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Business meeting in Waitrose cafe

250 replies

whoneedswings · 01/02/2017 11:28

I'm currently sat in Waitrose cafe enjoying my free coffee with my 6 month old (I find it useful to feed him here whilst we're out shopping.) It's very busy so I've plonked myself on a chair on the edge of someone's table. Done this many times, just finding a bit awkward today as these people are discussing private financial matters and conducting some sort of meeting. They don't even have any coffee or food (so I'm not rushing them) just feel maybe it's a bit U to be continuing their business in a very small busy cafe. Or is it me?

OP posts:
EvansOvalPies · 01/02/2017 11:45

Evans sometimes people have to travel to conduct a meeting

Thanks for the clarification, Navy - I never thought of that! Oh, hang on a minute, I had thought of that - I've had to travel very long distances for business meetings, yet never found the need to conduct a single one of them in a public café. They are usually conducted either in a hired hotel room, reserved specifically for the purpose of meetings, or in the offices of the place I've visited. What a phenomenon!

DameXanaduBramble · 01/02/2017 11:46

As far I know it's a free country, (For now) so let's see, they are chatting and you're on the edge of their table. I don't understand some people.

Sweets101 · 01/02/2017 11:46

Why are you bothered about what they're discussing? It's neither illegal or offensive, just mind your own business

WhoKn0wsWhereTheTimeG0es · 01/02/2017 11:46

x-posted. Well, if they didn't mind it can't have been that private. I think business meetings in cafes etc are pretty normal nowadays as more and more people work from home. If they didn't buy drinks the staff should ask them to leave but if they has already finished them it's not unreasonable to linger a bit.

foodtime · 01/02/2017 11:49

You sounds very entitled OP.

Personally if a cafe was busy I would go else where. I would hate to put someone out by asking to join them. It puts them in such an awkward position, they can't say no to a women with a baby.
Extra cheeky to ask when you have a free drink.

And Also yes people who work have meetings. Sometimes these can take place in different places. Hmm

MadHattersWineParty · 01/02/2017 11:51

I really can't understand why you're concerned about what they're talking about Confused

I suspect your real AIBU is the fact that you'd prefer to have the table to yourself and think you're more entitied to it since they've finished their food/drink and you have a baby...

Mitzimaybe · 01/02/2017 11:51

Only on Mumsnet!

CaraAspen · 01/02/2017 11:51


It's very busy so I've plonked myself on a chair on the edge of someone's table.

really? that's quite rude."

What? It is perfectly acceptable to sit at someone's table if the cafe is busy. If these characters are sitting there when they are not eating or drinking, then they are taking up a space. Presumably the staff have cleared away their stuff. And yet they still sit there. Gits.

NavyandWhite · 01/02/2017 11:52

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Euripidesralph · 01/02/2017 11:52

This is a bit of both , I and my colleagues often have to meet at in between points between services or on the road because we get sent all over the country and drive a serious amount (for example currently sat in a lay by after driving eleven hours in the last twenty and need a sleep to stay safe) so sometimes it's easier to meet in an in between cafe or services

Of course there are some topics that shouldn't be discussed in public like hr related issues but if I'm discussing contracts and care hours it's public record no reason for confidentiality

If someone did he judgey crap over that because I'd finished my coffee and wasn't leaving quick enough I'd outright laugh at them (and when I'm not at work I'm also a mother with a baby and a young child so have been where you are )

Basically I'm afraid unless hey are discussing something inappropriate like dismissing someone keep your nose out and focus on what you're doing or find afraid not her seat you're not owed a place to relax anymore than they are

MackerelOfFact · 01/02/2017 11:53

I don't quite think being the recipient of a free coffee qualifies you as a 'customer' of the cafe either, TBH!

I've had meetings and even a job interview in a cafe. It can be a nice neutral ground for people from various places to meet up informally and/or at short notice. Waitrose cafe might not be my first choice, but it depends what else is around.

KellyBoo800 · 01/02/2017 11:53

I don't think anyone was being unreasonable here - you asked to sit there, they said yes, and they continued their conversation. If they didn't feel comfortable continuing their conversation they would have stopped, so it clearly didn't bother them - I'm not sure you can argue that you sat at someone else's table and were bothered by their conversation.

And by then suggesting that actually what bothered you was that they were taking up space that others could have used; the majority of people in a cafe or restaurant will go in, buy something, consume something, and then hang around a bit (perhaps then ordering more after a while). Not many will leave the second they finish their drinks!

CaraAspen · 01/02/2017 11:54

You see it all the time. Staff try to hint by clearing the table, and then wiping it a bit later, and still the rude prats sit there. The entitlement and the sheer unpleasantness of such people is breathtaking.

TheSmurfsAreHere · 01/02/2017 11:54

I've had work meeting in a coffe like this.
Usually because we were all self employed, working form home and that was the easiest and best place to meet up.
I've also had meetings like this with colleagues where you end up talking about work.

I'm afraid that's quitea normal thing to do.

As for them not having a cup in front of them, I think it's up to the managers to decide if they should be moving on or not to leave more space for other customers to sit down and a coffe in peace.
If said managers are happy with them staying that long, even with the higher number of people there, then I'm not sure why you would grumble?

mickeyjohn · 01/02/2017 11:54

Wtf???? You want people to change their conversation when you sit at their table? When did you get the right to dictate what people in a cafe chat about? Madness.

LouKout · 01/02/2017 11:54

How dare you have a mild.moan about something a bit annoying in a cafe. Shame on you OP. You utter heinous hell demon.

NavyandWhite · 01/02/2017 11:55

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viques · 01/02/2017 11:56

So it's ok for you to use a cafe as a convenient place to feed your child, but other people can't use the same cafe as a convenient place to have a meeting. Wow. Having a meeting is not exactly an anti social activity like juggling with squirrels is it. and unless you actually know the person they are discussing then why should their talk bother you.

witsender · 01/02/2017 11:59

There have been some amazingly long thread about whether it is reasonable to share tables in cafes, those saying it is rude to do so obviously haven't read them! 😂

mambono5 · 01/02/2017 11:59

It would never occur to me to sit at a stranger's table when there's no space!
I thought in this country, you find a table, then go and order your drinks, don't you? Either you wait until there is a free table, or you go somewhere else.

Nothing wrong with having an informal meeting in a cafe, it's very common. Walk into any coffee shop or pub in the city and half the conversations are business matters. You have something to discuss with someone, you go for a coffee at the same time, what's wrong with that? I would avoid very confidential items to be fair.

QueenMortificado · 01/02/2017 12:00

People sit at tables in a cafe after they've finished their drinks! Hardly gits Confused

Not "people" Navy, they're "characters" Wink

DontTouchTheMoustache · 01/02/2017 12:01

I was once in Costa with a friend and the table next to use 2 men in suits were having what looked like a very serious and intense business meeting with a laptop looking over graphs etc. As they were leaving I noticed one of them was wearing batman socks and I don't know why but I found that incredibly charming and was looking at him with a big, goofy grin when he saw me. Suspect he will rethink where he holds his business meetings in future so as to avoid the local nutter.


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YouHadMeAtCake · 01/02/2017 12:01

YABU. Rude to just " plonk" yourself on their table without asking. But then you know that.

LouKout · 01/02/2017 12:02

Wow. Just wow. You are so entitled Wink i feel sorry for your child. Grin

NavyandWhite · 01/02/2017 12:03

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