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Business meeting in Waitrose cafe

250 replies

whoneedswings · 01/02/2017 11:28

I'm currently sat in Waitrose cafe enjoying my free coffee with my 6 month old (I find it useful to feed him here whilst we're out shopping.) It's very busy so I've plonked myself on a chair on the edge of someone's table. Done this many times, just finding a bit awkward today as these people are discussing private financial matters and conducting some sort of meeting. They don't even have any coffee or food (so I'm not rushing them) just feel maybe it's a bit U to be continuing their business in a very small busy cafe. Or is it me?

OP posts:
phoenix1973 · 01/02/2017 11:29

Who was there first?

wickerlampshade · 01/02/2017 11:30

It's very busy so I've plonked myself on a chair on the edge of someone's table.

really? that's quite rude.

NavyandWhite · 01/02/2017 11:31

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user892 · 01/02/2017 11:32

It's not rude Wicker - if there are no spare tables where is OP and her baby meant to sit exactly?!

NavyandWhite · 01/02/2017 11:33

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TheBogQueen · 01/02/2017 11:33

Well it's up
Them. If they want privacy they should dit on a park bench. Like Mi5

user892 · 01/02/2017 11:33

YANBU, but they may have finished their drinks.

EvansOvalPies · 01/02/2017 11:35

I think it is rude to conduct a business meeting in a café, discussing someone's private financial matters within earshot of other unconnected members of the public. If I found that my Financial Advisor or Bank Manager had been discussing my private financial matters in a public café for all and sundry to hear, I'd be pretty furious.

QueenMortificado · 01/02/2017 11:35

I'd like to read it the other way around

"AIBU - went to a coffee meeting with some colleagues at Waitrose. Purchased food and drink, consumed and then we ended up discussing some other matters.
A woman with a large pushchair then pulled up to our table and sat herself down, she hadn't even bought the coffee but was just having a free one! And taking up double the space as she had her buggy too."


EvansOvalPies · 01/02/2017 11:36

This is what offices are for. You know, the actual office where they work?

Katy07 · 01/02/2017 11:36

I think it's rude. Yes they shouldn't be sat there without food or drinks (i.e. not customers) but even so, sitting at someone else's table is not on. If there isn't a space anywhere else then you don't get to sit down. Or you ask if it's okay to sit there. You don't just plonk yourself down.

LizzieMacQueen · 01/02/2017 11:36

Feeding your son? As in messy high chair feeding or BF?

I know it's not what you asked but if you're using the cafe to messily feed your son whilst drinking the free coffee they're proably writing their own AIBU about you!

NavyandWhite · 01/02/2017 11:36

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whoneedswings · 01/02/2017 11:38

Well it was either I sat here or I returned my coffee and left. So was I rude to stay once I'd got my coffee? I was just wondering what the cut off point was, they obviously must of had coffees which they have now finished and been cleared away, so I'm guessing they've been here quite a while. I just don't feel very relaxed, sitting with people just having a normal conversation doesn't feel as awkward somehow

OP posts:
TheHodgeoftheHedge · 01/02/2017 11:38

Sheesh, I didn't realise we all needed to police our conversations and reasons for being in a cafe now just in case they aren't interesting enough for someone else listening in on them.

NavyandWhite · 01/02/2017 11:38

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TheHodgeoftheHedge · 01/02/2017 11:39

It was awkward for you after you joined them? Seriously?

NavyandWhite · 01/02/2017 11:39

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TheBogQueen · 01/02/2017 11:40

How is it rude? Hmm

They've vhosen to
Have a meeting in a cafe. Perhaps they are discussing their own financial matters and don't care who hears. Why is that rude?
Lots of people work from home, flexibly, and meet other home workers in cafes. Get used to it - more and more of us will be working like this in the future.

whoneedswings · 01/02/2017 11:41

BF, no pushchair, and yes I bought food because you have to to have the free coffee. I did ask their permission before I sat down. So I'm not allowed to enjoy the cafe and use a free seat because they're having a protracted business meeting? Obviously some of you agree with me, some don't. Cest le vie Grin

OP posts:
whoneedswings · 01/02/2017 11:42

Yeah I'm not sure what I think as it's a public cafe that's why I was asking the question!

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NavyandWhite · 01/02/2017 11:42

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whoneedswings · 01/02/2017 11:43

I guess the point is more that the cafe is busy and they're taking away seats from other customers? But maybe not?

OP posts:
WhoKn0wsWhereTheTimeG0es · 01/02/2017 11:44

Did you ask if they minded you sitting there? If someone plonked themselves at my table without asking then I would consider that to be rude.

NavyandWhite · 01/02/2017 11:44

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