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To never ever use Asda again til Hell freezes over

107 replies

NoMoreParades · 31/03/2017 21:10

Sorry not going to be the most interesting thread, I'm so bloody cross though I need a rant!
Got my Asda grocery shop delivered last week and there was a whole crate of items missing (12 things).
I emailed, explained that I now had to take my disabled child out in his wheelchair in the rain to local supermarket (single parent, non-driver), and deal with all the stares, trying to steer wheelchair with one hand while holding the basket, and the predictable meltdown. Got an apology. Ok, fair enough, very annoyed and inconvenienced but it happens.
Today I see on my fb feed a story about Asda tripping over themselves to find a discontinued coat for an autistic boy. Even getting it all the way from China. Lovely photo opportunity of course, and post got hundreds of 'well done' Asdas.
Call me cynical, but Asda don't give a shit do they? That family/boy was the acceptable face of disability, just a sad enough story to make them heroes but not disabled enough to put normal people off.
AIBU to be fuming??

OP posts:
pictish · 31/03/2017 21:54

On a very basic level, the two incidences don't relate. You are putting two and two together and coming up with twifty.

HotelEuphoria · 31/03/2017 21:57

Shit happens, one 23rd December Asda didn't turn up, they had ballsd up big style, They called me, they came on the 24th, my shopping was FREE (£200 worth for Christmas) they added £150 compensation.

I love Asda, every week I hope they balls up so I get a repeat. Unfortunately despite using them most weeks I find them pretty damn good. Maybe because I live in the city wher Asda was founded? Who knows.

Use Tesco or Morries if you don't like them.

SingingSilver · 31/03/2017 22:23

I know what you mean.

I've also had the "well, sorry..." responses for not delivering food meaning that my autistic DS has a meltdown because he has such a restricted diet. But in my long experience of online grocery shopping, all the major supermarkets do that, and the people you speak to are just the "computer says yes, computer says no" types. Requests like the one for the coat are probably picked up by PR and that's when they go to effort.

JoffreyBaratheon · 31/03/2017 22:42

ASDA started off as a Leeds dairy that systematically put nearly other Leeds dairy out of business with 'ice cream wars' style tactics. My family were intimidated by them for years and held out a long time.

Have never stepped foot in there. Never will. Dodgy as hell even before they were owned by Walmart.

I'm amazed they do deliveries - thought that was the nicer supermarkets (and Iceland).

tabbymog · 31/03/2017 23:07

I'm much more disabled than I look, through injury, OP, and I didn't take offence at your phraseology. I do know what you mean, it's an attitude held by a lot of people and unfortunately, more than a few of we disabled too.

Asda are Walmart and I never shop there, I never have, never will. I've posted some sarcasm about them in another thread. If you read Yanis Varoufakis's The Global Minotaur you'll find him pointing the finger at Walmart in particular for their methods of pushing down wages and spreading poverty around the world. It's not such a heavy read as you might think, but probably not something you can dip into in occasional gaps in parenting, it needs more attention than that. For someone with the time to read it in chunks at a time (I'm retired) it's very enlightening, and damning of Walmart in particular.

Shitonmyshoe · 31/03/2017 23:15

ASDA grocery delivery service is wank and has been for years. Bin them off and use T or M. They have been reliable. Search for reviews. I was bent over by ASDA years ago and I would never trust them again. As an aside, I have a child with ASD but I don't see the connection Confused . I do hope you are both settled now and relaxed.

DratThatCat · 31/03/2017 23:55

I'm a home shopping picker for Asda and I can confirm that yes, as a PP said upthread, training is shit (at my store it is anyway). All they tell you is how to use the handheld computer and that's it, off you go.

On the positive side, I do genuinely care about the customer that I pick for. I try to get the best looking produce with the best dates on, and if something isn't on the shelf I check in the back before substituting.

And if we do have to substitute, we price match with the original item.

OP, sorry you had a rubbish day. A shopping trip sounds like incredibly hard work.

Keepthebloodynoisedown · 01/04/2017 03:06

ASDA delivery is awful. I ordered a couple of bottles of cheap fizzy water last week, that was substituted with still water Hmm

Janey50 · 01/04/2017 04:34

I have used Morrison's for 3 years now for online grocery deliveries and honestly,I cannot fault them. Always on time,polite and cheerful. They have rarely been out of stock of anything but if they are,they let me know the day before delivery. Any substitutes have been fine,nothing ridiculous,costing twice as much,like I've had with Tesco. And they phone me when they are 10 minutes away with my delivery,then again when they are outside.

timeforabrewnow · 01/04/2017 05:25

First world problems ain't it?

I get an Asda delivery every single week, and for me its a Godsend and brilliant service. They do occasionally make mistakes, but rectify as best they can.

Missing 12 items is pretty bad OP - but I think you were unlucky there, and it doesn't mean it will happen every time.

FrenchLavender · 01/04/2017 05:35

Got an apology. Ok, fair enough, very annoyed and inconvenienced but it happens.

But why didn't you insist that they came back with the missing goods? Forgetting one thing is a mistake that can be apologised for, forgetting a whole crate of 12 items means it's probably still sitting at the depot or on the wrong van or something. You should have asked them to bring it at the earliest possible opportunity. After all, from what you've said it's not like it would have been awkward to find a time to catch you at home.

Was there no way you could have managed without those items until the following day or were you laying it on a bit thick about having to take your son out to the shops?

At the very least they should have refunded your delivery cost.

User24689 · 01/04/2017 05:50

I don't really understand how you think Asda are "cherry picking" the disabilities they want to be seen to help - did they know your son was disabled when you placed the order?

Minesril · 01/04/2017 05:56

That sounds really annoying. I wonder how many of the staring people in the supermarket were thinking "why doesn't she shop online!"

Seriously though use Morrisons. Sensible substitutions if any. And they usually turn up early so we pay for a 9-10 slot and get delivery at 8!

mycatloveslego · 01/04/2017 05:59

I've shopped online with all the major supermarkets, and ADSA are by far the worst. Rude unhelpful delivery drivers, often late, always something missing and ridiculous substitutions.
Tesco are moderately better, but again weird substitutions. The best two are Ocado and Sainsbury's in my area, and I can always get free delivery with them.

ThePurpleOneWithTheNut · 01/04/2017 06:54

Asda online grocery shopping is just awful. I used it once, never again. The site is slow and unresponsive. It took me aaages then right at the end it froze just as I was paying and I spent an hour onto their customer service trying to establish whether I'd actually paid at all and if the shopping would be delivered or worse whether it had taken the money twice. It was agonising and I won't use it again.

OP I don't blame you at all for being annoyed and upset. However I doubt like lots of big companies, whether the dept that deals with their public face and charity stuff is anything much to do with the other dept that cocks up does the online shopping. Juxtaposed with your own recent experience though, it's exactly the kind of thing that would make me gnash my teeth.

Justanothernameonthepage · 01/04/2017 07:00

Try another service. Both Ocado and Waitrose aren't as expensive as they are perceived (if you avoid branded stuff). And their customer service is a lot better. Even Iceland have better customer service than ASDA (and better human rights)

ImsorryTommy · 01/04/2017 07:06

What ASDA does for someone else doesn't have anything to do with missing some of your shopping.

Allofaflumble · 01/04/2017 07:07

I used Asda a few times many years ago. Every time there was something missing. They did refund me, but the third time an entire bag of stuff was missing and they ignored my emails, didn't call back etc. I expect they thought I was trying it on?!

Never used them since. Rubbish.

FrenchLavender · 01/04/2017 07:13

I must be honest I do really dislike the way children with disabilities are wheeled out (sometimes literally) to provide a nice touchy feely PR story and since the Tommee Tippee cup story about the boy with autism this coat from China thing sounds suspiciously like some contrived band wagon jumping if you ask me. I wouldn't be surprised if autism charities are only too glad to get on board to help large companies contrive a story like this because a day in the media without a mention of autism would appear to be a day wasted for them. Everyone and his dog is falling over themselves to show how in touch with autism they are at the moment and I am becoming quite cynical about it.

DratThatCat · 01/04/2017 07:13

Keep I don't get what is so Hmm about substituting fizzy water with still water? If there is no fizzy water what would you have liked them to pick? There is always the option to choose no subs.

IndianWinter · 01/04/2017 07:15


OP Thanks.

You are having rant that's fair enough, I think i know where you are coming from and what you trying to say. Agreed it's PR stunts for Asda unless their go out of their way for every disabled customer. Is Morissons delivering in your area? They are great, friendly and professional. Excellent food at good prices. Very friendly delivery drivers. Try them. Good luck with everything.

Increasinglymiddleaged · 01/04/2017 07:23

Keep I don't get what is so hmm about substituting fizzy water with still water? If there is no fizzy water what would you have liked them to pick? There is always the option to choose no subs.

Well still water can be accessed via the tap, someone orders sparkling because they want sparkling. I do agree through that you can choose no subs/ say no to particular items so really it's a non issue (unless someone else takes the delivery and accepts any shit. Yes, I'm looking at you DH)

I think that if they forget a crate they should fulfil what they were required to do and deliver it, if that is what the customer wants so yanbu op. But that tbh should be for everyone, regardless of disabilities.

I am very very Hmm about the suggestion that no one discriminates against/ stares at/ won't sit next to those with visible disabilities, however. You may not personally but it's like saying 'racism is imagined because I'm not racist'


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Blinkyblink · 01/04/2017 07:40

Perspective OP, perspective.

BrutusMcDogface · 01/04/2017 07:58

I hear nothing but terrible reviews about Asda deliveries, from mn and my friends on fb.

I totally get the point in the op. Asda get a pat on the back for helping an autistic boy find his coat; autism is a known and recognised condition and this is the latest in a long line of public appeals for a child with autism (remember that sippy cup one?)

I do think they should have come back with your 12 items, op. It's not like it was just one little thing that you could have muddled by without.

Have you made this public on asda's fb page or twitter or something?


SuperRainbows · 01/04/2017 08:01

Asda delivery arrived last night. Didn't realise till man left that all fridge and freezer stuff was missing.

Immediately rang customer service(based in South Africa, I think) and message said unusual level of calls, longer than expected wait, so I gave up.

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