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Have I been shaving wrong my whole life??

122 replies

WashingMatilda · 25/09/2017 18:30

I am having an existential crisis.
I have just seen a Dove advert and she is shaving her armpits DOWNWARDS.
I have always shaved them upwards, as in from the bottom of the armpit towards my shoulder.
Google has been no help at all.
I'm just staring at the ceiling wondering what else I could have been doing wrong MY WHOLE LIFE.

OP posts:
AllToadsLeadToHome · 26/09/2017 18:43

I am feeling grateful for not being hairy after reading this thread.

I shave my armpits downwards, not enough there to see which way it grows so just give it a once over.

2rebecca · 26/09/2017 18:44

Agree with shaving legs downwards in the direction of growth.

Papafran · 26/09/2017 18:47

always always downwards (yay, I win)

scaryclown · 26/09/2017 18:48

I was part of the analysis for this ad. They filmed ten versions, up, down, left, right and hacking in any direction that worked, one set of five in make up and a nice clean vest top, and one set red faced, swearing and naked. After test screenings with men and women separately and together, hacking was preferred with comments like 'more realistic' and 'that's you that is' and 'that's me that is' being common, but they consistently given free choice, overall the ad was viewed more intently, and less turned over in the vest top. At the sales event afterwards, downwards led to more actual sales.
When focus groups met later, one key difference was noted. When men viewed the vest top they said 'ooh keep that on!' and when asked to say why they preferred downwards, they looked at each other snickered and said.. 'huh.. Pussy.. He he.. Pussy.. Down.. Yeah.. Like you know.. Down there..'

Highelf · 26/09/2017 18:58

Stubborn areas.. always go against the growth first, helps prevent stubble rash ect

Highelf · 26/09/2017 19:00

I mean go with the growth.. Lol

ILostItInTheEarlyNineties · 26/09/2017 19:02

It doesn't really matter as long as the hair's gone and you're not getting a rash. I can't remember the last time I looked closely at an armpit. Except in the Dove adverts where they're all wandering about with their arms draped round their heads.

DiegoMadonna · 26/09/2017 19:05

Laser ftw

worrierandwine · 26/09/2017 19:07

Armpits - upwards, then downwards then side to side (cover all my bases)
Legs - upwards, apart from below my calf which seems to grow back sideways 😳
I would love laser treatments or to have my armpits waxed professionally...tried it once and nearly killed myself 😣

Wtfdoicare · 26/09/2017 19:13

Armpits I do upwards and downwards. Legs just upwards, from ankle to thigh. Going to try them downwards tonight, excited to see if it works!

SunshineLollipopsRainbows25 · 26/09/2017 20:06

armpits I do upwards then downwards, legs just upwards and my rudey bits I do all directions for ultimate smoothness

SunshineLollipopsRainbows25 · 26/09/2017 20:07

I can't remember the last time I looked closely at an armpit.

I can, my sister shoved hers in my face because she had forgotten to wax and wanted me to see how long they were.. traumatised forever. that was about 4 days ago.

OrangePeels · 26/09/2017 20:16

I've always done down. Tomorrow I shall try multiple directions. Every day is a school day!

youhavetobekidding · 26/09/2017 20:19

This is why I love Mumsnet. I would never have this conversation in real life

MaidOfStars · 26/09/2017 20:32

I shave my armpits whatever way is required to get the hair off. Up, down, sideways, whatever.

I shave my lower legs upwards at the front and outside, but have to work more horizontally backwards on the inside around my calf muscle.

Abbylee · 26/09/2017 20:41

I must be ambidextrous! Up, down and sideways shaving (big boasting grin!) BUT now I am worried bc I must have short neck? I cannot see my armpits to see the hair direction.....Hmm

Purplealienpuke · 26/09/2017 21:40

No armpit to speak of.. never have had.
Maybe once a year if that I'll shave under arms, then it's up and down if I remember rightly 🤔

Esspee · 27/09/2017 08:10

Can't believe so many of you shave Shock
It grows in all stubbly for god's sake!
Either wax or use an epilator and it grows back gradually and is soft, not bristly. Or, if you have loads of money get it lazered.
My epilator cost about £15 from Lidl and I love it!

Areyoulocal · 27/09/2017 09:28

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morningconstitutional2017 · 27/09/2017 09:47

As long as you don't cut yourself I'm sure it doesn't matter which direction you shave in.

Morphene · 27/09/2017 10:29

scarey that is both fascinating and depressing...

Did any versions show actual hair being removed...or is it still all totally hairless shaving for fun in adverts these days?

The80sweregreat · 27/09/2017 11:16

Do men now shave 'their bits '? its a weird one, i;ve had the same husband for 31 years and he never shaves ( armpits, hair chest, bits ) all natural.
i was talking to a colleague who has a new b/f and she looked a bit taken aback, she said that ' all men shave everything ' these days ( or have it done professionally) its just what they do! her new bloke is only 46 , i didnt think that men were that bothered, but i am clearly wrong! ( out of touch)


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ShizzleYoDrizzle · 27/09/2017 11:22

Younger men tend to shave all their pubes off these days and I hate it. Doesn't seem manly to me. Doesn't turn me on. At all.

MaidOfStars · 27/09/2017 11:28

Men shaving pubes off? That would leave my husband with a pant shaped plot of bare skin in the middle of his body Grin

I like hairy men. Not keen on the smooth look - pubic region or elsewhere. Actually, it can look OK but I don't want to touch it.

The80sweregreat · 27/09/2017 11:33

i am so nieve , i watched an episode of naked attraction and couldnt believe how many men do shave everything off.
i thought it was just because they were going on the programme, but no, its a real thing. must keep the beauty parlours going.

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