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To not care if a delivery driver uses a few ft of someones drive at the turning point

97 replies

Ijustwantaquietlife · 05/10/2017 17:09

I run a small buisness from home, I get a delivery once a month from a hgv. There's a turning point at the end of my road that the driver uses to turn around in.

Someone that lives there has had a go at me twice for the hgv turning around at the turning point and apparently using their drive. They claim it's "ripping up the drive" but I've looked at it with them and it hasn't been resurfaced in maybe 20 years so yes it is breaking up a bit. But I doubt that is a lorry once a month.

Aibu to just carry on and ignore the angry man that has little going on in his life?

OP posts:
Hulababy · 05/10/2017 21:08

It's not a neighbour, it's 18 doors down.

Many people use the term neighbour to refer to anyone living local on your street or just round the corner, not just their next door neighbour.

Hulababy · 05/10/2017 21:09

Why is it totally not ok to use a driveway to turn around in?

Because it is private land. You can't just drive onto someone else's land when you like it. What's the difference between using someone's drive without permission or using their back garden, for example?

tippz · 05/10/2017 21:16

It's not OK to turn around in people drives - as someone said above - because it's NOT YOUR DRIVE.

As I said 'entitled much?' Why the hell do you think you - and your delivery bloke - have a God given RIGHT to use this man's drive?

And as has been said, he IS a neighbour! Even 18 doors down.

It's all semantics anyway. You/your delivery man have no right to use this drive.

kali110 · 05/10/2017 21:17

But they're coming to you as its your business! No wonder he's pissed!
You don't think you're wrong in anyway.
If it's no bother why not tell the drivers to reverse on your drive?
After all, it's only a drive, let them damage ypurs!

Aderyn17 · 05/10/2017 21:17

I may be talking out my arse here, but if your business causes a disturbance to residents, do you risk losing permits to trade?

kali110 · 05/10/2017 21:20

i may be talking out my arse here, but if your business causes a disturbance to residents, do you risk losing permits to trade?
Possibly, Someone put that on another thread when a business was parking on their drive all the time and they lost their license.
maybe the neighbour will make a complaint, is it worth it?

AnathemaPulsifer · 05/10/2017 21:20

Better check your own deeds that there are no covenants banning home based business before your neighbour does!

Ijustwantaquietlife · 05/10/2017 21:30

It's not OK to turn around in people drives - as someone said above - because it's NOT YOUR DRIVE.

Wow, I didn't believe some people would be so selfish and petty as to want to withhold a few ft of drive in order to turn around quickly and safely in.

Sadly he can't use my drive as no turning point outside my drive. But I've lived near a shop before and regularly had people on the curb and drive of my house. Didn't bother me in the slightest, it's what your supposed to do in some circumstances when it's needed. I do it without a second thought.

OP posts:
SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 05/10/2017 21:33

If you put 1% of the effort into sorting this issue out, that you have put into justifying yourself, you could have sorted this out - or at least, done all that could reasonably be expected to sort the problem out.

Stop looking for reasons NOT to behave decently.

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 05/10/2017 21:36

You have every right to choose not to object to people using your drive - you have NO right to expect your neighbour to do the same. It is his property, his drive, NOT YOURS!!

But I suspect you are determined to find reasons not to behave decently in this case.

Aderyn17 · 05/10/2017 21:43

It's not selfish or petty if the drive is getting damaged.
I doubt you will pay the repair costs, so you get no say in it!

Ijustwantaquietlife · 05/10/2017 21:47

Again it's unclear if it's his drive or just as much mine, so y'all can stop with the HIS DRIVE and no evidence that these few seconds once a month are causing any damages.

Hes perfectly entitled to object to anything he likes and use the full strength of the law if he wishes to.

Why would I pay any repair costs for what another company is doing?

If Currys got into a car crash while deliving your freezer would you pay for it?

OP posts:
SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 05/10/2017 21:50

How can it possibly be your drive if you live 18 doors down?

It cannot be your drive, you have no right to decide who uses it - regardless of whether any damage is being caused!

You are hell bent on being a rude and inconsiderate neighbour, it would seem.

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 05/10/2017 21:52

Although, if it IS as much your drive as his, then you WILL have to pay for some of the repair costs.

You can't have it both ways. If you have no responsibility for repair costs, you have no right to say who uses it.

tippz · 05/10/2017 21:53

PMSL at the OP and how entitled she is.

How do people like this get through a normal day?

Serious question!

Ijustwantaquietlife · 05/10/2017 21:53

It's a private road, I didn't say it was my drive.

I'm not hell bent on anything, I'm treating him the way back that he treated me as I assume that's how he likes to be treated.

OP posts:
tippz · 05/10/2017 21:54

And this 'how is it HIS property any more than mine?'

Seriously OP. WTF?! This HAS to be a wind up!

tippz · 05/10/2017 21:55

You sound a bleedin' awful neighbour.

This man has my sympathy.

So does everyone else who lives in your town.

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 05/10/2017 21:56

I treat people decently because I am a decent person. I don't decide on a case by case basis what MY personal standards will be.

Iamagreyhoundhearmeroar · 05/10/2017 21:56

That’s an interesting little sidetrack, op. It might not be his drive at all, it could be partly yours even though he’s 18 houses away?
Is there a possibility that he also owns part of yours? Be careful he doesn’t arrive down one morning and build a shed in it.

tippz · 05/10/2017 21:57

I am calling it now.

This is a wind up!

LivLemler · 05/10/2017 21:58

Actually it's not what you're supposed to do. If you used the pavement as part of a turning manoeuvre on your driving test you'd fail, never mind using someone's drive!


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Aderyn17 · 05/10/2017 21:59

I live on a private road. All repair costs are split between all residents. So either he owns this bit of drive and your supplier is causing damage, which he has every right to object to. Or everyone owns it and the repair costs will be split between all residents, including you.
Either way it's in your best interests to put a stop to it.

AssassinatedBeauty · 05/10/2017 22:03

You're not supposed to use other people's drives or park on the pavement! No wonder you don't see your neighbours point of view.

You sound determined to punish this man for speaking to you in a manner that you think was rude. You're not interested in anyone else's point of view, so I wondered why you bothered posting here and asking?

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 05/10/2017 22:06

"It's a private road, I didn't say it was my drive."

You did say:
"'s unclear if it's his drive or just as much mine..."

A little contradiction there.

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