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AIBU? be impressed by Victoria Coren- Mitchell's norks?

115 replies

ooohsopink · 17/02/2017 22:24

They are truly magnificent.

OP posts:
SomewhereNow · 18/02/2017 09:34

I suppose by not conventionally pretty I meant she's not made up to the eyeballs and doesn't go for the fake/plastic look that many celebrities adopt these days. Also she may be blonde and booby but she's not stunning, however her looks combined with her personality make her very attractive imo.

PetalMettle · 18/02/2017 09:34

TBf to her if a married man is knocking around with a single younger girl he should take the bulk of the blame not her

Laiste · 18/02/2017 09:32

I've got the same figure as her and i hate it. Big titted blonde. It's all anyone sees.

user1471545174 · 18/02/2017 09:28

I didn't know VCM was the Trollop!

As PP have said - have giant norks anyway and only envy little ones.

PetalMettle · 18/02/2017 09:22

Not conventionally pretty? She's a big titted blonde, it's hardly Janet street porter being a sex symbol

oneohfivethreeeight · 18/02/2017 09:15

I like her - but I liked her dad better!

Agreed Auld but he was a comic genius!

SerendipityJane · 18/02/2017 09:15

Surprised no one has mentioned Suzannah Lipscomb (who I vaguely recall is mates with Lucy Worsley).

(goes dreamy)

DesolateWaist · 18/02/2017 08:49

It's worth having a listen to her interview on Richard Herring's Leicester Square Theatre Podcast.
She talks about gambling and writing porn!!

LemonRedwood · 18/02/2017 08:39

Being married to a pernickity writer (and also being an enthusiastic reader I guess), I understand GC's frustration with his sub-editors and think he had a point in that letter. Probably could have had a quiet word rather than a letter published in the guardian, but hey ho!

ElspethFlashman · 18/02/2017 08:36

Oh god, and he finds it necessary to not only have 9 hours sleep a night, but also have a nap at lunchtime and if they're heading out to dinner he needs a nap in the evening before they go.

They have two small children! I'd kill him.

ForalltheSaints · 18/02/2017 08:27

I seldom have any view on a marriage between two well known people, but felt really happy for her and David Mitchell when they married. I do find her sense of humour with Only Connect refreshing, as people on quiz shows can be a bit stuffy and po-faced.

ElspethFlashman · 18/02/2017 08:26

I just googled Giles and found this article from his wife:

When we met seven years ago, Giles was a bit wild: he drank too much, drove like a lunatic and often lost his temper.

But we could work on that. In my mind’s eye I saw myself doing up Giles and his house at the same time.


Cel982 · 18/02/2017 08:24

I think she's clever, but my God, the 'jokes' on Only Connect are incredibly cringeworthy. Like Elspeth I have to fast-forward through the opening segment. They're so bad I'm assuming she doesn't write them herself, but then I wonder why she puts up with such terrible material...

Musicinthe00ssucks · 18/02/2017 08:21

HeyRoly I also loathe her and her brother. I have never liked him after that highly in appropriate article he wrote in the Times about taking his daughter to Antigua

derxa · 18/02/2017 08:20

Lucy Worsely has the hair of a five year old. Grin You're right.

Cooroo · 18/02/2017 08:06

I love her. Only Connect is the only thing I watch on live TV. I had my doubts about Giles but met him briefly once and he was very sweet. His wife Esther Walker does (did?) a very funny and honest cooking blog that I used to follow.

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 18/02/2017 08:05

Alan Coren was wonderful and I still miss him on The News Quiz. Best contestant they ever had. He was a very successful journalist and broadcaster, but he rose from humble origins. His dad was a plumber and his mum was a hairdresser. So VCM doesn't come from a posh background for generations back.

I have little time for Giles Coren but I do like Victoria. I was delighted when she got together with David Mitchell. I hope they're very happy together. Their daughter is called Barbara. Grin

AyeAmarok · 18/02/2017 08:02

I love her! I have never noticed her norks as I mostly listen to her on the radio, apart from HIGNFY. She's so dry, which is right up my street.

I am off to Google her norks.

SomewhereNow · 18/02/2017 08:01

Can't say I've noticed them will look next time I see her on TV but I do think she's fab along with Sue Perkins and Claudia - love seeing intelligent, attractive (but not conventionally) women doing well and wish there were more in the public eye.

Fighterofthenightman · 18/02/2017 07:59

Lucy Worsely has the hair of a five year old.

fruityb · 18/02/2017 07:57

I would happily have a bounce around on Victoria. She is amazing.

ohgoshIdontknow · 18/02/2017 07:54

I think she's awful. Remember that affair she had with a married man?

I'll never forget the wife describing her as looking like an Eccles cake that had sat in a shop window too long.


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Toadinthehole · 18/02/2017 07:46

Never mind that. What about her arse?

Gwenhwyfar · 18/02/2017 01:55

"Are feminists not allowed to have thoughts about their own or other women's breasts?shock Are we supposed to pretend they don't exist?"

Quite. I'm a feminist, not blind.

DioneTheDiabolist · 18/02/2017 01:50

Is that because men don't have them?

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