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AIBU? be impressed by Victoria Coren- Mitchell's norks?

115 replies

ooohsopink · 17/02/2017 22:24

They are truly magnificent.

OP posts:
SilentlyScreamingAgain · 17/02/2017 23:21

She's very funny, it's such a shame about the victim blaming of a child sexual abuse victim.

Laquila · 17/02/2017 23:22

I have no opinion on her boobs but I think she's very unfunny. As a pp says, I do wish I liked her. I really really loathe her brother though.

whitehandledkitchenknife · 17/02/2017 23:24

We can have girl crushes Worra whilst simultaneously acknowledging VC's bountiful brain too.Grin
I think she's all round fab.u.lous.

LarkDescending · 17/02/2017 23:27

She's fab! I actually went to her Cricklewood house a few times when we went to collect my sister (they were prep school friends). She had a lovely bedroom with the most impressively shaggy shag pile carpet I ever beheld. Isn't Victoria a MNer now?

Maryhadalittlelambstew · 17/02/2017 23:29

I'm lucky enough to be at functions with her a few times a year and both she and her norks are magnificent. I sort of know what other PP's have meant about her coming across as quite smug on tv but she is actually a very lovely and down to earth person who kindly let me have the last glass in a bottle of wine :) x

Bahh · 17/02/2017 23:31

Tatiana where you're from isnt the only factor in what class you are imo. Attitudes, intellect, wealth, work ethic, likes/dislikes etc all go towards it I think. Other people have said she seems smug, that's probably what I'm interpreting to be upper middle class toffery. I don't know the woman though sooooo can only go by what I've seen on TV.

rollonthesummer no way! That must be amazing, I'd pay to attend Grin

laquila nooo why do you hate lovely Giles?!

Laquila · 17/02/2017 23:41

Ooh Bahh don't get me started!!

There was a series of episodes a few years back where he was spectacularly twattish to some subeditors working on his column. Also he was very patronising to me a few years back when I emailed him suggesting a restaurant for him to review! And I find his columns really pretentious. Sorry!

LucilleBluth · 17/02/2017 23:45

Brother seems to be a smug twat, husband seems to be a bit drippy (although I love Mark Corrigan) but she is magnificent....I love her....giant sense of humour and giant tits included.

PageStillNotFound404 · 17/02/2017 23:52

I have three current girl crushes: Victoria C-M, Sue Perkins and Dr Janina Ramirez. I want to be their bezza mate and go out for tapas and muchos vino with them all.

BreconBeBuggered · 17/02/2017 23:55

DH is looking at her legs, for balance. (I have all the tits he needs.) I think she's fab, and would happily shag her brother. He seems a very greedy boy, and I do like a bit of enthusiasm.

Louisianna16 · 17/02/2017 23:56

Hey! Who needs the patriarchy or sexist men, when we have Mumsnet women to do their job?
Imagine the fuss over a male equivalent forum thread,dedicated to loving a female media presenter' "Norks". (Or breasts,as grown ups refer to them normally).

BreconBeBuggered · 17/02/2017 23:57

I would happily shag her brother. I'm sure that's not on Victoria's mind

Toypotpony · 17/02/2017 23:58

I want to like her but seeing as I want to steal her husband I can't quite bring myself to do it Grin

KingscoteStaff · 18/02/2017 00:00

In the past, DD has been under orders to grow up to be CJ Cregg, but I have now given her permission to turn into VCM as well.

whitehandledkitchenknife · 18/02/2017 00:03

Celia Imries' boobies are pretty fine too.
quietly stirs the shit pot

Bahh · 18/02/2017 00:03

laquila if you don't mind I'm going to pretend I didn't read that and continue to think of him as a lovely, clever, cultured, sophisticated boy with impeccable manners -sticks fingers in ears and sings lalalalala-

Louisianna I did pick up on that also.

DesolateWaist · 18/02/2017 00:04

Can I come with you Page? Can Lucy Worsely come too?

I love her but can honestly say I've never noticed her boobs!
How can you not notice them. They have their own post code.

PageStillNotFound404 · 18/02/2017 00:06

DesolateWaist you can come so long as Lucy promises not to dress up in a Georgian dress and bonnet. She'll make the rest of us look underdressed.

Bahh · 18/02/2017 00:07

Yes Desolate!!! I want to be Lucy Worsley she is a fabulous font of history knowledge with an adorable lisp!

HeyRoly · 18/02/2017 00:10

Giles Coren being a dick to his sub editors.

It never gets old Grin

MontyPythonsFlyingFuck · 18/02/2017 00:16

Lucy Worsley has a rhotic R, rather than a lisp.

ActuallyThatsSUPREMECommander · 18/02/2017 00:20

VCM's best mate is Claudia Winkleman. Now that is an evening down the wine bar I want to gate crash, because I love them both - I have met VCM briefly and can confirm that she was very cool and funny.


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PageStillNotFound404 · 18/02/2017 00:22

I love Claud too SUPREME, this evening out is getting better by the minute.

liz70 · 18/02/2017 00:22

No, sorry, couldn't girl crush anyone blonde. They just don't do it for me. Now, Josie Lawrence and Sophie Ellis Bextor, I could almost be persuaded over to the other side for. But you can keep VCM, OP. Smile

Guavaf1sh · 18/02/2017 00:26


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