

WhatToDoAboutThis2017 · 06/12/2017 09:04

I don't tip her ever, and I certainly don't at Christmas. She's paid to do her job.

LemonShark · 06/12/2017 08:16

Christ some people are bitter about others doing well for themselves.

I tip nothing. Maybe £2-3 once in a blue moon if I have cash on me (rare). Costs a fortune getting my hair done (£60-70 every six to eight weeks), not a chance I'm willingly forking out even more

why12345 · 06/12/2017 07:06

I think £5 is a good tip! Gets her a drink or a bottle of cheap and cheerful wine! 🎄

HRTpatch · 06/12/2017 07:06

I've bought mine a bottle of champagne and will tip her a tenner as usual.
I go every 6 weeks and have gone to her for 8 years.

RainyDayBear · 06/12/2017 07:01

I don’t usually tip as standard, but give her £5 at Christmas to get herself a drink. She’s a really nice girl!

Behindthedoor · 06/12/2017 06:58

I’ve just moved hairdressers after many years with the same one who I always tipped generously. We had a lot of personal situations in common, so always plenty to chat about. Then I realised she wasn’t listening to me as a customer, and my hair was a frizzy discoloured mess between appointments. I think it was a case of familiarity breeding contempt - she was used to me and my purse walking through the door.

My new hairdresser is excellent, as is my hair now. I’m going to keep this relationship professional - so no chitchat and no tipping. If she wants more she can put her prices up. I’ll then either pay her more, or move again, there’s plenty to choose from.

Mulberry72 · 06/12/2017 06:43

I take my nail lady & hairdresser a nice box of chocs each at Christmas and tip them £10 each.

MsHopey · 06/12/2017 06:42

My husband only EARNS minimum wage. Clearly he'd want more Grin bloody autocorrect.

MsHopey · 06/12/2017 06:42

Sounds mean. But I don't tip. My husband only wants minimum wage and I used to earn a tiny bit more than that (on maternity leave currently). We really don't have the means to tip anyone, but saying that I haven't been able to afford a haircut since before I was pregnant, so my opinion it probably moot.

ohbigdaddio · 06/12/2017 06:40

If only I was on a 6 figure salary 😂

Hmmm, I'm thinking I might get some chocolates instead!

OP posts:
serendipia2812 · 06/12/2017 06:39

I blow dry my hair @ the salon twice a week, colour and cut every 12 weeks. If I'd leave a tip all the time I'd be broke. The tip is my ongoing fidelity....GrinGrinGrin I did however buy my hairdresser a lovely 2018 planner as she saw my 2017 and complimented it.

Temporary2002 · 06/12/2017 06:34

I always tip 15%, I only get my hair done a few times a year and have not given anything extra at Christmas. I don't really have a relationship with her though, I don't see her often enough for that. My mil used to go every Saturday morning and she would give her stylist a present at Christmas.

HuskyMcClusky · 06/12/2017 06:30

Nothing!! What fresh madness is this?

It costs bloody $200 for a cut and colour (in in Aus), I’m not tipping as well. I don’t care who owns the salon etc etc.

Tink2007 · 06/12/2017 06:27

I don’t tip my hairdresser. It’s costing enough as it is!

AliceLutherNeeMorgan · 06/12/2017 06:20

I think the point there is that it was in a card -if you weren’t there when it was opened, I wouldn’t expect her to say thank you afterwards (do you mean by text? Or next time you visit?) I would expect them to say thanks if you handed them the cash obviously!

I don’t tip during the year but I do at Christmas. In fact this has reminded me that I really need to make an appointment!


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Ilovetolurk · 06/12/2017 06:15

I tip a fiver every time and £20 at xmas. I go monthly so know her well

I dont tip in the card, I give it to her and say this is for you, have a lovely xmas

kaytee87 · 06/12/2017 04:27

@BonnieF I think you'll find if you speak to people in jobs that regularly attract tips, most of them don't find it demeaning. It's usually taken as a compliment on a job well done or indeed actually expected.

IHeartKingThistle · 06/12/2017 00:48

Well it might be Bonnie, but the girls who do my hair are 20 and 24, not massive earners, lovely... and all they say is thank you!

I sort of do it as a Christmas present anyway.

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