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I've messed everything up. Homeless with 4 children.

205 replies

BowAndArrow · 13/11/2017 06:48

I've been stupid. So so stupid. Please don't feel the need to tell me that. I could not loathe my stupidity more right now.

We've accidentally intentionally made ourselves homeless. We have to move out 4 days after Christmas. At the moment we have no where to go. No where. I have absolutely no idea what to do. The council obviously won't touch us because we put in our notice intentionally. Family isn't an option and no friends. No money to get another property. Am actually terrified. Totally terrified.

AIBU to think there must be a way to sort this out somehow? Please be kind.

OP posts:
Fattymcfaterson · 13/11/2017 14:09

I say non issue because if you just make contact, revoke your notice, that's it!

Of course they are advertising! You seem to be taking it personally that they are? Should they wait for you to leave before setting up a new tenant? Most landlords want it sorted ASAP so there is little overlap between tenants. So they don't lose money.

I think you're just being a bit of a drama lama about it all

BowAndArrow · 13/11/2017 15:43


Of course I'm not taking it personally, it's just not that easy to revoke as PP have said. if they've set up viewing etc on the back of my stupidity. Which I'm taking full responsibility for.

Not heard anything anyway. Just got home and charged phone so will try again.

OP posts:
Cloudyapples · 13/11/2017 15:52

Not rtft but please if you haven’t already get in touch with shelter op - they have phone lines, webchat, social media or drop in centres and it’s all free!

Rebeccaslicker · 13/11/2017 15:54

Fatty - where is your legal authority for your statement that all she needs to do is "revoke her notice"? If you're going to tell someone to do something as significant as this, you must be able to say why you think it works!

Bluntness100 · 13/11/2017 16:00

I can see why you’re panicking. The agent wants rid of you. They are delighted you put your notice in and he Or she will hold sway over the landlord.

You’ve no money for a new property, and where you were supposed to go, which your mums partner was sorting, looks to have fallen through. You also owe your mums partner thousands and he has fallen out with your mum, you were reliant also on borrowing even more from him for the new place.

The others are right, stay on top of the agent. Put an email In writing saying you wish to stay and for them to confirm. Contact shelter and seek their advice after that.

Viviene · 13/11/2017 16:08

OP you don’t even know if it is difficult or not to revoke, you haven’t tried yet. You are just making assumptions about what the agent and landlord think of you but actually (and speaking from years of experience in living in rented properties) you are just money in the account for them. It’s business - if you pay on time and look after property why would they not want you to stay?
You are not losing anything by trying, the worst that can happen is they’ll say ‘no’ which will put you in no worse position that you’re in at the moment.

MyKingdomForBrie · 13/11/2017 16:12

Mumsnet is a bitchfest these days. All you bloody troll hunters think you’re the dogs bollocks, and the rest of you sticking the boot in are just not nice people.

BowAndArrow · 13/11/2017 16:16

Bluntness, thank you.

That's exactly it. I realise everyone just thinks I'm a twat who deserves what she's getting because I must be a bad tenant so that's why they want rid of me and I can't really change the opinions of people who don't know me.

I know the issue with my old landlord and to be honest I was too scared to fight him over things like blocking my access, front and back with fences 12 inches from my door (true story) and leaving me without an oven for two years because they insisted I broke the fan ( which was behind a grill thing, had no way of reaching it, much less breaking it), I really thought they'd give me notice to leave. I was too scared to try to leave that place because I had no money for anywhere else until mum's partner helped. I'm very grateful to him.

I really do feel that it's their opinion that's clouding the letting agent.

I wouldn't have considered moving again except I truly believed it would better and more security for the children.

I'm really not a twat, just an idiot.

OP posts:
listsandbudgets · 13/11/2017 16:18

I can't believe you're calling her a drama llama (yes it has 2 Ls) over this let alone saying its a non issue. The poor OP faces a number of possible outcomes and at the moment she's no idea which one

a) The landlord happily accepts that she can stay on and keeps everything as it is

b) She can stay on and has to have a new tenancy complete with agency fees and potentially the rent goes up

c) She has to leave as per her notice and move into a building site with four children or stay on until bailiffs chuck her out

d) the afore mentoned building site is so dangerous to live in that she has to park her children with her ex and potentially live in car herself

e) if ex won't take children she MIGHT get a bed and breakfast from council while awaiting somewhere else to live - this may just be long enough for them to do their investigations and decide she's intentionally homeless and it may not - I've seen the bed and breakfasts used by councils for these things and believe me its not a pretty picture

f) Ever tried sofa surfing with 4 kids?????

None of these are nice options except for A. No wonder she's worried... and you come on here and call it a none issue.....

upperlimit · 13/11/2017 16:19

Could you get an email address of someone at Shelter and cc them on the email to the letting agent. It might just act to motivate the agent to be more efficient in conveying your message to the landlord and also let them know that you are being active in seeking advice on the situation.

Shine2018 · 13/11/2017 16:22

@Rachie1973 “As for the tidiness, your agent should only be in there for inspections every 3 months. Only worry about it around those times.”

This is incorrect advice. Lettings agents and landlords do not have the right to enter your home unless A) you have given permission with at least 24 hours’ notice or B) it is an emergency.

PortiaCastis · 13/11/2017 16:25

I hope you'll get sorted OP and wish you luck

Danceswithwarthogs · 13/11/2017 16:26

If "mum's partner" vouched for it, can't they put you up until new house ready?

BowAndArrow · 13/11/2017 16:27

Lists, thank you for your recognition of the issue and your defence. Honestly though I realise a lot of this completely of my own making, and I must deal with it.

To everyone who has suggested speaking to the agent, thank you, this is my first port of call. Due to travelling around with little signal and a drained phone battery, I've not made contact yet, but have emailed. Will have better luck tomorrow.

To everyone who has suggested Shelter, I have taken this on board and shall seek further advice should plan A not work.

OP posts:
BowAndArrow · 13/11/2017 16:28

Mum's partner lives with mum, and believe me it is not a suitable environment for children.

OP posts:
SilverSpot · 13/11/2017 16:42

t's just not that easy to revoke as PP have said

It is, I've done it.

To everyone who has suggested speaking to the agent, thank you, this is my first port of call. Due to travelling around with little signal and a drained phone battery, I've not made contact yet, but have emailed. Will have better luck tomorrow.

SO much posting on MN, so little time spent sorting your situation out.


InsomniacAnonymous · 13/11/2017 16:43

"SO much posting on MN, so little time spent sorting your situation out."

Excellent point.

SilverSpot · 13/11/2017 16:44

And if they do want you out then tough titties you just stay where you are and tell them they will need to evict you. That takes AGES for them to do. Obviously it will trash your references but at least you on't be intentionally homeless.

Motoko · 13/11/2017 17:07

OP contact Shelter anyway. Don't wait to hear back from the letting agent.

Also, you need to speak to the landlord. Forget about the letting agent for now, your contract is with the landlord. As has been pointed out, the letting agent will be rubbing their hands with glee at being able to charge the landlord more money for advertising, and setting up new tenants, as well as the extra money they'll make from the new tenants for credit checks and references etc. It will be very lucrative for them.

The person you need to speak to is the landlord. They won't want to have a possible void, have to pay mortgage and council tax, and all those fees to the letting agent.

I know I keep saying you need to speak to the landlord, but you haven't once mentioned an intention to contact them, you just keep going on about the letting agent and your last landlord.
You really would be stupid if you only spoke to the letting agent.

BowAndArrow · 13/11/2017 17:07

People are flamed for not updating, flamed for updating.

I did school run, with 4 children, one with additional needs , came home and had to do dinner with screaming teething baby, while phone charging. Partner at work until 10 and not a conversation I wanted to have in front of my 9 yr old who would understand.

Should I have left baby with her and toddled upstairs to try again?


OP posts:
BowAndArrow · 13/11/2017 17:09

And yes, landlord also to be contacted but reluctant to do that before speaking to agent so they can at least be aware of my intention to contact. Feel it's quite rude to ring up random human I've never met to ask if I can keep their house without at least going to the person they chose to do that stuff for them.

OP posts:
Sunrisesand · 13/11/2017 17:12

Explain the situation it's actually not your fault it fell through


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YellowMakesMeSmile · 13/11/2017 17:22

Maybe less time posting and more time contacting the letting company wouldn't have been more useful.

They will know if your LL will start a new contract or will keep you to your notice period as only they have the full picture re you as a tennant and not strangers on the net.

Giving notice without a new lease is a risk that adults can take but when you have four children you can't risk for them. They just have to live with the fallout.

Rebeccaslicker · 13/11/2017 17:28

Oh well, silver was able to revoke her notice, so it's easy for everyone Hmm

It doesn't take "AGES" to evict someone. It takes weeks/months. That's not "AGES" when you have the issues that the OP has. It's a bit more breathing space. And it comes with the risk of being liable to pay double rent for remaining in occupation after serving a notice to quit AND the landlord's legal costs.

MatildaTheCat · 13/11/2017 17:29

As a LL my last tenant was unable to move out on the agreed date due to having nowhere to go. The key to us being amicable about this was communication. She kept me updated on her conversations with the council and her attempts to find a new private rental.

I was forced to commence eviction proceedings as the council would only house her if she was evicted. Eventually she moved to a private rental in a much cheaper area. She was about six weeks over her agreed moving out date.

So we didn’t fall out, it didn’t affect her reference and I didn’t hate her. I was annoyed that the council put me to the expense of eviction just to delay assisting her.

And she continued paying her rent. That was also key to us not falling out. So you do not need to move out on the day you agreed to but fgs do keep the letting went fully informed and do carry on paying your rent.

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