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What's acceptable to take from a hotel stay?

110 replies

cheesychops · 04/06/2017 21:01

Just reading the magazines in the hotel room and wondering- is it acceptable to take these home with me?!?

Also wondering what hotel goodies people generally snaffle home after a hotel stay.

Personally, I'll be taking the posh 'ground coffee bags' and the packets of biscuits BiscuitGrin, but will probably leave the miniature toiletries as they always hang around and don't get used...

OP posts:
Panda81 · 05/06/2017 19:51

@BringMeTea believe it or not it was a Best Western! (Premium)

BringMeTea · 05/06/2017 20:15

Ha ha. Who knew?

HemanOrSheRa · 05/06/2017 20:26

I stayed at Le Manoir last year. There were very tasteful little notes in the wardrobe and bathroom encouraging you to take things like the slippers, the shoe bag and they give you a little bag to put the soap in so you can take it away.

Birdsbeesandtrees · 05/06/2017 20:27

I admit I have also taken the rubber duck.

Birdsbeesandtrees · 05/06/2017 20:31

Actually there are a couple of brands of toiletries I always take - one is only available wholesale and the other is ESPA so fairly expensive and I don't fancy paying so much for a shower gel when I stay in that hotel fairly often and can take a mini when I'm there.

I take the other minis and donate them to the local food bank. Since I travel a lot it's a fair few donations.

KatyBerry · 05/06/2017 20:32

I stayed in a very lovely and expensive hotel which had really prominent lists of the cost for e.g. the tissue box holder, bathrobes, the cushions, the bedcovers. They'd obviously had an issue with light fingers but as a law abiding toiletries only kind of guest, I found it tacky and extremely offensive

Birdsbeesandtrees · 05/06/2017 20:35

Oh and for full disclosure I did once steal a towel. Although it was an accident since I had brought my own but packed the hotel one to go home by mistake.

Groovee · 05/06/2017 20:50

@moggiek I did, they wanted me to pay £400 just for the mattress on a £29 stay! Was most grumpy.

MsJudgemental · 05/06/2017 20:54

I took the magazines from my last stay... Blush. I presumed that that was OK as there was free gin and sherry in the room! Grin

cheesychops · 11/06/2017 20:11

You know, I fully intended on taking the magazines, toiletries, tea bags etc... after all your excellent advice.
But forgot the whole bloody lot in the madness that is checking out with a baby.
I feel robbed...😞

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