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Have I been shaving wrong my whole life??

122 replies

WashingMatilda · 25/09/2017 18:30

I am having an existential crisis.
I have just seen a Dove advert and she is shaving her armpits DOWNWARDS.
I have always shaved them upwards, as in from the bottom of the armpit towards my shoulder.
Google has been no help at all.
I'm just staring at the ceiling wondering what else I could have been doing wrong MY WHOLE LIFE.

OP posts:
99blueballoons · 25/09/2017 21:57

Down then up. No side to side action.

user1480334601 · 25/09/2017 22:00

While we're on the subject, do you rinse your blade after each "strip" when shaving legs? I always did but watched a YouTube video about razors and the girl did her whole leg without rinsing once! And now I'm thinking maybe I don't have to. Would be a lot easier especially when in shower and nearly falling to reach the watery bit at bottom

Flyingbellycopters · 25/09/2017 22:03

I've always wondered this. 35 years later I now know. Thanks everyone!

MrsKoala · 25/09/2017 22:04

Ha, she was a no nonsense stereotype of a shouty tiny vietnamese lady who just barked at me in pigeon English. I suspect she was actually a dominatrix but i just wandered into the wrong place Grin 'NO PANTS, GET ON TABLE, SPREAD CHEEKS...' I only went in for an eyebrow shape! Grin

ShizzleYoDrizzle · 25/09/2017 22:23

I think I'd need a couple of whiskies before I could take my knickers off and hold my bum cheeks open for a stranger!

WashingMatilda · 25/09/2017 23:46

MrsKoala Grin Grin

OP posts:
pullingmyhairout1 · 26/09/2017 08:37

User I rinse after every stroke because my legs can get quite hairy even after 2 days!

The80sweregreat · 26/09/2017 08:53

I;ve never had to nerve to have my lower regions waxed - legs and arms hurt enough ( on the one occasion i did have it done!)

its all such a faff isnt it ?

The80sweregreat · 26/09/2017 08:56

MrsK, that really made me lol!!

the lady who does nails and things in town is like this - i had a pedicure and make an 'oww' sound as she rubbed away at my horrible feet with a scrubbing brush thing, her look was pretty withering.

BoysofMelody · 26/09/2017 08:59

You shouldn't shave against the direction of growth it is a surefire way of getting ingrowing hairs

DeadGood · 26/09/2017 09:15

People!! Armpit hair is "split". The top half grows upwards. The bottom half points downwards. You need to shave both ways.

DeadGood · 26/09/2017 09:17

Does this link work? It shows the hair growth quite well

Robinkitty · 26/09/2017 09:21

I don't know what direction I shave in but I found out recently you can shave with moisturiser rather than having to get wet in the bath or shower, it makes legs really smooth and good if your in a rush

Heartofglass12345 · 26/09/2017 09:24

I do up down and all around just to make sure, and i shave a much bigger area than the hair actually grows, just in case lol

pollymere · 26/09/2017 17:26

I do mine downwards as otherwise the blade goes over the hair rather than cutting it.

Lillyringlet · 26/09/2017 18:01

We worked with razor engineers from Gillette for a uni project and we were told for arm pits you do up, down and across... You should do all three for the best shave. Only place though you should do multiple directions

Apparently for legs it would be down for feel (better for footsy with that special someone etc.)

Beards was crazy with all sorts of things and I don't have one so can't remember.

sporadicrains · 26/09/2017 18:03

I do one up and one down because the hair bizarrely grows in a different direction in each armpit.

wrongwife · 26/09/2017 18:21

You should shave in the direction of hair growth. However, if odd hairs are stubborn, attack from whatever direction works!

Using a fresh or new quality blade is a good idea. It will reduce multiple shaving passes and give a better finish; especially best for sensitive skin such as around pubes.

user1483875094 · 26/09/2017 18:22

I do mine any which way I happen to think of at the time... too much else of importance to deal with, work, house, children, shopping, etc. etc. who really cares? fgs! ??? WHAT??

Gingernaut · 26/09/2017 18:28

My hair is curly.

Even my leg hair doesn't have a uniform direction of growth.

I shave with and against the direction of growth of each individual patch of hair when I can be bothered to lather up and do it

Brittbugs80 · 26/09/2017 18:33

This why I don't shave, I've stubble everywhere after two days.

Legs, bikini, armpits and eyebrows waxed every 5 weeks. I get two weeks before re growth and fine hair following that!

Plus no itchiness when hair comes back through!

But underarms can be done in all directions can't they?

Amanduh · 26/09/2017 18:35

In do up, down against the growth, then up again after a beauty chat article years ago


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Amanduh · 26/09/2017 18:35

*I do

2rebecca · 26/09/2017 18:41

I go downwards first as that seems gentler on my skin, then go upwards to remove any remaining stubble. I do mine every few days, less in the winter.

2rebecca · 26/09/2017 18:43

I use ordinary soap, just get a bit of a lather with it, or shower gel if that's what I'm using, never seen the need for special stuff. I've pale hairs so do my legs weekly in summer and not at all in winter.

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