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Have I been shaving wrong my whole life??

122 replies

WashingMatilda · 25/09/2017 18:30

I am having an existential crisis.
I have just seen a Dove advert and she is shaving her armpits DOWNWARDS.
I have always shaved them upwards, as in from the bottom of the armpit towards my shoulder.
Google has been no help at all.
I'm just staring at the ceiling wondering what else I could have been doing wrong MY WHOLE LIFE.

OP posts:
PookieSnackenberger · 25/09/2017 19:01

OMG I do mine sideways. Always knew I was a wrong'un.

RB68 · 25/09/2017 19:02

Up Down side to side - lol stubborn little buggers

Legs upwards when I do but v fine blonde hairs so often down bother, particularly as usually wear trousers

ShizzleYoDrizzle · 25/09/2017 19:06

Up, down, and diagonally. Armpit hair doesn't follow the pack.

WashingMatilda · 25/09/2017 19:06

I'd never even thought of sideways. This is another level shit.

OP posts:
insancerre · 25/09/2017 19:10

Dh told me off for shaving my legs upwards
He says always shave downwards
I tried it but it did nothing, just flattens the hairs

spiderlight · 25/09/2017 19:11

I've just realised that I do my left one upwards and my right one downwards. Never really thought about it until now!

GETTINGLIKEMYMOTHER · 25/09/2017 19:16

Never mind how you shave - are you using the right POWDER-SOFT deodorant afterwards?
God, those Dove ads really make me want to throw something at the telly - all those women in ecstasies about the state of their armpits...

AuldHeathen · 25/09/2017 19:22

One of the joys of the menopause: armpit hair has gone. Smile

Userwhocouldntthinkofagoodname · 25/09/2017 19:22

I do mine in then out, has worked well for 20 years.

nakedscientist · 25/09/2017 19:29

One of the joys of the menopause: armpit hair has gone

WHAT? Really? Is that a thing?

NameChangeFamousFolk · 25/09/2017 19:30

Downards, then slightly to the side, kind of front to back. But everyone's hair growth is different, I guess?

I learned from a Madonna quote in 1989 about how she did it. Her armpits looked nice.

LakieLady · 25/09/2017 19:30

One of the joys of the menopause: armpit hair has gone

Really, AuldHeathen? I need to ask for a refund, as mine still need a regular shave.

My once magnificent bush is down to a few sprigs now, though.

pullingmyhairout1 · 25/09/2017 19:33

Blimey. I go up and down on armpits. From ankle to knee legs. Wax eyebrows and upperlip and use a lady shave on the bush. Never really thought about which way the hair grows!

Kidsarekarma · 25/09/2017 19:34

One of the joys of the menopause: armpit hair has gone

WHAT? Really? Is that a thing?

Sadly no, not for me.

I epilate. No shadows at all.

AuldHeathen · 25/09/2017 19:46

Well, l have a small amount of soft fluff, so better than the previous dark coarse stuff.

RJnomore1 · 25/09/2017 19:48

Hold on hold on.

You're supposed to shave your legs down the way?


MrsKoala · 25/09/2017 19:59

I don't bother much with pits as i don't mind the hair there. But what direction and how do you shave your bum/back of upper thighs?

I have to put my foot up on the wall, with my knee to my chest and shave from the inside of my crack upwards - which is actually downwards i suppose - to my knee. Then i stand straight with legs together and twist round and shave the backs of the thighs sideways in an outwards direction.

ShizzleYoDrizzle · 25/09/2017 20:26

I don't grow hair on my bum or thighs. I do have hairy toes though.

MrsKoala · 25/09/2017 20:29

Don't wax them. It makes my lips (on my face) tingle it hurts so much (same as pits). But then again cutting your toes shaving really hurts too. And they bleed like fuckers.

dudsville · 25/09/2017 20:34

I think I shave downward on underarms... It's a sensitive area and I don't like the thought of going against "the grain"!

Neverknowing · 25/09/2017 21:11

When I tried to wax my armpits massive mistake never again it said your armpit hair grows in two directions so you need to put two wax strips and pull them opposite ways. So I shave my armpits in both directions, it's a minefield op.

WashingMatilda · 25/09/2017 21:19

mrskoala you shave your crack? Shock

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ShizzleYoDrizzle · 25/09/2017 21:35

Oh actually I do get some hair in my crack. So nice that I feel I can share this with all of you. Just not on my bum cheeks.

MrsKoala · 25/09/2017 21:47

Yup. I used to get it waxed when i had more time. This involves getting on the bed on all fours, then spreading the cheeks with your hands and leaning on your face. Like a kind of modern day heironymous bosch tripod. While a stranger pours hot wax on your ring piece and rips it out. It's a strange sensation. The heat is the weirdest part. Once my waxer slipped and i got a thumb up there. Shock Feels lovely after. I don't bother with the front tho. Just the hairiest parts. I do stomach too. Apart from the chest rug, i'd say i was the female Tom Selleck.

ShizzleYoDrizzle · 25/09/2017 21:50

Once my waxer slipped and i got a thumb up there.

Oh my word!

Did you have to pay extra for that? Grin

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