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to think banksy has gone too far this time?

93 replies

Dandandandandandandan · 05/06/2017 21:39


OP posts:
mummymeister · 05/06/2017 22:29

hmm its good but maybe just of its time. not sure it will still be viewed as such in 500 years time.

RufusTheRenegadeReindeer · 05/06/2017 22:31


According to his own declaration (assuming its not a spoof) he just wants a vote against the conservatives

As the BNP do not stand a cat in hells change of getting in i think that as long as it stopped the conservatives he probably wouldnt give a shit

And you could probably take him to the small claims court (you would have to get in line behind the police apparently)

I don't understand this if you dont vote labour you must be voting conservative and vice versa school of thought that is so prevelent on mumsnet

ChillieJeanie · 05/06/2017 22:31

I was an election agent for eight years mummymeister but that was a long time ago and I'm dredging my memory as well!

With treating, the person accepting is also guilty of a corrupt practice. I suppose Banksy's offer could more straightforwardly be considered bribery rather than treating, but either way both parties involved would be guilty of a corrupt practice.

Highalert · 05/06/2017 22:32

Isn't most art of its time?

mummymeister · 05/06/2017 22:35

Highalert - interesting point. but if you took someone like Caravaggio and look at his contemporaries then I would argue that some works stand the test of time better than others and resonate throughout the centuries not just to the audience at the time.

AlpacaPicnic · 05/06/2017 22:44

Nothing also to stop people from marking their X, snapping the pic, then telling the polling clerk that they've made an error, getting the ballot officially declared spoilt and getting another ballot paper to vote Tory...

I don't think he's really thought this through.

GrumpyOldBag · 05/06/2017 22:49

It's art, innit?

He's making a political point.

He doesn't mean it. You're not supposed to believe him.

JammyGem · 05/06/2017 22:49

I think he knows it's illegal but was just making a statement.

Really like the picture though!

ComputerUserNotTrained · 05/06/2017 22:56

I fucking loves Bristol, me

Megbert · 05/06/2017 23:04

Good old Banksy.

Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention, OP. :o

LouieLou2013 · 05/06/2017 23:06

I think most of those areas are labour anyway. I'm in one and I'll be trying my luck!

Shame he did it after the deadline for postal votes otherwise I'd have got DP to do it.

ComputerUserNotTrained · 05/06/2017 23:11

As an aside, in 2015 at least one candidate within the Avon & Somerset constabulary area accepted support (canvassers, leaf letters etc) from this lot in return for promising to support a repeal of the fox hunting ban

Italiangreyhound · 05/06/2017 23:15

Tampering with an election is not nice, isn't it a crime? It is bribery. I don't like the Tories but I also don't agree with bribery.

metspengler · 05/06/2017 23:19

Public duty? There is no public duty to bribe people for votes, that's literally corruption.

Not knowing right from wrong in one of the shoutier Labour voter? You don't see that every day.

ComputerUserNotTrained · 05/06/2017 23:22


ffs Angry

squoosh · 05/06/2017 23:24

his 'art' has never appealed.....its not even that good....just a few drawings

That'll chasten him.

BlondeB83 · 05/06/2017 23:28

Very naughty!

Oliversmumsarmy · 05/06/2017 23:30

Nothing also to stop people from marking their X, snapping the pic, then telling the polling clerk that they've made an error, getting the ballot officially declared spoilt and getting another ballot paper to vote Tory

You do realise you cant have another ballot paper. You get one and if you hash it up that's it. No more second chances

metspengler · 05/06/2017 23:30

He's done some great work.

Also his art tends to make observations.

Far from an offer to bribe that some here think a "public duty", he may be marking out the issues of the day in art.

Given how bent elections are at the moment and how much blatant corruption some people seem comfortable with, it seems fitting.

Abra1d · 05/06/2017 23:34

I mean... much of the Tory base would not be a fan of Banksy's work anyway, if we're to assume that many Torys are socially conservative, not just economically conservative.

Dangerous assumption. Plenty of socially liberal Tories. You should see some of the art I've noted in friends' houses.

And you reckon that the homes of labour voters in the old industrial heartlands are plastered with outrageously avant garde artworks?

squoosh · 05/06/2017 23:35

You do realise you cant have another ballot paper. You get one and if you hash it up that's it. No more second chances

That's not true.

squoosh · 05/06/2017 23:39

you reckon that the homes of labour voters in the old industrial heartlands are plastered with outrageously avant garde artworks?

Wall to wall Gilbert & George.


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ComputerUserNotTrained · 05/06/2017 23:42

I always had Gilbert & George down as massive old Tories.

IvorHughJarrs · 05/06/2017 23:44

It's a disgrace that some people are focusing so much on winning that they seem to be losing sight of what democracy is; the end does not justify the means.
If Aaron Banks had offered £100 per UKIP vote at the last election the people thinking Banksy is oh-so-clever now would have been up in arms.

squoosh · 05/06/2017 23:46

Aaron Banks......,.....Banksy........😮

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