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AIBU? be impressed by Victoria Coren- Mitchell's norks?

115 replies

ooohsopink · 17/02/2017 22:24

They are truly magnificent.

OP posts:
DioneTheDiabolist · 18/02/2017 00:27

OMG, VCM has been my fantasy host of a dinner party for years. This thread only makes me want that invite even more.

YippieKayakOtherBuckets · 18/02/2017 00:30

I love her but I wish she'd chop six inches off her hair.

Bahh · 18/02/2017 00:31

Monty I don't know what that means Blush

SissySpacekAteMyHamster · 18/02/2017 00:33

Err not quite getting this thread. Seriously?

Megatherium · 18/02/2017 00:34

Hey! Who needs the patriarchy or sexist men, when we have Mumsnet women to do their job?
Imagine the fuss over a male equivalent forum thread,dedicated to loving a female media presenter' "Norks". (Or breasts,as grown ups refer to them normally).

I've seen precisely this discussion on other forums with more male participants, and no-one gave a stuff. Because we're all grown-ups and can accept appreciation of another person without getting all wound up about it.

GwenStaceyRocks · 18/02/2017 00:39

Surely the male equivalent would be a male forum complimenting Giles on his pecs and his column? Wink

Bahh · 18/02/2017 00:41

Teehee. His 'column'.

DioneTheDiabolist · 18/02/2017 00:49

at GC's column.Blush

GwenStaceyRocks · 18/02/2017 00:57
DioneTheDiabolist · 18/02/2017 01:12

And so you should Gwen.ThanksWine

Gwenhwyfar · 18/02/2017 01:29

I do find her a bit smug and also find the norks a bit of distraction.

ElvishArchdruid · 18/02/2017 01:34

I mostly hear her on the radio so I don't get to see her. I think she would be less than impressed to hear you evaluating her breasts, as I get the impression she's a pretty hardcore feminist.

Saying that I solely watched strictly before one of the dancers is rather well endowed. There's an element of disappointment if they cover his trouser bulge. Grin

Gwenhwyfar · 18/02/2017 01:38

"She's perfectly normal middle class from Cricklewood, so there's no reason to dislike her for being a 'toff'."

Tatiana - not ordinary at all:

"Victoria Elizabeth Coren (...) daughter of the humorist and journalist Alan Coren (...) Her brother is the journalist Giles Coren.[4] She attended girls' independent schools between the ages of five and 18[5] and read English at St John's College, Oxford,[6] graduating with a first-class degree."

Daughter, sister and wife of a famous person, one of the small percentage of people who attended a private school from a very young age and then Oxford. Not your average Jane Bloggs.

SteamTrainsRealAleandOpenFires · 18/02/2017 01:49

VCM is also a poker player.

Can Lucy Worsely come too? Lucy looks great dressed as a "Regency Young Buck Gentleman", the clothes really suit her.

DioneTheDiabolist · 18/02/2017 01:50

Are feminists not allowed to have thoughts about their own or other women's breasts?Shock Are we supposed to pretend they don't exist?

DioneTheDiabolist · 18/02/2017 01:50

Is that because men don't have them?

Gwenhwyfar · 18/02/2017 01:55

"Are feminists not allowed to have thoughts about their own or other women's breasts?shock Are we supposed to pretend they don't exist?"

Quite. I'm a feminist, not blind.

Toadinthehole · 18/02/2017 07:46

Never mind that. What about her arse?

ohgoshIdontknow · 18/02/2017 07:54

I think she's awful. Remember that affair she had with a married man?

I'll never forget the wife describing her as looking like an Eccles cake that had sat in a shop window too long.

fruityb · 18/02/2017 07:57

I would happily have a bounce around on Victoria. She is amazing.

Fighterofthenightman · 18/02/2017 07:59

Lucy Worsely has the hair of a five year old.

SomewhereNow · 18/02/2017 08:01

Can't say I've noticed them will look next time I see her on TV but I do think she's fab along with Sue Perkins and Claudia - love seeing intelligent, attractive (but not conventionally) women doing well and wish there were more in the public eye.


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AyeAmarok · 18/02/2017 08:02

I love her! I have never noticed her norks as I mostly listen to her on the radio, apart from HIGNFY. She's so dry, which is right up my street.

I am off to Google her norks.

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 18/02/2017 08:05

Alan Coren was wonderful and I still miss him on The News Quiz. Best contestant they ever had. He was a very successful journalist and broadcaster, but he rose from humble origins. His dad was a plumber and his mum was a hairdresser. So VCM doesn't come from a posh background for generations back.

I have little time for Giles Coren but I do like Victoria. I was delighted when she got together with David Mitchell. I hope they're very happy together. Their daughter is called Barbara. Grin

Cooroo · 18/02/2017 08:06

I love her. Only Connect is the only thing I watch on live TV. I had my doubts about Giles but met him briefly once and he was very sweet. His wife Esther Walker does (did?) a very funny and honest cooking blog that I used to follow.

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