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To run washing machine with no clothes in it?

42 replies

Backoff85 · 18/10/2017 17:48

Clothes are coming out clean but kind of fusty smelling. Should i try "washing" my washing machine by running a cycle with soap but no clothes in???

OP posts:
plominoagain · 18/10/2017 21:38

I did it yesterday . Sadly what I actually meant to do was run it full . Pity I forgot to load the fucker before I switched it on .

skankingpiglet · 18/10/2017 21:36

I do a 90 degree empty wash with no detergent each month, and I never shut the door between washes (just leave it pushed to a bit) so air can circulate. Since I started doing this I've never had musty smells from the machine Smile I used to have really bad smells from the machine until I started using cloth nappies and learned more about washing stuff than I thought possible! I also use loose powder now too.

Firstaidnovice · 18/10/2017 21:06

Definitely use powder. Cheaper too!
Anyway, another brilliant tip that I'm almost sure I read on MN was to stick the dispenser drawer in the dishwasher to clean it. Came up brilliantly clean Grin

Haffiana · 18/10/2017 21:02

Yes, liquids are crap. Crap at cleaning and crap for causing stinky machines (this is why they are so highly scented. It is to cover the musty scent). Used at 30 degrees they can also cause drain blockages.

ForeverLivingMyArse · 18/10/2017 20:58

Liquid really does make machines stink.

elevenclips · 18/10/2017 20:55

For your future reference before putting the empty on, I'd have done as much wiping of the interior as possible, particularly the rubber seal - stick a gloved hand into the seal with a wipe (baby wipe/antibacterial wipe) and its likely you'll get loads of black cruddy mouldy type stuff out.

Haffiana · 18/10/2017 20:47

Hottest wash (90) with either soda crystals or washing powder.

Then afterwards throw your laundry liquid away and use powder, or at the very least, use powder for every other wash. Try to do a hot (60 degree) as often as possible - bath towels are good for this!

The problem with laundry liquid is that it does not contain bleach. Therefore bacteria and mold accumulate in the sump especially if you consistently are only doing 30 degree washes (blood temp is 39 degrees. 30 degrees will not kill bacteria). Powders contain a small mount of bleach and will keep these at bay.

Motherbear26 · 18/10/2017 20:39

Put it on a hot wash empty. Clean the filter.

Somersetter · 18/10/2017 20:35

Another one with a demanding Samsung - tells me to do a "drum clean" cycle which is 70c and I think every 40 washes?

tamepanda · 18/10/2017 20:33

I use the detol washing machine cleaner.

thelastredwinegum · 18/10/2017 20:32

Have you checked inside the seal for mildew?

This, I was having the same problem, tried special cleaners, bleach, zoflora etc... still smelt funny.
Had to properly scrub around the seal and it solved it.

troodiedoo · 18/10/2017 18:43

@QuitMoaning I have a demanding Samsung too 😂

ForalltheSaints · 18/10/2017 18:40

Yes do it.

Fluffyunicorns · 18/10/2017 18:39

I just wash my cleaning cloths every week at 90 - kill 2 birds with one stone

dustarr73 · 18/10/2017 18:32

Take the drawer out as well for a good wash.The amount of scu. Does be unbelievable.

RB68 · 18/10/2017 18:30

vinegar doesn't leave a smell longer than it takes to evaporate

MatildaTheCat · 18/10/2017 18:30

Have you checked inside the seal for mildew? It builds up in there and is horrid. If it is there, use neat bleach to scrub out. Then run a very hot wash on empty. Then run a hot wash with a cup full of white vinegar on empty. I did this last weekend and it was almost miraculous.

IWouldLikeToKnow · 18/10/2017 18:21

I’ve never done this....but now I just want to go run an empty cycle!!!

DameDiazepamTheDramaQueen · 18/10/2017 18:14

Hot wash with a dishwasher tablet in the drum. Works much better than anything else I've tried.

dramallamakarma · 18/10/2017 18:13

2 capfuls of zoflora in the drawer & 60c wash. No clothes.

Can you also take the drawer out & scrub it first, sometimes it goes a bit black & mouldy. Mine comes out completely, not sure if all makes do.

Backoff85 · 18/10/2017 18:12

Thanks for your help! Currently on 90C empty with bicarb

OP posts:
FlandersRocks · 18/10/2017 18:09

I've got sachets of machine cleaner that I bought from the manufacturer, for use on the wm and dishwasher. It was about £20 but there are 25 sachets and you do it once a month...definitely worth doing IMO, I wouldn't want to faff with vinegar etc in case it left a smell or something.


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PurplePillowCase · 18/10/2017 18:05

just wash towels or bedding at 60 or hotter every now and then.

Struckbylightning · 18/10/2017 18:04

Don’t put bleach in a washing machine, it will make the rubber seal degrade!

QuitMoaning · 18/10/2017 18:02

My machine (Samsung) demands a drum wash every so often. I think it is 90 washes. A little symbol comes up on display.

I go all frosty with it as not sure I like being told what to do by a washing machine.

Anyhow it shouldn’t have any detergent in it when I do mine but that does seem weird.

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