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I've messed everything up. Homeless with 4 children.

205 replies

BowAndArrow · 13/11/2017 06:48

I've been stupid. So so stupid. Please don't feel the need to tell me that. I could not loathe my stupidity more right now.

We've accidentally intentionally made ourselves homeless. We have to move out 4 days after Christmas. At the moment we have no where to go. No where. I have absolutely no idea what to do. The council obviously won't touch us because we put in our notice intentionally. Family isn't an option and no friends. No money to get another property. Am actually terrified. Totally terrified.

AIBU to think there must be a way to sort this out somehow? Please be kind.

OP posts:
StinkPickle · 13/11/2017 07:07

Your landlord would probably be thrilled to keep you. It’s a right pain in the arse finding and vetting new tenants.

BowAndArrow · 13/11/2017 07:07

I have no contact details for the new landlord. It was all done through mum's partner as he's based elsewhere. We gave him our details to start the ball rolling with checks and whatnot but have heard nothing.

OP posts:
Pengggwn · 13/11/2017 07:08

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

BowAndArrow · 13/11/2017 07:08

Trust me, the letting agent was thrilled. Sign was outside within days.

OP posts:
AJPTaylor · 13/11/2017 07:08

Stop panicking.
Contact potential new landlord and find out timescales. You are assuming it wont be ready but its 8 weeks or so.
Once you have the answer you will know what to do. You have given notice. If the property hasnt relet tell the agents a new date.

LakieLady · 13/11/2017 07:09

Blimey, this thread grew quickly!

Contact the new landlord and ask if he's still sure the property will be ready for Christmas.

I wouldn't be put off by the fact that there's a lot of work still to be done, builders can work amazingly fast and I've seen places that are building sites one day and immaculate a few days later. Once all the first fix stuff is done, fixing plasterboard, 2nd fix and painting can be done in a couple of days.

It's really scarey, but you may be worrying unnecessarily.

It's worth getting your mum's partner onside so that he can make a statement to the council if it should come to that.

whatkatydidnext1 · 13/11/2017 07:09

Ok. You need to call your lettings agent this morning. Explain the situation. Don't feel stupid. Sometimes we have to take a risk. And sometimes it backfires but it's a lesson learnt. But don't waste time on feeling stupid that's not your priority right now. Years ago I sold a flat and completed before the house was ready that I was buying. I didn't want to loose my buyer. I went against the advise of my estate agent and solicitor and it nearly went wrong. It was such a worrying time and I wouldn't put myself in that position again even though it turned out ok in the end. Stop stressing. Get practical today. Flowers

Whataboutmeee · 13/11/2017 07:09

Just tell the letting agency your situation has changed and you would like to withdraw your notice and stay. If that involves signing a new contract, you could offer to do that.

StealthPolarBear · 13/11/2017 07:09

Call the letting agent and throw yourself on their mercy. And your mum for that matter. I'm so sorry, you do have some time to get this sorted.
Is your dcs' father in a position to help? Do you get any money from him?

DottyBlue2 · 13/11/2017 07:09

If this was done through your mum's partner, surely your mum should help?

LouBlue1507 · 13/11/2017 07:10

Don't panic until you have spoken with the letrings agency and LL!

SuburbanRhonda · 13/11/2017 07:13

And once this is all sorted, OP, make a promise to yourself not to borrow money from a family member unless you know you can pay it back within a week.

TheOnlyLivingBoyInNewCross · 13/11/2017 07:13

So your mum’s partner will lend you the deposit but only for this place he’s vouching for that is crap? Not another property if you can find one in time?

Justanothernameonthepage · 13/11/2017 07:15

Go talk to Shelter. And talk to the letting agent - if they refuse to discuss with LL, at least you know.
Do you have any contact details for new LL? Does your mum?
Can you sell any furniture/jewellery/clothing to start scraping together a deposit? If you have enough for a local house but can't afford the ridiculous rental add on charges, can you check on local FB groups?

Justanothernameonthepage · 13/11/2017 07:17

Yes, the letting agent will have put a new sign up - it's their job to try and rent it out as quickly as possible. Don't take that personally.
Call, state you'd like to withdraw notice and if they start being difficult, talk to CAB/Shelter

BowAndArrow · 13/11/2017 07:17

Mum and me no longer speaking on the back of this. It makes her 'anxious' to be stressed about it.

Cannot contact new landlord. See above, I have no details. We were meant to moving in before Xmas to the new one, so in about a month. The 29th is just the date to be definitely out of here. Had no words about agreement, checks, timeline of work or similar. Mum's partner just says 'it'll be sorted.'

OP posts:
BowAndArrow · 13/11/2017 07:20

The reason we owe him so much was to get us out of the old place which was various reasons was a nightmare. He paid for us to move here. The reason we were moving again was because the new house was bigger, and the landlord said he just wanted someone to pay the rent. He wanted someone who was likely to stay for at least 5 years. That was ideal to us. It seemed a better step.

OP posts:
AlternativeTentacle · 13/11/2017 07:22

Have you actually given notice in writing to anyone?

Sunnyjac · 13/11/2017 07:23

I own a rental property and would have no problem with tenants changing their minds and asking to stay, far easier than the hassle of finding new ones, especially at Christmas time. Ask if you can change your mind. The worst that may happen is perhaps being charged some fees if advertising has already been done. Good luck Flowers

friskybivalves · 13/11/2017 07:23

OP did you hand notice in in writing? If not they can’t rely on it.

1)[F1Subject to subsection (1B) below] no notice by a landlord or a tenant to quit any premises let (whether before or after the commencement of this Act) as a dwelling shall be valid unless—
(a)it is in writing and contains such information as may be prescribed, and
(b)it is given not less than 4 weeks before the date on which it is to take effect.

Unless it's in writing, legally the notice isn't valid, according to the law.
Email would provide more certainty.

The text could have been sent by a prankster or malicious partner.

Willswife · 13/11/2017 07:25

Contact the landlord for your current property. The agency are legally bound to provide the details. Explain the situation ad ask to stay.

Worst case, just because your notice expires does not actually mean you have to vacate. If you remain beyond the end of your contract then the landlord would have to take to to court to evict you. He would have to serve a valid s21 first and the process would take a few months. Not ideal, for you or the landlord, but better than being homeless.

BlackPeppercorn · 13/11/2017 07:26

I should be outside your current letting office at 9am cap in hand ready with "I'm so sorry to bother you first thing on a Monday...blah blah...always paid rent on time....blah blah...despite difficulties at our previous property we have been good tenants here....blah blah, could you please ring the landlord?"

We've all had to eat humble pie at some point. And put your mum and her partner and his mate back on the friends and family, not landlords, list.


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Whisky2014 · 13/11/2017 07:26

No point falling out with your mum. Make up and im sure she will have you until you get a new place. Remember you will get your deposit back on the current place.

BowAndArrow · 13/11/2017 07:26

I emailed. Sad

OP posts:
RickOShay · 13/11/2017 07:27

You are not a stupid cow at all, you are trying to do the best thing for your family. Believe in yourself, your own power. I agree with pp, cancel your notice. Flowers Good luck.

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