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to go and see if he's ok?

119 replies

WildBelle · 05/10/2017 21:00

OK...long story short...I ended my relationship last night. I was seeing possibly the loveliest man in the world, I am crazy about him. The problem was that he only split up with his wife earlier this year, and the arrangement to begin with was that she was going to have the 3 children 3 nights a week. She was the one that left the family home, after an affair. When that was the arrangement she would generally try to wriggle out of having the dc whenever possible, and not have them at all or trim one or two days off. Over the summer holidays she basically didn't see them at all, and it got to the point where the dc didn't actually want to go to hers anyway as she hadn't made any effort to make her new house a home, and was often physically abusive towards them.

The piece de resistance came last month when she announced that she was moving 150 miles away to live with her new bf into a one bedroom flat, and dumped all the stuff she did have for the dc at my bf's house on the way. For all intents and purposes, she has started a new life, conveniently taking no responsibility for the fact she has 3 dc.

Even before that I hardly got to spend any time with my bf, as he has been desperately trying to make it all ok for his dc, and isn't even prepared to get a babysitter for the night as he is concerned that they are going to feel unwanted by him too. Now that his ex has completely buggered off, that has gone from bad to worse and we were not spending any time at all with each other. I was feeling quite miserable about the situation, I would like a partner who I can actually spend time with once in a while, and whilst I have been completely supportive and understanding throughout, I came to the very sad conclusion last night that it was going to be a long time before the dust had settled enough for him to be able to find time in his life for a relationship, so we had a very calm and sad conversation which led to the relationship being over, at least for now, while he sorts his shit out.

I woke up this morning feeling really sad, it felt like the most counter intuitive thing in the world to end it with him as he was such a genuinely great bloke, so I just whatsapped him with a sad face emoji. Didn't get a response, but he was online a couple of times this morning. Hasn't been online since just after midday, which is very unusual for him. I am really worried - last night when I spoke to him he was in a pretty dark place and talking about topping himself or just dumping the kids on his ex and leaving her to deal with it all instead of him (I am fairly certain he wouldn't ever do that as his kids are his world, but he is really struggling to cope at the moment). I sent him a message this afternoon asking if he's ok, no response and he hasn't seen it. t tried calling him about an hour ago, with no response, and sent him another message just asking me to let him know that he's ok. He hasn't seen it. Now I'm really worried that he's done something stupid and am tempted to drive to his, which is half an hour away, just to see if he's ok. I don't know if that's a really bad idea though. We didn't leave things on bad terms last night but it got late and he said he would speak to me today. I'm worried. Sorry this is all a bit garbled, it's all a bit complicated. Should I leave it or go there? Even if it's just to see if his car is there and lights are on?

OP posts:
ohreallyohreallyoh · 05/10/2017 23:03

sad conversation which led to the relationship being over, at least for now, while he sorts his shit out

They're children, not shit to be sorted.

He's busy being a parent and doesn't want to speak to you. Maybe realisemthat not everything is about you and your needs?

stopfuckingshoutingatme · 05/10/2017 23:07

I would OP / given what you said

What a sad situation.

By the way I went to a wedding where a woman recently married a man who was left holding the babies - took many many years

Be a friend and check he is OK and wishing you both the best Flowers

RavenLG · 05/10/2017 23:14

But you do realise op you crushed him at a really low point in his life, his wife cheated and left him and now he’s got to try and keep his kids from feeling shit and the you turn round and dump him! I’m sorry but that was just selfish and a really low blow

Sorry, but do you want her to string him along in a relationship she is unhappy in because his wife left him and dumped kids on him?

OP I'd be worried too but glad you've had confirmation he's ok. No more emoji's or contact will leave you both in a better frame of mind.

rightnowimpissed · 05/10/2017 23:15

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WildBelle · 05/10/2017 23:16

Fucks sakes. NONE of this has been about me and my needs. I have been endlessly patient, supportive and understanding about his situation. But yes, I am also a person who gets lonely and I would like a relationship with someone who I get to spend time with, which won't be happening with him for quite some time.

And by 'shit' I wasn't referring to his kids. As my now ex bf says, I have shown more empathy and understanding towards those kids than their own mother ever has. By 'shit' I was talking about his divorce, dealing with his financial matters, and finding a new normal and some kind of stability for them all in the crap situation his ex has left them all in.

OP posts:
WildBelle · 05/10/2017 23:19

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rightnowimpissed · 05/10/2017 23:23

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stopfuckingshoutingatme · 05/10/2017 23:23

Deep breaths OP Grin

I understand and empathise , try and sleep now . So he is OK then? Flowers

SpareASquare · 05/10/2017 23:24

Leave him alone. Relationship didn't work out.
There will be someone much better for him out there so you really need to back off and let him find that when he's ready to.

WildBelle · 05/10/2017 23:26

Rightnow I'm assuming you're too thick to read properly so I'll spell it out again, once more for the dumb ones. His ex became gradually more shit about having the kids and eventually fucked off completely AFTER we got together, that wasn't the original arrangement. Is that simple enough for you, sweetheart?

OP posts:
stopfuckingshoutingatme · 05/10/2017 23:28

OP I think you have done nothing wrong

It's a very very hard time to be in a relationship and neither of you are in the right place for it now
And as you said he needs to focus on his kids

And your heart is broken which sucks

It's maybe not a helpful suggestion but it would be better if you could become supportive friends - but maybe impossible given all that's gone on

Hard times Sad

WildBelle · 05/10/2017 23:28

Thanks stopfucking, yes so he says, at least I know he hasn't done anything silly which is what I was worried about.

OP posts:
midnightmisssuki · 05/10/2017 23:30

Rightnow - a bit of an over reaction from you, don't you think?! The OP was just concerned and asking if she should try and see if he was ok. How would she feel should he have done something to himself?! Jesus - talk about being a little bit human!

OP - glad he's ok, now you know, you can gently back off and just be there when he needs to talk etc. When he's ready and the time is right, maybe you can try again. For now - wait.

rightnowimpissed · 05/10/2017 23:30

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WildBelle · 05/10/2017 23:31

I am totally there for him as a friend, he knows that. He's great, his kids are great, even our dogs get on really well! I guess it's up to him as to whether he takes me up on being friends, but he knows the offer is there, and I really mean it.

OP posts:
WildBelle · 05/10/2017 23:32

Grow up rightnow, you really aren't doing yourself any favours here.

OP posts:
stopfuckingshoutingatme · 05/10/2017 23:33

Right now

You are a MEAN drunk you know that ?

GreatFuckability · 05/10/2017 23:40

FWIW OP, I actually think you've been very UNselfish and seen that the timing just isn't right for this relationship and he needs to be with his kids right now, however hard that is for both of you.

ignore the twats.

MaisieDotes · 05/10/2017 23:43

Glad to hear all is well OP.

Take care of yourself.

Perfectly1mperfect · 05/10/2017 23:44

I can't believe some people's attitude on this thread.

wildbelle Can I ask how long you were together ? It would be sad to lose this man if he's as wonderful as you say.

MammaTJ · 05/10/2017 23:45

He sounds like an awesome man and father, many of the people who post on FB about their DPs/DHs/Exs would be glad to have him.

I get that his devotion to his DCs would be inconvenient to you, but you have lost a good one there.

I don't honestly think a man that devoted to his children would actually end it all to be found by them, that is drama lama attention seeking. Just leave it now. Don't feed the drama lama! The one bad side to him!

AnnieAnoniMouse · 05/10/2017 23:57

💐I'm sorry you've had to put up with so much stupidity & shit on your thread. MN never used to be like this. It's getting worse all the time.

I'm sorry it's worked out like this with your exbf. It's really sad for all of you. I don't understand how a parent can just walk away from their kids. My friends wife upped & left him & their two gorgeous kids to go to the other side of the world to be with a bloke she'd gone out with when she was 17. They ended up in touch through both being on a mutual friends Facebook and 'reconnected' Hmm. Absolute bloody madness. My friend was devastated. The kids were beside themselves.

You have done the best thing. If you'd been together longer you might could have gone the other way & moved in but you hardly know each other, so you couldn't do that.

Life's shit sometimes. You'll be ok though, you'll meet someone lovely.


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WildBelle · 06/10/2017 00:07

We only met in the spring so not that long but the times we did see each other were great, there was literally nothing about him that I found annoying or didn't like, we'd never run out of stuff to talk about, we had such a laugh and without shadow of a doubt it was the best sex I've ever had (and I've been around the block once or twice Grin).

I don't think he's drama lama-ing, I think he's genuinely at the end of his tether. He's trying to make it all perfect for the dc and it's to his own detriment. He's so stressed out about money - obviously he can't work much now he has the dc full time, and his ex won't pay any maintenance.

But I think ending it was the only way he's going to hit rock bottom loneliness wise and realise that if he does want a relationship he is going to have to occasionally make arrangements for the dc to be looked after by someone else to enable that to happen. At the moment he feels too guilty about leaving them for that. For example, about a month ago there was a party we went to, I was super excited because he'd got his mum to come and stay so he could go and stay out all night. He told me that his mum was happy to have the kids until lunchtime the next day. Great I thought, not only do we actually get to sleep in the same bed, but we can have a leisurely morning, cook breakfast, you know, normal things. But then he woke up at 8.30am and left because one of his dc had a sports event and he felt bad about not being there to watch (for context, his dc have sports events every week and his dm had said she was happy to watch this one, so it's not like his dc had no-one there). But he felt too bad and cut short what was a very rare time for us to spend together. I get it, I didn't give him a hard time, but it did hurt a bit.

OP posts:
JemimaLovesHamble · 06/10/2017 00:08

Draw a line under it now and move on. He may be a nice person, but - actually I can't say no-one could blame you for not wanting to take on his baggage because clearly some do!

His spouse had an affair and left him with the three kids. The only unusual aspect is that it happened to the man. He may find the change easier to adjust to without trying to juggle a relationship too. I was in his shoes (not that anyone worried about me!) I bounced back, and unless he has mental health issues, he will bounce back too. Being left holding the kids has its struggles, but comes with a lot of joy and fulfillment too.

JemimaLovesHamble · 06/10/2017 00:12

Didn't see your update. He sounds like a great parent, and that's what his kids will need right now, and probably what he does too. You're absolutely right about relationships needing compromise, but his kids sound like they've been through a lot and getting all their Dads attention will do them good.

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