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to think banksy has gone too far this time?

93 replies

Dandandandandandandan · 05/06/2017 21:39


OP posts:
Highalert · 05/06/2017 21:57

I'd so do it if I lived in any of those areas.

IfYouGoDownToTheWoodsToday · 05/06/2017 21:57

I love that he's done this. Dd lives in Bristol and I've sent her a link. It won't influence her vote but she's get a free Banksey. Win win.

RufusTheRenegadeReindeer · 05/06/2017 21:59

I would do it if I was sure that i wouldnt be body slammed to the floor by an irate voting official

(I am joking i wouldnt do it really)

mummymeister · 05/06/2017 22:05

yes, I think he has. you cant take photos which compromise the secrecy of the ballot. so not sure how anyone is going to go into the booth, mark their cross then photo it to keep within the rules.

polling station officers will destroy the ballot if they think its been compromised which rather shows banksy having shot himself in the foot on this one since if you do take a picture and then have your ballot confiscated then your labour vote wont count.

he is an artist and wants to be controversial. it would have been more controversial to support the conservatives I would have thought so a bit behind the times with the enfant terrible act Mr B.

RandomDent · 05/06/2017 22:07

This is funny. I'm sure he realised he'd never get away with it.

ChillieJeanie · 05/06/2017 22:11

From the Electoral Commission's list of electoral offences (note, it's a PDF):

"A person is guilty of treating if either before, during or after an election they directly or indirectly give or provide any food, drink, entertainment or provision to corruptly influence any voter to vote or refrain from voting. Treating requires a corrupt intent - it does not apply to ordinary hospitality."

The photography in the polling station issue might come under "breaches of the secrecy of the ballot", but that's probably a bit trickier and not the key issue since it's up to an individual whether or not they tell people who they voted for.

RufusTheRenegadeReindeer · 05/06/2017 22:12


since if you do take a picture and then have your ballot confiscated then your labour vote wont count

Its a vote against the conservatives...doesn't matter who you vote for .

Bejazzled · 05/06/2017 22:13


mummymeister · 05/06/2017 22:13

telling someone who you voted for is different from someone being able to see your unique ballot paper number. that's the problem. so yes, photographing the ballot paper does breach the secrecy of the ballot.

did banksy not know this?

is he going to make sure that his art is only sold to those voting Labour or is he happy to rake in the pounds for whoever is willing to pay.

and yes, I do know he is most famous for his public art on public buildings but that is not the sum total of his output is it.

CrossWordSalad · 05/06/2017 22:14

Juliet I'm not sure whether to write a reply to your post or just c&p one of my posts from another thread Grin

Not a big believer in democracy then? Happy for people to break electoral law to win a democratic election? Interesting view. I'm sure most right-thinking people will treat someone trying to corrupt the electoral process with the contempt it deserves. And I'm not sure advertising your disdain for democracy is much of a vote winner.

acornsandnuts · 05/06/2017 22:14

Has anyone ever seen Banksy and JC in the same room 😏.

mummymeister · 05/06/2017 22:15

rufus I stand corrected. so clearly if you vote BNP banksy will be happy to send you a copy do you think?

Iwannasnack · 05/06/2017 22:15

Just the publicity of doing it is enough to get his vote against the Conservatives message out there.
What about postal votes? Can take a photo of one of them surely?

BluePeppers · 05/06/2017 22:16

I love how this is worth a price investigation but when various polical parties don't follow the rules, it takes forever for it
1- to be known aboout
2- to get anywhere
3- and that is if any police investigation has ever been done

ChillieJeanie · 05/06/2017 22:16

But if you took a photograph which didn't show the ballot paper number would that be a breach? Although I don't suppose would think about concealing that bit so I guess I can see that being a problem.

mummymeister · 05/06/2017 22:17

you aren't supposed to. its not just an offence in the polling station as far as I understand it. I used to be a poll clerk and am desperately dredging back to the memories of when we were briefed on this.

AdoraBell · 05/06/2017 22:18

Juliet offering what is potentially a valuable piece of art in return for votes is not the same as making people think for themselves, whichever party the artist supports.

mummymeister · 05/06/2017 22:19

here's a thought. if the police thought he was interfering with the election then they could serve notice on all the people posting these out, working for him etc to tell them who he was so that he could be prosecuted.

Banksy - you could be outted.

PacificDogwod · 05/06/2017 22:19

Has anyone ever seen Banksy and JC in the same room

Shock No, I haven't! OMG.


WarriorsDance · 05/06/2017 22:21

Looks as though you can reveal your own vote but not somebody else'

"Staff at polling stations have been told to stop people taking selfies - even though it is not against the law.

The Electoral Commission fears the craze for taking self-portraits on phones and posting them on social media threatens the secrecy of the ballot.

Anyone who inadvertently reveals how someone else votes in Thursday's local and European elections could face a £5,000 fine or six months in prison."

GabsAlot · 05/06/2017 22:23

er i think u can void you vote if u take a picture of it

i cant see this being real he would know its illgal

MumIsRunningAMarathon · 05/06/2017 22:23

he's an idiot

and his 'art' has never appealed.....its not even that good....just a few drawings


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WarriorsDance · 05/06/2017 22:25

Oh ffs, I need to remember to refresh the page after drifting off for half an hour Sad

Apologies for stating what everyone else has already said Grin

BringMeTea · 05/06/2017 22:26

Love Banksy.

Highalert · 05/06/2017 22:27

His art is amazing.

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