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CFN patio doors, sangria, ken from the shop update

385 replies

WhatIsThisWatt · 27/10/2017 21:29

Hello all, most of you probably won’t know what I’m on about but for those of you that do, I feel that I owe you an explanation. A friend alerted me to a few threads where I’d been called a troll etc.

I’ve been through a very long process with NDN about the doors (which I had been told were going to be replaced/ wall reinstated etc)

I had also been told by my lawyer that all was fine.

The planning dept have been on my side, as per all previous threads.

This all seemed to be going ahead until I returned home to find half of my flat wall caved in.

I had to move out to stay with a friend. The whole thing has been a total nightmare and it is still not resolved. My wall has been partially fixed, the patio doors remain and no one has seen hide nor hair of NDN or the builders for months.

My flat is now uninhabitable for the foreseeable and there are legal implications, planning laws and listed building laws which all have to be agreed and adhered to before anything will be done, apparently.

This may be terribly outing but I am beyond caring. I was told not to post on here, however, the advice I received was second to none and so I thank you all for that.

My grandma has been unwell so I have been back and forth to Spain, seems like all is against me!

Sorry I disappeared for so long, but you can imagine how awful it has been, I’m in a better place now, so thought it was time to come back and let you know that I’m not some fantasist making up stories about doors 😂

Hope to see some familiar names on the thread!

OP posts:
rainbowduck · 27/10/2017 23:18

Oh whatttt... that's awful. Hugs to you and Spanish Gran. Thanks for updating, I have thought about you often!

Doramaybe · 27/10/2017 23:20

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Sunshinegirl82 · 27/10/2017 23:21

It's been a strange day on Mumsnet, I think there must be something in the water.

EvilDemonRaspberryOverlord · 27/10/2017 23:22

Doramaybe sweetie, FYI, OP has been reported before. Lo and behold, she is not banned and her previous threads are still here.

Go ahead and report, if you still think OP is a troll.

SabineUndine · 27/10/2017 23:22

This person is using someone else’s misfortune to attention seek.

Smeaton · 27/10/2017 23:23

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WhatIsThisWatt · 27/10/2017 23:27

Oh goodness sorry for the delay, I’ve just been reading through the replies.
Thank you all so much! I can’t believe how many of you have taken the time to reply but please know that I’ve read every single one and I’m beyond appreciative.

To the PP who is having a go (can’t be arsed to look back and find the name) I hope you never find yourself in a similar situation. When I started the thread it was all in good spirit/ asking for advice/ experiences.

Yes I have been in touch constantly

OP posts:
Doramaybe · 27/10/2017 23:30

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WhatIsThisWatt · 27/10/2017 23:34

Sorry posted too soon

With my solicitor, planning bods etc, as the people who have been supporting me from the start know full well.

Unfortunately, just because solicitors and planing officials are involved does not (and did not mean) that my wall wouldn’t collapse in OR that everything else would go tits up in the process, leaving me in limbo.

Yes I have solicitors involved, planning are involved, NDN have done a disappearing act which makes it harder than you might realise.

To the pp asking, it’s the same wall essentially, the two flats are next to each other.

OP posts:
scaryteacher · 27/10/2017 23:41

dora Who put you in charge?

You are entitled to your opinion, but those of us who have followed these threads don't (want to) share it.

So, dfod, and continue to bang on about Eire on the Europe thread.

BringOnTheScience · 27/10/2017 23:42

I was thinking about you earlier and was wondering how work was progressing. You poor thing! I cannot imagine what you're going through. Fingers crossed for a prompt and proper resolution to all walls ASAP.

And best wishes to SpanGran for a speedy recovery.

Sunshinegirl82 · 27/10/2017 23:44

Sounds like a bit of a nightmare OP. I guess the only (sort of) positive is that you know the people responsible own property so you should hopefully be able to recover something from them eventually. Pretty cold comfort at the moment though I'm sure.

DingDongDenny · 27/10/2017 23:47

Please do not continue to project your own insecurities, or your cliques, or your open mouthed acceptance of everything here on me,

What the fuck are you on about? I am not insecure, I am not part of any clique - first time posting on any of these threads and I am perfectly capable of judging when a post of authentic

And also when a poster is a dick....

keepcalmandfuckon · 27/10/2017 23:49

Fucking hell dora. Maybe we just genuinely like the OP and want to hear about the update? Maybe it doesn’t fucking matter if it’s all solved by insurance? If you don’t like the thread then fuck off!

Doramaybe · 27/10/2017 23:50

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EvilDemonRaspberryOverlord · 27/10/2017 23:53

That's OK but do not denigrate other contributors either.

Dora You're the one doing that by running the rest of us down by accusing us of being insecure, of being unthinkingly accepting of everything and of being cliquey.

WhatIsThisWatt · 27/10/2017 23:53

Very happy to see you schaden Grin

Also, I have not created this thread to have an argument.

I simply wanted to update/ say hello to/ thank all the previous posters/ people following.

OP posts:
Doramaybe · 27/10/2017 23:53

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Hebenon · 27/10/2017 23:55

God, you poor poor thing. I have been wondering about you. So sorry to hear everything is so shit. Best wishes to SpanGran and hope everything else works out for you as best it can. HUGE sympathies.

Hebenon · 27/10/2017 23:55

The newspapers?!! Really?! Do you live in a tiny village or something?

Hebenon · 27/10/2017 23:56

And report to MN if you don't like it.

WhatIsThisWatt · 27/10/2017 23:57

Agh I keep posting too soon!

My Grandma (SpanGran) is now doing ok. Not 100% but better than where we were. Thank you for all the good wishes, she will be delighted.

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YouTheCat · 27/10/2017 23:59

Hahaha Dora.

Do you not think all of that might have been covered in one of the many previous threads?

Watt, I really hope you get some resolution soon.

Liiinoo · 27/10/2017 23:59

WHatis I am so sorry to see your update. When it all went quiet I assumed it had been sorted. It's is shocking to hear how bad things have got for you. Give Spanish Granny my very best wishes. She sounded like an amazing lady and take good care of yourself as well as her. And never forget the mantra 'This too will pass'. Flowers

OldWitch00 · 28/10/2017 00:01

thank you for the updates, I too followed along :)

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