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CFN patio doors, sangria, ken from the shop update

385 replies

WhatIsThisWatt · 27/10/2017 21:29

Hello all, most of you probably won’t know what I’m on about but for those of you that do, I feel that I owe you an explanation. A friend alerted me to a few threads where I’d been called a troll etc.

I’ve been through a very long process with NDN about the doors (which I had been told were going to be replaced/ wall reinstated etc)

I had also been told by my lawyer that all was fine.

The planning dept have been on my side, as per all previous threads.

This all seemed to be going ahead until I returned home to find half of my flat wall caved in.

I had to move out to stay with a friend. The whole thing has been a total nightmare and it is still not resolved. My wall has been partially fixed, the patio doors remain and no one has seen hide nor hair of NDN or the builders for months.

My flat is now uninhabitable for the foreseeable and there are legal implications, planning laws and listed building laws which all have to be agreed and adhered to before anything will be done, apparently.

This may be terribly outing but I am beyond caring. I was told not to post on here, however, the advice I received was second to none and so I thank you all for that.

My grandma has been unwell so I have been back and forth to Spain, seems like all is against me!

Sorry I disappeared for so long, but you can imagine how awful it has been, I’m in a better place now, so thought it was time to come back and let you know that I’m not some fantasist making up stories about doors 😂

Hope to see some familiar names on the thread!

OP posts:
Doramaybe · 27/10/2017 22:00

Before you all get orgasmic here, will OP's insurance sort things out in the long run and claim from the perpetrators?

It is not pleasant, it is devastating, but that is what insurance is for surely.

Gramgram · 27/10/2017 22:01

So sorry to hear about thewall. hope things start getting better for you soon.

Also hope SpanGran is feeling better.

Thank you for coming back to update us.

Smeaton · 27/10/2017 22:03

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BaDumShh · 27/10/2017 22:04

Surely this constitutes criminal damage and the police should be involved?

TroelsLovesSkeletons · 27/10/2017 22:05

Holy cow I thought the door would have been removed and the wall reinstated and all was resolved by now.
Hope Gran is getting better.

TheWhyteRoseShallRiseAgain · 27/10/2017 22:05

Omg Watty that's awful! (Namechanged) since you were last here although people can probably guess who I am. Hope SpanGran is doing ok and I'm sure your head is turned with it all. Sending Wine and Sangria from NI

BreakfastAtSquiffanys · 27/10/2017 22:05

Aw Whattyyy, what an awful update.
Spangran gets better soon and flat gets mended

BerylStrEeek · 27/10/2017 22:06

Sorry to hear your update, but as pp said, I hope your house insurance and lawyer are both being shit hot and sorting things for you.

How could they take 'too much from your side'? What on earth were they doing? Presumably this is different work from the patio doors?

NotJustThreeSmallWords · 27/10/2017 22:09

Do you know who the owner of the flat is? What a nightmare for you. Get well soon SpanGran and lots of Wine for you.

SchadenfreudePersonified · 27/10/2017 22:10

Right - I've read the horror that you are now dumped in! This is unbelievable - it really is.

Were they continuing to work in the property even though they had been told to stop? And now your home is uninhabitable. I am so sorry - awful update.

I hope that they run the bar-stewards to ground and you get every penny out of them that you need to bring your home back to what it was. (You will never get recompense for your stress and upset, unfortunately.)

I hope that SpanGran is feeling better soon - she is a force to be reckoned with. I hope things turn round and get better for both of you.

(Let me know if Vlad and Vanka can be of any assistance. they haunt the forum like old ladies hovering around scone factory, but I can tip them the wink if they can be of any help. They are more sensitive than they are often given credit for, and won't want to stick their oar in if it's inappropriate.)

PurplePillowCase · 27/10/2017 22:11

How could they take 'too much from your side'? What on earth were they doing?
building a built in wardrobe?

Doramaybe · 27/10/2017 22:11

Oh dear god. That is awful.

Terrible to not have habitable space, but leave it to the insurers/lawyers. No other way really. It is out of your hands now. Surely your Insurance company would arrange alternative accommodation in the interim. I know it is not ideal, but should be covered in the circumstances.

But I see you might have followers who want you to do this and that. You yourself know the road to go down, SO do it.

Mrsmadevans · 27/10/2017 22:12

Fuck I am so sorry Watty Of course we remember you sweetie ! Everyone has been desperate for your return I just wish it was with better news . Chin up, you will win the day it just might be a while coming

GinandGingerBeer · 27/10/2017 22:12

Fucking hell!
That’s all I have to say for now, Shock

Ninabean17 · 27/10/2017 22:12

Sending love to SpanGran! I'm glad you're back watty but I'm sorry to hear it's not a good update Sad

ReanimatedSGB · 27/10/2017 22:13

Oh shit, sorry to hear this. I'm another one who wondered from time to time how it all panned out - I was hoping they had been forced to rebuild and all was well.
Best wishes to Spangran and I hope she gets better soon.

VivienneWestwoodsKnickers · 27/10/2017 22:13

Christ! What a nightmare! Hope the ensuing insurance claims / sueing goes easily for you.

chocolateworshipper · 27/10/2017 22:14


Nice to have you back, but so sorry to hear about your situation

Doramaybe · 27/10/2017 22:19

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bellabasset · 27/10/2017 22:19

Firstly I hope your grandmother is getting better now.

I am so sorry your situation has become worse instead of being resolved. I had wondered if the council would insist on council approved builders or contractors being employed to carry out the reinstatement of the windows and wall.

GeekyWombat · 27/10/2017 22:20

Oh Watt. So sorry to hear your update. Hope Grandma is ok, bricks and mortar will get sorted in the end, family is key.

Doramaybe · 27/10/2017 22:20

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aaaaargghhhhelpme · 27/10/2017 22:21

Watt! So nice to hear from you. But I'm so sorry to hear the news

Hope spangran is feeling better. Flowers

And I'm raging about those cfn! Wtf!! I sincerely hope your lawyer is drafting up how to sue their arses.

I'm so so sorry it came to this. Sending you all positive vibes and sangria Flowers

Escapepeas · 27/10/2017 22:22

Bloody hell! I remember your thread before it turned into a circus and it seemed like things were on the mend. Sorry to hear about the latest - that’s awful for you. Sincerely hope it gets sorted out and hope Spanish gran recovers.

user1492958275 · 27/10/2017 22:27

Happy to see an update from you, so sorry it's a shit one for you.

I was glued to the threads for so long, from day 1 thread 1.

I must have missed some though because why is your wall collapsed?

Hope this has an happy ending for you eventually OP.

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