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To never ever use Asda again til Hell freezes over

107 replies

NoMoreParades · 31/03/2017 21:10

Sorry not going to be the most interesting thread, I'm so bloody cross though I need a rant!
Got my Asda grocery shop delivered last week and there was a whole crate of items missing (12 things).
I emailed, explained that I now had to take my disabled child out in his wheelchair in the rain to local supermarket (single parent, non-driver), and deal with all the stares, trying to steer wheelchair with one hand while holding the basket, and the predictable meltdown. Got an apology. Ok, fair enough, very annoyed and inconvenienced but it happens.
Today I see on my fb feed a story about Asda tripping over themselves to find a discontinued coat for an autistic boy. Even getting it all the way from China. Lovely photo opportunity of course, and post got hundreds of 'well done' Asdas.
Call me cynical, but Asda don't give a shit do they? That family/boy was the acceptable face of disability, just a sad enough story to make them heroes but not disabled enough to put normal people off.
AIBU to be fuming??

OP posts:
BrutusMcDogface · 01/04/2017 08:03

Frenchlavender- I've just seen your post, and you said it much better than me!

BrutusMcDogface · 01/04/2017 08:05

Incidentally, I've never had any trouble with Tesco. Substitutions are sensible and price matched, and the drivers are friendly.

pinkblink · 01/04/2017 08:11

Iv had things left off a Tesco delivery before and a manager has popped them over on his way home! Also find they give you bigger/more expensive if they have to substitute

LellyMcKelly · 01/04/2017 08:17

Talk about going off the deep end. Why didn't you just ask them to redeliver?

Evangelinda · 01/04/2017 08:25

I hate Asda with a pure passion - they were the only big supermarket near us before internet shopping and the store was alway horrible. Then Internet shopping and I spent probably over a week trying to sort out the mess from one delivery with them - they basically just didn't care!.

I'm now a total Ocado fan - I cannot praise them enough, and if you stick to their price match items not too expensive. Sainsbury's are also good - reliable, good substitutions, and a really helpful and response customer service which is based, judging by accents, in Ireland. When I've rung, the ladies I've spoken to sound to me like lovely Irish grandmothers who understand how frustrating it was that the shopping was missing and sort it all out in a jiffy and refund the cost of the whole shop - in my head they're sitting around in a cosy kitchen with a big pot of tea and a biscuit tin, knitting between calls and chatting gently about village happenings - what a vivid imagination I have!

But Asda - Angry

StillDrivingMeBonkers · 01/04/2017 08:25

The difference is Op, you're complaining about a couple of items missing from a delivery. The woman in your feed probably wrote a pleasant and articulate letter to ASDA asking for their help to locate an item.

I'm puzzled about deal with all the stares as my son's disability is invisible - what are they looking at? Because a wheel chair is so common place it wouldn't attract attention.

Simple fact of the matter is: you complained, the lady from your ASDA feed asked.

Oh and ASDA will always help, so instead of martyring yourself trying to steer wheelchair with one hand while holding the basket you should have phoned the store and they would have gone the extra mile and redelivered to you - or asked the door greeter for assistance. (and I would guess you'll now say there wasn't one on duty that day).

SarahOoo · 01/04/2017 08:28


Can you not tell I'm being sarcastic


Seriously GET A GRIP. Everyone makes mistakes....ultimately this would have been the mistake of one person working for ASDA.

Just insist they bring the missing items and they will....a whole mumsnet post on this? Eugh.

MamaHanji · 01/04/2017 08:29

Do you expect them to publicly declare they messed up a delivery? This literally has nothing to do with disabilities so I don't even know what you are expecting.

On one hand they have an autistic customer they helped.

On the other hand they have a mother of a disabled child they messed up with and apologised.

Are you genuinely annoyed over their choice of publicity?

zen1 · 01/04/2017 08:33

StillDriving I shop in ASDA every week and have never seen a 'door greeter'. The only person near the doors is security.

somewhereovertherain · 01/04/2017 08:35

YANBU Asda only seen to sell shite you'd hell would have to freeze over for me to shop there.

Porpoiselife · 01/04/2017 08:43

I often have bits missing from my order. Occasionally I gain an item too though. You can put in for a refund online as I guess missing items end up back at the depot usually.

It's annoying though as usually the missing thing is something important so end up having to get to the shop anyway. But I am grateful for a delivery service.

They once couldn't find a replacement for tinned tuna though Confused

CleanGetaway · 01/04/2017 08:57

Often incidents like this are just the last straw. I can understand why you feel the way you do OP.

Dealing Day to day with health issues and disabilities wears you down to a point and tounoften don't realise till something like this tips you over the edge. Then everything is magnified and you feel hard done by to the point of desperation and jealously if someone else similar but different situation pans out better than your own.
I feel that this post was very much a vent and I understand Flowers

Mummyoflittledragon · 01/04/2017 08:58

I'm sorry you've had such a rubbish experience. They sound pretty awful. Can't you ask a neighbour or friend to pick up the missing bits.

FYI I use Tesco. They have always been great and never anything missing (apart from the substitutes obviously, which are always sensible). Last summer, some frozen ice cream lollies arrived defrosted and the driver organised someone else to drop off some replacements. They were there within the hour and they deducted them off the bill so they came for free! If you need to get through to customer services, it takes forever though. I've twice had my card declined due to the bank doing it a a precautionary measure just after holidays. Both times, the local store has called me and I've just paid over the phone with my bank card instead of my credit card. If anything is near use/sell by date and I don't want it, they give it to me for free and sometimes even offer! (I don't abuse this as I know overall prices will go up if I do.). Really, really happy with them.

winewolfhowls · 01/04/2017 09:01

Our Asda is OK for subs, and the delivery guys are lovely despite it being a crappie job in often poor weather here.
Sorry you had shit service though, it probably depends where you live.

Frillyhorseyknickers · 01/04/2017 09:24

I don't know why anyone would shop at Asda anyway?

Their food quality is well below any other supermarket, their customer service is abysmal, they regularly stock meat sourced from the other side of the world which is disgusting when we produce higher welfare meat in this country.

TheProblemOfSusan · 01/04/2017 09:40

Asda is wank and the food is appalling quality. I use Ocado and buy pretty much only Waitrose Essentials stuff - it's probably more than tesco or Asda essentials or values or whatever but it's really good quality. So if you buy a lot of branded stuff you might find it's cheaper to shop at ocado. This wine Waitrose own branded tea area just as good as PG Tips etc and considerably cheaper.

There own brand ocado stuff is a bit poorer though.

pictish · 01/04/2017 09:46

Because it's generally cheaper than Tesco, Sainsbo etc..
It so happens I agree with you...I find ASDA produce notably poorer in quality too. However, sometimes it's not a question of what we prefer but what we can afford. If we're low on pennies we'll use Lidl rather than ASDA...but I have a car. Lidl don't deliver.

theothersideoftheworld · 01/04/2017 09:51

I had this with Tesco. It just didn't turn up one Sunday night. Both my boys were in bed and my husband works abroad so nobody to look after the kids so I could nip to the shop for essentials. I had no milk etc or much for packed lunches the next day. It finally turned up over 24 hours late.

GrumpyOldBag · 01/04/2017 09:55

Switch to Ocado, generally reliable.

pictish · 01/04/2017 10:03

I find Tesco the best for home deliveries.
ASDA - shit food so no thanks
Sainsbo - old/bruised fruit and veg, lots of substitutions...often late

pictish · 01/04/2017 10:05

Never tried Ocado but I find the whole Waitrose status thing preposterous, so don't bother with it. I will occasionally do a shop in Waitrose in person...I wouldn't bother organising a delivery through Ocado. Tesco is fine.

Birdsgottaf1y · 01/04/2017 10:07

Stilldriving, as said, not every Asda has a door greeter. I've struggled around Asda many times, with my Mum in a wheelchair and been treated as an 'in-the-way inconvenience' by Staff.

I took pictures of the disabled changing room being used for storage, week after week, but didn't get any joy. My Mum was losing weight and was on borrowed time, so started to buy cheaper clothes.

""What ASDA does for someone else doesn't have anything to do with missing some of your shopping.""

But disabled people often rely on Home Delivery and don't have disposable income. They could start by sorting out the issues that they've had for years.

I've had to rely on processed foods and use Tesco, because they try to substitute sensibly and take the money after delivery.


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PodgeBod · 01/04/2017 10:14

Op yanbu! I had this on December 23rd with half of my shopping being missing. Meaning I had to sit and entertain alone on Christmas Eve with oh battled the shops. A first world problem maybe but bloody annoying.
They gave me a £10 voucher in compensation however after several emails (they stopped bothering to reply Hmm) they still hadn't refunded the full amount for the stuff that was missing so in reality it was about £4 of an apology. The delivery service is generally awful, there are always substitutions and usually things just missing. I refuse to believe Asda runs out of sliced white bread.

StepAwayFromTheEcclesCakes · 01/04/2017 10:17

going against the grain here but Asda has always been rather good where I am. On the odd occasion something has been missing I either ring (last time they came back with it within 20 mins) or use the online function of asking for a refund, no questions asked they always refund but I do wonder if you use it too much whether they twig and query stuff?

StepAwayFromTheEcclesCakes · 01/04/2017 10:19

oh and last nights delivery brought me two bunches of daffs, I ordered one and what came were really shabby but they hadn't charged me for them.

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